P - procedure
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- p cresol in urine
- p cresol/creatinine in urine
- P(A-a)O2 gradient
- p-tau in CSF
- p-tau181 in CSF
- p-tau217 in CSF
- p181 tau in serum
- p217 tau in serum
- p24 antigen
- P300 scalp-recorded potential
- p50 (venous blood p50)
- P504S Ag in tissue
- P504S Antigen in tissue
- P504S+p63+cytokeratin 903 Ag in tissue
- P504S+p63+cytokeratin 903 Antigen in tissue
- p63-gene mutation
- PABA (Chymex, bentiromide)) test
- PAH gene mutation
- pah mutation
- PAI-1 genotyping
- Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale
- pain assessment in patients with dementia
- painful arc test
- palatoplasty (uvulopalatoplasty, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)
- palliative chemotherapy
- palliative sedation
- pallidotomy
- pan-retinal photocoagulation
- pANCA in serum
- pancreatectomy
- pancreatic adenocarcinoma genotyping
- pancreatic adenocarcinoma, PCR/southern blot
- pancreatic donation
- pancreatic elastase in feces
- pancreatic elastase in stool
- pancreatic islet cell transplantation
- pancreatic polypeptide in plasma
- pancreatic resection
- pancreatic surgery
- pancreaticojejunostomy
- pancreatoduodenectomy
- panorex
- PaO2
- pap smear
- Papanicolaou (Pap) smear
- papilloma virus 16 Ag
- papilloma virus 16 Ag in tissue
- papilloma virus 16 antigen
- papilloma virus 16 antigen in tissue
- papilloma virus DNA
- papilloma virus p16 Ag
- papilloma virus p16 antigen
- papilloma virus p16 antigen in tissue
- papillomavirus 16 Ag
- papillomavirus 16 Ag in tissue p16
- papillomavirus 16 antigen
- papillomavirus 16 antigen in tissue
- papillomavirus p16 Ag
- papillomavirus p16 Ag in tissue
- papillomavirus p16 antigen
- papillomavirus p16 antigen in tissue
- papillomavirus, PCR/southern blot/in-situ hybridization
- paplov dog
- paplov's dog
- paplovs dog
- papsmear
- para cresol in urine
- para cresol/creatinine in urine
- para-cresol in urine
- para-cresol/creatinine in urine
- parabioses
- parabiosis
- paracentesis
- parathyroid autotransplantation
- parathyroid hormone intact in serum/plasma
- parathyroid hormone related peptide in plasma
- parathyroidectomy
- parenteral hyperalimentation
- parietal cell antibody in serum
- partial hip arthroplasy
- partial knee arthroplasy
- partial pressure of carbon dioxide
- partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood
- partial pressure of carbon dioxide in pulmonary artery
- partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
- partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
- passive leg raising test
- Pasteurella multocida toxin
- patch testing
- patellar apprehension test
- patellectomy
- paternity genotyping
- paternity testing, PCR/southern blot
- Pathologist interpretation of Synovial fluid tests
- patient controlled analgesia (PCA)
- patient reassurance
- patrick test
- Patrick's test
- patricks test
- pavlovian conditioning
- PCA-2 Ab in CSF
- PCA-2 Ab in serum
- PCA-2 Antibody in CSF
- PCA-2 Antibody in serum
- PCA-Tr Ab in CSF
- PCA-Tr Ab in serum
- PCA-Tr Antibody in CSF
- PCA-Tr Antibody in serum
- pCO2
- pCO2 in blood
- pcp prevention
- pcp prophylaxis
- PCR for Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- PCR for hemophilia RhD
- PCR for tissue typing
- PCR for Toxoplasma gondii
- PCR/ISH for acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- PCR/ISH for acute promyelocytic leukemia
- PCR/southern blot for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- pcr/southern blot for enteric adenovirus
- PCR/southern blot for hemophilia A
- PCR/southern blot for hemophilia B
- PCR/southern blot for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- pcr/southern blot for neisseria gonorrhoeae
- PCR/southern blot for phenylketonuria
- PCR/southern blot/in-situ hybridization for cervical cancer
- PCR/southern blot/in-situ hybridization for Legionella
- pcr/southern blot/ish for legionella
- pd l1-expression
- pd l1-measurement
- PD-L1 in blood
- PD-L1 in specimen
- PD-L1 in tissue
- PDHA1 gene mutation
- pdl-1-expression
- pdl-1-in specimen
- pdl-1-measurement
- pdl1-expression
- pdl1-in specimen
- pdl1-measurement
- peak acid output
- peak expiratory flow rate
- peak gastric acid output
- peak urinary flow
- peak urine flow
- Peanut IgE Ab in serum
- pediatric basic & advanced cardiopulmonary life support
- pediatric immunization
- Pelger Huet cells in Blood
- Pelger Huet cells [Presence] in Blood
- pelvic evisceration
- pelvic examination
- pelvic exenteration
- pelvic exenteration for vesical, prostatic or urethral malignancy
- pelvic lymphadenectomy
- pelvic mesh procedure
- pelvic mesh surgery
- pelvic muscle exercise
- pelvic reconstructive surgery
- pelvic ultrasound
- pelvic ultrasound nonobstetric
- pelvimetry
- pendrin gene mutation
- penectomy
- penile amputation
- penile arterial revascularization
- penile cryosurgery
- penile transplantation
- penis amputation
- penis transplantation
- pentagastrin stimulation test
- pentagastrin-stimulated calcitonin test
- percutaneous coronary intervention
- percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
- percutaneous renal nerve ablation
- percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
- percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
- percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- percutaneous transhepatic portography
- percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
- percutaneous transluminal coronary intervention
- percutaneous vertebroplasty with vertbral augmentation
- perfusion balloon angioplasty
- pericardial window
- pericardiectomy
- pericardiocentesis
- pericardiotomy
- perineoplasty
- perineorrhaphy
- perioperative anticoagulation
- perioperative antiplatelet therapy
- perioperative beta adrenergic antagonist
- perioperative beta blockade
- perioperative beta blocker
- perioperative care management
- perioperative fluid management
- perioperative management
- perioperative medication management
- perioperative revascularization
- perioperative risk assessment
- perioperative risk stratification (relative risk of non-cardiac surgeries)
- peripheral artery angioplasty
- peripheral artery bypass
- peripheral artery stent
- peripheral blood smear
- peripheral myelin protein 22 gene mutation
- peripheral myelin protein 22 genotyping
- peripheral progenitor cell transplantation
- peripheral smear
- peritoneal catheterization
- peritoneal dialysis
- peritoneal fluid lipase
- peritoneal venous shunt
- peritoneovenous (Leveen) shunt
- peritoneovenous shunt
- periurethral bulking agent
- periurethral bulking injection
- permissive hypercapnia
- persantine mibi
- persantine thallium study
- persantine thallium test
- PET scan
- pfa-100
- pfa100
- Pfeiffer functional activities questionnaire
- pH
- pH in exhaled breath
- pH in exhaled breath condensate
- pH, exhaled breath condensate
- phacoemulsification cataract surgery
- phagotest
- phalangectomy
- pharmaceutical pleurodesis
- pharmacologic (chemical) restraint
- pharmacologic cardioversion
- pharmacologic myocardial single photon emission computed tomography
- pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy
- pharnygoesophageal repair
- pharyngeal flap procedure
- pharyngoplasty
- pharyngoscopy
- phencyclidine in blood
- phencyclidine in body fluid
- phencyclidine in feces
- phencyclidine in gastric fluid
- phencyclidine in hair
- phencyclidine in milk
- phencyclidine in plasma
- phencyclidine in plasma qualitative
- phencyclidine in plasma quantitative
- phencyclidine in saliva
- phencyclidine in serum qualitative
- phencyclidine in serum quantitative
- phencyclidine in serum/plasma
- phencyclidine in serum/plasma qualitative
- phencyclidine in serum/plasma quantitative
- phencyclidine in specimen
- phencyclidine in stool
- phencyclidine in urine
- phencyclidine in vitreous fluid
- phencyclidine in vitreous humor
- phencyclidine measurement
- phenobarbital in serum/plasma
- PhenoTest BC Kit
- phenylalanine hydroxylase gene mutation
- phenylketonuria genotyping
- phenylketonuria, PCR/southern blot
- phenylthiocarbamide taste stimulus
- phenylthiocarbamide tasting
- Phenytoin Free in Plasma
- Phenytoin Free in Serum
- Phenytoin Free [Mass/volume] in Plasma
- Phenytoin Free [Mass/volume] in Serum
- phenytoin in serum/plasma
- Phenytoin.Free in Plasma
- Phenytoin.Free in Serum
- phlebectomy
- phlebosclerosis
- phlebotomize
- phlebotomy
- phonophoresis
- phosphatidylcholine/albumin in amniotic fluid
- Phosphatidylcholine/Albumin [Mass ratio] in Amniotic fluid
- phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin ratio
- phosphatidylethanol in blood
- Phosphatidylglycerol/Surfactant in Amniotic fluid
- phosphatidylglycerol/surfactant.total in amniotic fluid
- phospho tau-217 in plasma
- phospho tau-217 in serum
- phospho-tau in CSF
- phospho-tau181 in CSF
- phospho-tau217 in CSF
- phospholipid neutralization test
- phosphorus in 24 hour urine
- phosphorus in serum
- phosphorylated tau in buccal mucosa
- phosphorylated tau in buccal specimen
- phosphorylated tau in buccal swab
- phosphorylated tau in CSF
- phosphorylated tau in plasma
- phosphorylated tau in saliva
- phosphorylated tau in serum
- phosphorylated tau in serum/plasma
- phosphorylated tau(Thr)217 in plasma
- phosphorylated tau(Thr)217 in serum
- phosphorylated tau-217 in plasma
- phosphorylated tau-217 in serum
- phosphorylated tau/total tau in plasma
- phosphorylated tau/total tau in serum
- phosphorylated tau/total tau in serum/plasma
- phosphorylated tau181 in plasma
- phosphorylated tau181 in serum
- phosphorylated tau181 in serum/plasma
- phosphorylated tau217 in dried blood spot
- phosphorylated tau217 in dried plasma spot
- phosphorylated tau217 in plasma
- phosphorylated tau217 in serum
- phosphorylated tau217 in serum/plasma
- phosphorylated tau231 in plasma
- phosphorylated tau231 in serum
- phosphorylated tau231 in serum/plasma
- photobiomodulation
- photocoagulation
- photodynamic ablation
- photodynamic cardiac ablation
- photodynamic therapy
- photopatch testing
- photopheresis
- photoselective vaporization of prostate
- photoselective vaporization of the prostate
- photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP)
- phototherapy
- phrenic nerve pacing
- phrenic nerve stimulation
- phrenic nerve stimulator
- physical activity
- physical activity counseling
- physical activity plan
- physical examination
- physical examination of shoulder
- physical examination of the shoulder
- physical restraint
- physical restraints
- physical therapy (PT)
- Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- Phytonadione [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma
- pierced ear
- PIK3CA gene mutation in overgrowth syndrome
- PillCam
- pilocarpine iontophoresis
- pinworm prep
- placental lactogen in amniotic fluid
- placental lactogen in serum
- placental transfusion
- plamsa low-density lipoprotein triglycerides
- Plan B, morning after
- plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2
- plasma Abeta [1-40]
- plasma Abeta [1-40]/Abeta [1-42]
- plasma Abeta40/42
- plasma Abeta40/Abeta42
- plasma Abeta42/40
- plasma Abeta_40/Abeta_42
- plasma acetoacetate
- plasma ACTH
- plasma adiponectin
- plasma aldosterone
- plasma aldosterone (ng/dL)/plasma renin activity (mg/mL/hr)
- plasma aldosterone/plasma renin
- plasma aldosterone/plasma renin activity
- plasma aldosterone/renin activity ratio
- plasma alpha carotene
- plasma alpha tocopherol
- plasma alpha-2 macroglobulin/protein.total
- plasma alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor
- plasma alpha-2-antiplasmin
- plasma alpha-2-macroglobulin
- plasma alpha-2-macroglobulin/protein.total
- plasma alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor
- plasma ammonia (NH3)
- plasma amyloid-beta 40
- plasma amyloid-beta 40/42
- plasma amyloid-beta 42/40
- plasma amyloid-beta-40/42
- plasma amyloid-beta-42/40
- plasma androsterone
- plasma angiotensin-1/renin activity
- plasma antidiuretic hormone
- plasma Antiprothrombin Antibodies
- plasma Antiprothrombin Antibodies IgG, IgM
- plasma Antithrombin Activity
- plasma ascorbate
- plasma atrial natriuretic factor
- plasma B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
- plasma B-type natriuretic peptide prohormone
- plasma basic Natriuretic Peptide
- plasma biotinidase
- plasma brain-derived microtubule associated protein tau
- plasma brain-derived microtubule-associated protein tau
- plasma carnitine
- plasma chloramphenicol
- plasma cholecystokinin (CCK)/pancreozymin
- plasma copeptin
- plasma cotinine
- plasma cryoglobulin
- plasma cyanide
- plasma d lactate
- plasma D-dimer
- plasma epinephrine
- plasma ethanol
- plasma ethosuximide
- plasma exchange
- plasma factor VIII inhibitor
- plasma factor X inhibitor
- plasma Fibrin Degradation Products
- plasma fibrin split products
- plasma fibrinogen
- plasma flurazepam
- plasma flurazepam + N-desalkylflurazepam
- plasma free protein S
- plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein
- plasma glucagon
- plasma hepcidin
- plasma high molecular weight kininogen
- plasma histamine
- plasma homocysteine
- plasma il-6
- plasma il6
- plasma insulin
- plasma ionized Ca+2
- plasma ketone bodies
- plasma lactate
- plasma lactate
- plasma lactic acid
- plasma lactose
- plasma li+
- plasma lithium
- plasma lysozyme
- plasma macroprolactin
- plasma metanephrine
- plasma methemalbumin
- plasma methsuximide
- plasma methylated Septin 9 DNA
- plasma microtubule associated protein tau
- plasma microtubule-associated protein tau
- plasma mixing studies
- plasma muramidase
- plasma myeloperoxidase
- plasma neurofilament light chain
- plasma NfL
- plasma nickel
- plasma nicotine
- plasma norepinephrine
- plasma oxytocin
- plasma pancreatic polypeptide
- plasma parathyroid hormone related peptide
- plasma phencyclidine
- plasma phosphorylated tau-217
- plasma plasminogen activator
- plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor Ag
- plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor antigen
- plasma plasminogen activity
- plasma plasminogen antigen
- plasma platelet aggregation
- plasma platelet factor 4
- plasma pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
- plasma pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A
- plasma prekallikrein (Fletcher Factor)
- plasma protein C activity
- plasma protein C antigen
- plasma protein S activity
- plasma ptau217/total tau + plasma amyloid-beta-42/40
- plasma pyruvate
- plasma pyruvic acid
- plasma renin activity
- plasma S-100 calcium-binding protein B
- plasma s-100-b
- plasma s-100b
- plasma s100-beta
- plasma s100b
- plasma selenium
- plasma serotonin
- plasma soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor
- plasma Stypven Time (RVV)
- plasma sugars
- plasma thiocyanate
- plasma topiramate
- plasma total microtubule associated protein tau
- plasma total microtubule-associated protein tau
- plasma trimethadione
- plasma troponin
- plasma u p53az
- plasma vasoactive intestinal peptide
- plasma vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
- plasma vasopressin
- plasma vitamin e
- plasma volume expansion
- plasma von Willebrand factor (vWf) ristocetin cofactor
- plasma von Willebrand factor antigen
- plasma von Willebrand factor multimers
- plasma VW factor antigen
- plasma vWF activity
- plasma zika virus IgM
- plasma-17-hydroxyprogesterone
- plasma-3-hydroxyisovalerylcarnitine
- plasma-5'nucleotidase
- plasma-5-hydroxytryptamine
- plasmapheresis (plasma exchange)
- plasminogen activator in plasma
- plasminogen activator inhibitor Ag in plasma
- plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 genotyping
- plasminogen activity in plasma
- plasminogen antigen in plasma
- plastic surgery
- platelet Ab in body fluid
- platelet Ab measurement
- platelet aggregation ADP induced
- platelet aggregation arachidonate induced
- platelet aggregation assay
- platelet aggregation calcium ionophore induced
- platelet aggregation collagen induced
- platelet aggregation epinephrine induced
- Platelet aggregation epinephrine induced in plasma
- Platelet aggregation epinephrine induced [Presence] in plasma
- Platelet aggregation in plasma
- platelet aggregation measurement
- platelet aggregation norepinephrine induced
- platelet aggregation ristocetin induced
- platelet aggregation scan
- platelet aggregation serotonin induced
- platelet aggregation studies
- platelet aggregation testing
- platelet aggregation thrombin induced
- platelet aggregation with ADP
- platelet aggregation with arachidonate
- platelet aggregation with calcium ionophore
- platelet aggregation with collagen
- platelet aggregation with epinephrine
- platelet aggregation with norepinephrine
- platelet aggregation with ristocetin
- platelet aggregation with serotonin
- platelet aggregation with thrombin
- Platelet aggregation [interpretation] in plasma
- Platelet aggregation [interpretation] in Platelet poor plasma
- platelet aggregometry
- platelet antibody in body fluid
- platelet antibody measurement
- platelet antibody testing
- platelet antigen genotyping
- Platelet clump in Blood
- Platelet clump [Presence] in Blood
- Platelet clumping in Blood
- Platelet clumps in Blood
- platelet count
- platelet factor 4 in plasma
- platelet function analysis
- Platelet function analyzer 100
- platelet function analyzer-100
- platelet function assay
- platelet function study
- platelet function testing
- platelet rich plasma therapy
- platelet survival study
- platelet turnover study
- platelet-rich plasma therapy
- platelets in blood
- Platelets [#/volume] in Blood
- Platelets [Presence] in Blood
- platelets, reticulated in blood
- pleoptic training
- pleural biopsy
- pleural catheterization
- pleural drainage
- pleural fluid adenosine deaminase
- pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase
- pleurocentesis
- pleurodesis
- plication
- ploidy measurement; somatic copy number alterations (SCNA)
- plombage procedure
- PLP1 gene mutation
- plp1-mutation
- plt count
- plt ct
- PM-Scl Ab in serum
- PM-Scl antibody in serum
- PM-SCL-75 Ab in serum
- PM-SCL-75 antibody in serum
- PM-SCL-75 IgG Ab in Serum
- PM-SCL-75 IgG in serum
- PMM2 gene mutation
- PMP22 gene mutation
- PMP22 genotyping
- pneumatic otoscopy
- pneumocentesis
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in blood
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in bronchial specimen
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in CSF
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in eye
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in serum
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in sputum
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in tissue
- Pneumocystis carinii Ag in urine
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in blood
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in bronchial specimen
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in CSF
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in eye
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in serum
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in sputum
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in tissue
- Pneumocystis carinii antigen in urine
- Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Prevention
- Pneumocystis jiroveci (Pneumocystis carinii), PCR/southern blot/ISH
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in blood
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in bronchial specimen
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in eye
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in serum
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in sputum
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in tissue
- Pneumocystis jirovecii Ag in urine
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in blood
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in bronchial specimen
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in CSF
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in eye
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in serum
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in specimen
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in sputum
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in tissue
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in tissue/body fluid
- Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen in urine
- Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA
- Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia Prevention
- pneumocystis pneumonia prevention
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia Prophylaxis
- pneumogram
- pneumonolysis
- pneumonostomy
- pocket mobile echocardiography
- point of care hemoglobin testing
- point of care HIV test
- point of care HIV1 test
- point of care ultrasonography
- point-of-care beta-lactam allergy skin testing
- polygenic risk score
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- polymerase chain reaction for CMV
- polymerase chain reaction for cytomegalovirus
- polymerase chain reaction for Toxoplasma gondii
- polysomnography
- POMGNT1 gene mutation
- PON1 gene mutation
- pooled cohort equation
- porphobilinogen in 24 hour urine
- porphobilinogen in urine
- porphobilinogen, urine
- portable neuromodulation stimulator
- portable sleep study
- portacaval shunt
- portocaval shunt
- portoenterostomy
- positive end-expiratory pressure
- positron emission tomography
- post coital contraception
- post mortem examination
- post-exposure HIV prophylaxis
- post-heparin lipolytic activity
- post-MI exercise testing
- postexposure hiv1-prophylaxis
- postmenopausal hormone replacement
- postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy
- potassium in body fluid
- potassium in serum/plasma
- potassium in urine
- potassium stimulation test
- potential vision tests
- power morcellation
- Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome genotyping
- Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome, PCR/southern blot
- pre exposure hiv1-prophylaxis
- pre exposure prophylaxis
- pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis
- prealbumin (transthyretin) in serum
- PrecivityAD2 blood test algorithm
- predictors of noncardiac surgery mortality
- predischarge exercise testing
- pregnancy kit
- Pregnancy with Abortive Outcome
