Aldosterone/Renin in serum/plasma

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Test interactions

Clinical significance

ratio aldosterone renin -> angiotensin-1
> 23 ng/dL ng/mL/hr (positive)
> 23 ng/dL ng/mL/hr sensitivity of 97%, specificity of 94%
> 67 ng/dL ng/mL/hr sensitivity of 100%

* sensitivity for primary aldosteronism ranges from 10% to 100%

* specificity ranges from 70% to 100%[3]

More general terms

Additional terms



  1. Panel of 3 tests Laboratory Test Directory ARUP:
  2. 2.0 2.1 Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 16, 17, 18. American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2012, 2015, 2018
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hung A, Ahmed S, Gupta A et al. Performance of the aldosterone to renin ratio as a screening test for primary aldosteronism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2021 Aug; 106:2423. PMID: