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edema-forming states (hypotonic, hypervolemic)

volume depletion (hypotonic. hypovolemic)

* in the elderly mainly associated with diabetes mellitus & diuretics[18]

normal extracellular volume (hypotonic, normovolemic)

hyponatremia with hypertonicity or hyperosmolarity (hypertonic)

* in the elderly mainly associated with diabetes mellitus & diuretics[18]

* elderly may ne especially vulnerable to elevated ambient temperatures[41]

pseudohyponatremia (isotonic hyponatremia)*

* distinguish from true hyponatremia caused by hyperosmolarity by measuring serum osmolality[4]


Clinical manifestations


Diagnostic procedures

* the geriatric assessment tools used included

* timed get-up-&-go test

* dynamometer hand grip strength



* 3% saline also indicated for serum Na+ < 130 meq/L immediately preceding liver transplantation[4]

More general terms

Additional terms


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Patient information

hyponatremia patient information