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Any morbid phenomenon or departure from the normal in function, appearance or sensation, experienced by a patient (symptom) or examiner (sign) & indicative of disease.
- 1/3 to 1/2 of physical symptoms are idiopathic[2]
- predictors of comorbid depression & anxiety
- number of physical symptoms
- 3 or more unexplained symptoms
- 2 or more pain symptoms
Attributes of a symptom:
- location, including radiation
- quality
- quantity or severity
- timing
- when did/does it start?
- how long has it last?
- how often does it occur?
- setting in which it occurs
- environmental factors
- personal activities
- emotional reactions
- other contributing circumstances
- exacerbating or alleviating factors
- associated manifestations
- 75% of patients report improvement within 1 month[2]
- also see specific etiology
More general terms
More specific terms
- 2nd & 3rd metacarpophalangeal (MCP) arthropathy
- abdominal distension
- abdominal pain
- abnormal cardiovascular sound
- abnormal chest sound
- abnormal posture
- abnormal respiration
- abulia
- acanthocytosis
- acantholysis
- acanthosis
- accessory muscle use
- achlorhydria
- achylia
- acidosis
- aciduria
- acne
- acrobrachycephaly
- acropachy
- acute respiratory failure
- adhesion
- Adson's sign (test)
- aerophagia
- aggression
- agitation
- agnosia
- agonal gasp
- agraphesthesia
- airway obstruction
- akathisia
- albinism; leucopathy
- alexithymia
- alkalosis
- alloantibody
- allodynia
- alopecia (hair loss, balding)
- amblyopia
- amenorrhea (oligomenorrhea)
- amnesia
- anaphylactoid reaction
- Anderson triad
- angina
- anhedonia
- aniseikonia
- anisocoria
- anisometropia
- anisospondyly
- ankylosis
- anodontia
- anomaly
- anomia
- anorexia
- anosmia
- anxiety
- apathy (indifference)
- aphonia
- apnea
- apprehension
- apraxia
- arachnodactyly; achromachia (spider fingers)
- areflexia
- Argyl-Robertson pupil
- argyria
- arousal symptom
- Asboe-Hansen sign
- ascites
- astereognosis
- asterixis (liver flap)
- asthenopia (eye strain)
- astigmatism
- asymmetric brachial blood pressure
- asymmetric sign/symptom
- ataxia; dyssynergia
- atelectasis
- atrial enlargement
- atrichia; atrichosis
- atrophic scarring
- atrophy
- ausculatory gap
- Auspitz sign
- autoantibody
- automatism
- autosplenectomy
- avolition
- azoospermia
- azotemia
- B-symptoms
- bacteremia
- bacteriuria
- balance disorder
- ballooning
- bartholinitis
- Battle sign
- Beck's triad
- bedridden
- belching (eructation)
- Bell's palsy; cranial nerve 7 palsy; facial nerve palsy
- Bergman's triad
- Biett sign
- bilirubinuria
- biliuria; choluria
- black curtain that progresses across the visual field
- black tongue
- bleeding gums; gingival bleeding
- blepharophimosis
- blepharoptosis; ptosis; lid lag
- blue nails
- blue sclera
- Blumer's shelf
- body odor; osmidrosis; bromhidrosis
- borborygmus (stomach rumble)
- Boutonniere deformity
- bowel sounds
- brachycephaly
- brachydactyly (microdactyly)
- bradypnea
- Brockenbrough's sign
- bronchoconstriction
- bronchophony
- bronchorrhea
- bronchospasm
- bruxism
- buckling or giving way of the knee
- Burton's line
- calciphylaxis; uremic calcific arteriopathy/arteriolopathy
- camptodactyly
- caput medusae
- carcinoid triad
- cardiac arrhythmia
- cardiomegaly
- Carnett's sign
- carotenemia
- carotenodermia
- cartilage fibrillation
- catalepsy
- cataracts
- catatonia
- cellulitis
- cerebellar signs
- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage
- ceruloderma
- cervical motion tenderness (CMT) or chandelier sign
- Chadwick sign
- chagoma
- Charcot's triad for ascending cholangitis
- Charcot's triad for multiple sclerosis
- cheilitis
- cheiropathy
- chest tightness
- chills/rigors
- cholestasis
- chondrocalcinosis
- chromaturia
- Chvostek's sign
- chyluria
- cinchonism
- circumlocution
- claudication
- clinocephaly (saddle head)
- clinodactyly
- clubbed fingers/toes; clubbing (Hippocratic fingers)
- Clutton's joints
- Codman triangle
- cognitive impairment
- coin lesion
- cold intolerance
- collapsed lung
- compulsion
- confabulation
- congestion
- constipation; dyschezia
- coprolalia (coprophrasia)
- corneal arcus (arcus corneae)
- Corrigan's pulse
- costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness
- cough
- Courvoisier's sign
- cramp
- crepitus (crepitation)
- crystalluria
- Cullen's sign
- Cushing's triad
- cutis laxa; elastolysis; loose skin; pachydermatocele
- cyanosis
- cycloplegia
- Danny's triad
- Darier's sign
- dark urine
- dawn phenomenon
- day blindness (hemeralopia, hemeranopia)
- de Musset's sign
- decerebrate posturing
- deconditioning
- decorticate posturing
- decreased bladder compliance
- decreased intracranial pressure; intracranial hypotension
- demyelination
- depression
- dermatographism
- desaturation of hemoglobin
- desmoplasia
- diabetic dermopathy
- diabetic foot
- diarrhea
- difficulty urinating
- difficulty walking
- diplacusis
- diplopia (double vision)
- discharge (d/c)
- disinhibition
- disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- distichiasis
- diuresis
- dizziness
- dolichostenomelia
- drop attack
- drop sign; drop-arm test
- drowsiness
- dry eyes; xerophthalmia; keratitis sicca; keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- Duroziez murmur (Duroziez sign)
- dysacusis
- dysdiadochokinesia
- dysesthesia
- dysgeusia (taste disorder)
- dysglycemia
- dyskeratosis
- dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain)
- dysmetria
- dysnomia; word-finding difficulty
- dysosmia
- dysostosis (dysosteogenesis)
- dyspepsia (indigestion)
- dysphagia (swallowing disorder)
- dysphasia
- dysphonia
- dysphoria
- dyspnea (shortness of breath {SOB})
- dysreflexia
- dyssomnia
- dysthymia
- dystonia
- dystrophy
- dysuria
- ear discharge
- early satiety
- early-morning awakening
- eburnation (bone sclerosis)
- ecchymosis
- echolalia
- ectopia lentis
- ectrodactyly; split-hand/foot deformity; lobster claw
- ectropion
- edema (swelling, tumefaction, tumescence)
- EKG sign
- elastosis
- elephantiasis
- elliptocytosis
- embolism
- emotional lability; asthenic disorder
- emphysema
- enanthem
- endometriosis
- enophthalmos
- entropion
- eosinophiluria
- epiphora (abnormal tearing)
- erethism
- erythema
- erythema chronicum migricans (erythema migrans)
- erythema pernio (chillbain)
- erythematous halo (rim of erythema)
- erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis)
- erythrodontia
- erythromelalgia (erythermalgia)
- esophoria (E)
- euphoria
- exfoliation (desquamation)
- exophthalmos (proptosis)
- extrapyramidal sign/symptom
- extravasation
- extroversion
- facial edema
- facial hair
- failure to thrive
- falciform ligament sign
- false positive serologic test for syphilis
- fasciculation (muscle twitching)
- fat stranding
- fatigue; lassitude; tiredness
- fecal smearing
- fecal urgency
- feminization
- fibrosis
- Finkelstein's sign
- fixed & dilated pupils
- flail chest
- flaring of nares
- flashing lights
- flatulence
- fluid imbalance; water imbalance
- fluid retention
- flushing (vasomotor flushing)
- foamy urine
- food insecurity
- foot odor
- Forchheimer sign
- foreign body sensation
- friable cervix
- friction rub (friction fremitus)
- frontal release sign (frontal reflex)
- functional cognitive disorder
- functional improvement
- galactorrhea
- gallbladder distension
- gastrointestinal regurgitation; spitting up
- gastrointestinal symptom
- gastroparesis
- gaze
- General Paresis of the Insane (GPI)
- genuflection
- gigantism
- gingival hyperplasia
- gliosis
- glossopharyngeal neuralgia
- glycosuria
- goiter
- Goodell sign
- Gottron's papule
- Gottron's sign
- Gower's sign
- Gradenigos triad
- graphesthesia
- Grey-Turner sign
- grief
- grimacing
- groove sign
- ground glass eye
- growth retardation
- hairiness
- hairy tongue; black hairy tongue; lingua villosa nigra
- halitosis (bad breath, fetor oris, ozostomia)
- hallucination
- halo around light
- Hamman's sign (Hammond's sign, Hammond's crunch)
- Hampton's hump
- hearing loss (hearing impairment, hard of hearing, HOH)
- heart sound(s)
- hebephrenia
- hemarthrosis
- hematemesis
- hematochezia; bloody stool, maroon stool
- hematospermia
- hematuria
- hemiparesis
- hemiplegia (HP)
- hemoglobinuria
- hemolacria; bloody tears
- hemolysis
- hemoperitoneum
- hemorrhage (bleeding)
- hemosiderinuria
- hemothorax
- Hennebert sign (positive fistula test)
- hepatojugular reflux
- hepatomegaly
- heterochromia
- hiccups (singultus)
- Hill's sign
- histiocytic infiltrate
- Hoffmann's sign; Hoffmann's test
- holster sign
- Homan's sign
- hook-like osteophyte
- hopelessness
- hostility
- hot flash; menopausal vasomotor symptom
- human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA)
- hunger
- Hutchinson's sign; periungual pigmentation
- Hutchinson's triad
- hydrocephalus
- hydrometrocolpos
- hydronephrosis
- hydropneumothorax
- hydrops (dropsy)
- hyperactivity
- hyperacusis (hyperacusia)
- hyperalbuminemia
- hyperammonemia
- hyperamylasemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
- hypercalcemia
- hypercalciuria
- hypercapnia
- hypercarbia
- hyperchloremia
- hypercholanemia
- hypercorticism
- hyperemia
- hyperesthesia (hyperalgesia)
- hyperextensible skin
- hyperextension
- hypergastrinemia
- hyperglycemia
- hyperglycinuria
- hyperkalemia
- hyperkeratosis
- hyperkeratotic lichenified skin lesion of the gluteal region; senile gluteal dermatosis (sitter's sign)
- hyperlipasemia
- hyperlucency
- hypermagnesemia
- hypermobility
- hypernatremia
- hyperopia (hypermetropia, farsightedness)
- hyperosmolality
- hyperosmolarity
- hyperoxia
- hyperparathyroidism
- hyperphenylalaninemia
- hyperphoria (H)
- hyperphosphatemia
- hyperpigmentation
- hyperpipecolicacidemia
- hyperpituitarism
- hyperproteinemia
- hyperreflexia
- hypersecretion
- hypersensitivity
- hypersplenism
- hypertelorism
- hypertension (HTN, high blood pressure, HBP)
- hypertensive response to exercise (HRE)
- hyperthermia (pyrexia)
- hypertonia
- hypertrophy
- hypertropia (HT)
- hyperuricemia
- hyperuricosuria
- hyperventilation
- hyperviscosity
- hypoalbuminemia
- hypoaldosteronism; mineralocorticoid deficiency
- hypoarousal
- hypocalcemia
- hypochloremia
- hypochlorhydria
- hypodontia
- hypoesthesia; hypoalgesia
- hypoestrogenemia
- hypoglycemia
- hypohidrosis
- hypokalemia
- hypomagnesemia
- hypomania
- hypomimia (masked fascies)
- hyponatremia
- hypophonia
- hypophoria (Ho)