- pregnancy-associated plasma protein A in plasma
- pregnancy-associated plasma protein A in serum
- pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A in plasma
- pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A in serum
- pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A in serum/plasma
- pregnanediol in 24 hour urine
- pregnanetriol in 24 hour urine
- pregnenolone in serum
- prehabilitation
- preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
- prekallikrein in plasma
- prenatal genetic screening
- prenatal genetic testing
- Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment
- preoperative chest X-ray
- preoperative evaluation & management
- preoperative laboratory testing
- preoperative ophthalmologic tests
- preoperative stress testing
- preoperative testing
- preputioplasty
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
- prescription monitoring program (PDMP)
- presenilin 1 genetic mutation analysis
- pressure
- pressure offloading
- pressure sore status tool
- pressure supported ventilation (PSV, NIPSV)
- pressure ulcer assessment
- pressure ulcer scale for healing
- pressure ulcer scale for healing (PUSH)
- pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC)
- pretreatment staging for patients with lung cancer
- prevent calculator
- prevent equation
- Prevent Online Calculator
- preventing
- prevention
- prevention of Alzheimer's disease
- Prevention of Breast Cancer
- prevention of cancer
- Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- prevention of cognitive decline
- prevention of cognitive impairment
- prevention of deep vein thrombosis
- prevention of delirium
- prevention of falls
- prevention of fecal & urinary incontinence
- prevention of fractures
- prevention of heart failure
- prevention of HIV
- prevention of hiv1
- prevention of hypertension
- prevention of ischemic stroke
- prevention of malaria
- prevention of neural tube defect
- prevention of perioperative infection
- prevention of pregnancy
- prevention of venous thromboembolism
- primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
- primidone in serum/plasma
- PRKCG gene CAG repeats
- procainamide + N-acetylprocainamide in serum/plasma
- procainamide in serum/plasma
- procalcitonin in serum
- Procedure on Four or More Vessels
- Procedure on Single Vessel
- Procedure on Three Vessels
- Procedure on Two Vessels
- proctopexy
- proctoplasty
- proctoscopy
- proctosigmoidectomy
- proctosigmoidoscopy
- Proctosigmoidoscopy, rigid
- progenitor cell assay (PCA)
- progenitor cell transplantation
- progesterone challenge test
- progesterone in serum
- progesterone receptor in tissue
- prognostic assay
- programmed electrical stimulation
- progressive muscle relaxation
- proinsulin in serum/plasma
- prolactin in serum
- Prolaris
- prolonged exposure therapy
- prolonged mechanical ventilation
- prolotherapy
- prompted voiding
- promyelocyte count
- promyelocytes in blood
- Promyelocytes/100 leukocytes in Blood
- pronator drift
- properdin factor B in serum
- prophylactic therapy
- prophylaxis
- prophylaxis after needle stick
- prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis
- prophylaxis against stress ulcer
- prophylaxis against stress ulceration
- prophylaxis against upper gastrointesinal bleed
- prophylaxis against upper GI bleed
- prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism
- prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism
- prophylaxis for aortic prosthesis
- prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis
- prophylaxis for blood-borne infection
- Prophylaxis for breast cancer
- prophylaxis for cirrhotics with upper GI bleed
- prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis
- prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis
- prophylaxis for hiv1
- prophylaxis for ICU respiratory tract infection
- prophylaxis for malaria
- prophylaxis for perioperative infection
- prophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii
- prophylaxis for Pneumocystis jirovecii
- prophylaxis for Pneumocystis pneumonia
- prophylaxis for prosthetic joint
- prophylaxis for stress ulcer
- prophylaxis for stress ulceration
- prophylaxis for tuberculosis
- prophylaxis for upper gastrointesinal bleed
- prophylaxis for upper GI bleed
- prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism
- prophylaxis for venous thrombosis
- prostate biopsy
- prostate cancer genotyping
- prostate cancer Oncotype DX
- prostate cancer, PCR/southern blot
- prostate carcinoma Oncotype DX
- prostate health index
- prostate thermotherapy
- prostate-specific antigen (PSA), free in serum
- prostate-specific antigen in serum
- prostatectomy
- prostatic acid phosphatase in serum
- prostatic thermotherapy
- prostatic urethral lift
- protease activity in blood
- protease inhibitor enhancement
- protective ventilation
- protein (total) in serum
- protein 14-3-3 in cerebrospinal fluid
- protein 14-3-3 in CSF
- protein bound glucose in serum
- protein C antigen in plasma
- protein C in plasma
- protein carbonyl in specimen
- Protein Fractions in Urine by Electrophoresis
- Protein Fractions [interpretation] in Urine by Electrophoresis
- protein in 24 hour urine
- protein in ascites fluid
- protein in ascitic fluid
- protein in body fluid
- protein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- protein in peritoneal fluid
- protein in urine
- protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA)
- protein S activity in plasma
- protein/creatinine in urine
- proteomic age clock
- proteomic aging clock
- proteomic analysis (proteomics)
- prothrombin antibody in plasma
- prothrombin antibody in serum
- prothrombin antibody in serum/plasma
- prothrombin G20210->A
- prothrombin G20210->A mutation
- prothrombin genotype
- prothrombin genotyping
- prothrombin time (PT)
- Protirelin-stimulation test
- protocol for oral desensitization to beta lactam antibiotics
- proton beam therapy
- proton flash radiotherapy
- proton therapy
- proton treatment delivery
- proton-pump inhibitor deprescribing
- Protoporphyrin.zinc in Red Blood Cells
- Protoporphyrin.zinc [Mass/volume] in Red Blood Cells
- provocation inhalation challenge test
- provocation neutralization
- provocative esophageal balloon distension
- PSA in serum
- PSEN1 gene mutation
- psen1-e280a mutation
- psen1-mutation
- PSEN2 gene mutation
- pseudo Pelger Huet cells in blood
- psychiatric assessment
- psychiatric evaluation
- psychiatric examination
- psychoanalysis
- psychodynamic therapy
- psychosocial intervention
- psychosocial therapy
- psychotherapy
- PT & aPTT panel
- PT & aPTT panel in plasma
- PT & aPTT panel in Platelet poor plasma
- PT (physical therapy
- PT (prothrombin time)
- ptau-181 in plasma
- ptau-181 in serum
- ptau-217 in dried blood spot
- ptau-217 in dried plasma spot
- ptau-217 in plasma
- ptau-217 in serum
- ptau-231 in plasma
- ptau-231 in serum
- ptau181 in plasma
- ptau181 in serum
- ptau217 in dried blood spot
- ptau217 in dried plasma spot
- ptau217 in plasma
- ptau217 in serum
- ptau231 in plasma
- ptau231 in serum
- ptc tasting
- PTEN gene mutation
- pten mutation
- PTPN22 gene mutation
- PTT (partial thromboplastin time)
- Puestow-Gillesby procedure
- pull test
- pulmonary angiography
- pulmonary artery catheter
- pulmonary artery occlusive pressure
- pulmonary artery pressure (PAP)
- pulmonary bullectomy
- pulmonary capillary pressure (PCP)
- pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- pulmonary computed tomography angiography
- pulmonary decortication
- pulmonary endarterectomy
- pulmonary function test
- pulmonary plethysmography
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD
- pulmonary residual capacity
- pulmonary residual volume
- pulmonary thromboendarterectomy
- pulmonary valvuloplasty
- pulmonary vein antrum isolation
- pulmonic valve autograft
- pulmonic valvotomy
- pulse oximeter
- pulse oximetry
- pulse therapy
- pulse-volume recording
- punch biopsy
- puncture aspiration
- puncture of a non-compressable artery
- puncture of a non-compressible artery
- puncture of a noncompressable artery
- puncture of a noncompressible artery
- puncture of non-compressable artery
- puncture of non-compressible artery
- puncture of noncompressable artery
- puncture of noncompressible artery
- Purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody Tr
- Purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody type-1
- Purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody type-2
- push & pull enteroscopy
- push enteroscopy
- pyelolithotomy
- Pylori-Tek
- pyloric antrectomy
- pyloromyotomy
- pyloroplasty
- pyridinolone & deoxypyridinolone in urine
- pyrin gene mutation
- pyrophosphate scan
- pyruvate in blood
- pyruvate in serum/plasma
- pyruvate kinase activity in erythrocytes
- pyruvate kinase in erythrocytes
- pyruvate kinase measurement
- pyruvic acid in blood
- pyruvic acid in plasma
- pyruvic acid in serum
- Pyruvic Acid, Blood
- Pyruvic Acid, serum