- hypophosphatasia
- hypophosphatemia
- hypopigmentation
- hypopituitarism
- hypopnea
- hypoproteinemia
- hyporeflexia
- hyposmia
- hypospadias
- hyposplenism
- hyposthenuria
- hypotension
- hypothermia
- hypothyroidism
- hypotonia
- hypotrichosis
- hypotropia (HoT)
- hypoventilation
- immobility
- impaired oxygen delivery
- impaired oxygen extraction
- impaired thirst; hypothalamic adipsia
- impaired wound healing; impaired tissue repair
- impotence
- improves with blinking
- inanition
- inattention (poor concentration, attention disorder)
- incontinence
- increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
- increased intraocular pressure (IOP)
- increased oxygen demand
- indifference to pain
- induration
- infectious agent antibody
- inflammation
- insensitivity to pain
- inspiratory arrest
- insulin resistance
- intellectual disability; mental retardation
- intertrigo
- introversion
- involuntary movement
- irritability (impatience, hyperexcitability)
- irritation
- isothenuria
- Janeway spot or lesion (smoke ring)
- jet lag
- joint stiffness
- jugular venous distension (JVD)
- Kayser-Fleischer ring
- keratoconus
- keratoderma
- keratolysis
- ketonuria
- ketosis
- Kluver-Bucy syndrome
- Koebner phenomenon
- koilonychia (spoon nails)
- Koplik's spot
- Kussmaul's sign
- language impairment; linguistic dysfunction
- laryngismus
- left atrial enlargement (LAE)
- left shift; bandemia
- left ventricular dilatation
- left ventricular non-compaction
- leg length inequality; leg length discrepancy
- leontiasis
- Leser Trelat sign
- leukocoria; leucocoria; leukokoria; white pupillary reflex
- leukonychia; achromia unguium; canities unguium; leukopathia unguis; white nails
- leukotrichia
- Levine's sign
- Lhermitte's sign
- lichenoid eruption
- light bulb sign
- lip smacking
- lipemia; lipemic specimen
- liquid stool
- lithoptysis
- livedo reticularis; livedoid vasculopathy; mottled skin; cutis marmorata
- lividity
- locking of the knee
- loneliness
- loss of balance
- loss of height
- loss of voice
- lower motor neuron sign
- lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS, prostatism)
- lungs clear to auscultation
- lupus pernio
- lymphadenopathy
- lymphocytic infiltrate
- Macdonald triad (triad of sociopathy)
- Mackler triad
- macroamylasemia
- macrocephaly
- macrocytosis
- macroorchidism
- macular 'drug red' syndrome
- macular cherry red spot
- macular degeneration
- macular edema; retinal edema
- malabsorption
- malaise
- malingering
- mania (manic state)
- Marcus Gunn pupil (afferent pupillary defect)
- mastodynia; mastalgia; breast pain
- mechanic's hands
- megancephaly (macrencephaly)
- meibomitis (meibomianitis)
- melancholy (melancholic Features)
- melanoptysis
- melanosis
- melanosis coli
- melena
- meningeal sign
- meningism
- mesomelia
- mesomelic dwarfism
- methemoglobinemia
- microcephaly
- microcornea
- microcytosis
- micrognathia
- micromelia (nanomelia)
- middle ear effusion (otitis media with effusion)
- mild cognitive impairment (MCI); benign senile forgetfulness; age-associated memory impairment (AAMI); mild cognitive impairment, amnestic type (aMCI)
- miosis (pupillary constriction)
- mittelschmerz
- monocyte dysfunction
- monocytopenia
- monocytosis
- monoparesis
- morning stiffness
- motor retardation
- mourning
- mouth breathing
- mucopolysacchariduria
- mucous plugging
- Muehrcke's nails
- Mulder's sign
- murmur
- muscle atrophy (amyotrophy)
- muscle spasm
- muscle stiffness
- musculoskeletal sign/symptom
- mydriasis
- myocardial hypokinesia
- myoglobinuria
- myokymia
- myopia
- nail pitting
- nausea
- neck mass/adenopathy
- nervousness
- neurapraxia
- neurologic sign/symptom; neurologic deficit
- neutropenia
- neutrophilic infiltrate
- night blindness (nyctalopia, nocturnal amblyopia, nyctanopia)
- Nikolsky's sign
- nipple discharge
- nipple retraction; nipple inversion
- nocturia
- nonresponsiveness
- normokalemia
- normovolemia
- numbness
- nystagmus
- obsession
- obturator sign
- ocular bobbing
- ocular hypotelorism
- ocular hypotony
- oily evacuation
- oligemia
- oligodontia
- oligohydramnios
- oligospermia
- oligouria
- oliguria
- onchyogryposis
- onycholysis
- ophthalmoplegia (ophthalmoparesis)
- opisthotonos
- opsoclonus
- optic disk cupping
- organomegaly
- orthodeoxia
- orthopnea
- orthostatic tolerance
- oscillopsia
- Osler's node
- osteopenia
- osteosclerosis
- otorrhea
- overweight
- pachydermia
- pain [odyn-]
- palilalia
- pallor
- palpable purpura
- palpitations
- palsy
- pancytopenia
- panniculitis
- papilledema
- papillomatosis
- papulosis
- parakeratosis
- paralysis
- paranoia
- paraparesis
- paraphasia
- parasitemia
- parasternal heave; parasternal impulse
- paratonia (gegenhalten)
- paresis
- paresthesia; burning; tingling
- parkinsonism
- parotid gland enlargement
- Pastia's sign/lines
- pathergy
- Pemberton's sign
- pencil-in-cup deformity
- penile discharge
- perception disorder
- pericholecystic fluid
- perihepatitis
- peritoneal sign; peritonism
- perseveration
- personality change
- perspiration (sweating)
- pes cavus; claw foot; talipes cavus
- pes planus
- petechiae
- Phalen's sign
- Phalen-Dickson sign
- phimosis
- phlebitis
- phonophobia
- phoria
- phosphaturia
- photic sneeze reflex
- photophobia; light sensitivity
- photosensitivity
- pica
- pigmentary demarcation lines (Futcher lines, Voigt lines)
- platyspondylia
- platyspondyly (platyspondylisis)
- pleocytosis
- pleural effusion
- pneumaturia
- pneumobilia; aerobilia
- podagra
- poikiloderma
- point tenderness
- polydipsia
- polyhydramnios (hydramnios)
- polyopia (multiple vision)
- polyphagia
- polyuria
- portal hypertension
- PPD positive
- prayer sign
- Prehn's sign
- prehypertension
- premature graying of hair
- presbylaryngis
- presbyopia
- presbyphonia
- preserved ratio impaired spirometry
- priapism
- primapterinuria
- procrastination
- prolonged electroretinal response suppression (PERRS); bradyopsia
- prosopagnosia; face blindness, facial agnosia
- proteinuria
- prurigo
- pruritus (itching)
- pseudohyponatremia
- pseudophakia
- pseudostrabismus
- pseudotumor
- psoas sign
- psychomotor agitation
- psychomotor slowing
- puffy hands
- pulmonary aspiration; foreign body aspiration
- pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary arterial hypertension
- pulmonary hypoplasia
- pulmonary infiltrate
- purpura; retiform purpura
- pustulosis
- pyuria (leukocyturia)
- QT prolongation
- quadriparesis
- Quincke's pulse
- radial to femoral pulse delay
- radiculopathy
- range of motion (ROM)
- rash
- Raynaud's phenomenon
- recruitment of loudness; auditory recruitment
- red eye (pink eye, ocular erythema)
- red lunulae
- redundant skin
- reflex
- refusal to eat
- relieved by sitting up or leaning forward
- repetitive tic
- reset osmostat
- respiratory depression
- respiratory urgency
- restlessness
- reticulocytosis
- retinal depigmentation
- retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
- retinopathy
- retrognathia
- rhinitis
- rhinorrhea
- rhonchi
- right atrial enlargement (RAE)
- rigidity (increased muscle tone)
- Romana's sign
- Romberg-Howship sign
- Roth spot
- Rovsing's sign
- rubbing the eye
- rubeosis
- saccharopinuria
- sacroiliitis
- saddle anesthesia
- Samitz sign
- sarcopenia
- scalp tenderness
- schistocytosis
- seizure; epileptic seizure
- self-injurious behavior; self mutilation
- senility
- sensory disorder; alteration of sensation
- severe cutaneous adverse reaction (SCAR)
- shaggy heart sign
- sharp wave
- short stature
- shyness
- sialorrhea; hypersalivation; ptyalism
- sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis
- skin maceration
- skin necrosis
- skin texture change
- sleep disorder
- small bowel villous blunting
- sneezing
- snoring
- somatic complaint
- somatic dysfunction
- somatization
- somnolence (sleepiness)
- Somogyi effect
- spasticity
- speech impairment
- spherocytosis (microspherocytosis)
- spider angioma (nevus araneus, arterial spider)
- splinter hemorrhage (flame-shaped splinter hemorrhage)
- spondylolisthesis (listhesis, olisthesis)
- spondylolysis
- squinting
- staring
- stertor
- stiff back
- strabismus
- strawberry tongue
- stress
- striae
- stridor
- subepithelial collagen band
- surgical abdomen
- swan neck deformity
- swollen eyes
- swollen optic disk
- syncope
- syndactyly
- synesthesia
- synophrys
- synostosis
- T-wave alternans
- tachykinesia
- tachyphemia; verbal cluttering
- tachyphylaxis
- tachypnea
- tactile fremitus
- tall stature
- tear discoloration
- teething syndrome
- telecanthus (canthal hypertelorism)
- tenesmus
- tenting
- tetany
- tetrad of congestive heart failure
- thirst
- thought disorder
- thrill
- thrombocytopenia
- thrombosis
- thyromegaly
- thyrotoxicosis
- Tinel's sign
- tinnitus
- tracheobronchomalacia
- tracheomalacia
- Traube's sign
- tremor
- Trendelenberg gait
- Trendelenberg sign/test
- triad of congenital rubella
- triad of congenital toxoplasmosis
- triad of Wernicke encephalopathy
- trichiasis
- trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux)
- Trotter's triad
- Trousseau's sign
- twenty nail dystrophy
- ulcer
- underactive bladder; bladder atony
- unexplained symptom
- unhappiness
- universal choking sign
- upper motor neuron sign (pyramidal tract sign)
- uremic frost
- urinary frequency
- urinary hesitancy
- urinary retention
- urinary urgency
- urine discoloration
- urine odor
- urticaria (hives)
- vaginal bleeding; abnormal uterine bleeding; anovulatory bleeding
- vaginal discharge
- vaginismus
- vegetative symptoms
- velvety skin
- venous pooling
- ventricular hypertrophy
- vesicoureteral reflux
- villow atrophy; villous flattening
- viremia
- virilism
- visual floater
- visuospatial dysfunction
- vital signs (V/S)
- vomiting
- Waddell's triad
- Waldeyer's throat ring; Bickel's ring; lymphoid ring
- wandering
- warm & dry
- warning signs of stroke (FAST)
- water bottle heart
- weakness
- weight gain
- weight loss
- wheeze
- white forelock
- white patch
- Winterbottom's sign
- Wiskott-Aldrich triad
- worse when supine
- worse with inspiration; worse with deep breaths; worse with holding breath
- xanthopsia
- xerosis (dry skin)
- xylosuria
- yawning
- ↑ Guide to Physical Examination & History Taking, 6th edition, Bates B, JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1995, pg 14
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 15, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2009
- ↑ Symptoms and Manifestations