C - procedure
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- C difficile DNA
- C difficile enterotoxin B & epidemic 027/NAP1/BI strain
- C difficile enterotoxin B & epidemic 027/NAP1/BI strain, EIA
- C difficile enterotoxin in stool
- C difficile enterotoxin, enzyme immunoassay
- C difficile in feces
- C difficile in Stool
- C difficile toxin genes in stool
- C difficile toxin genes in stool
- c section
- c spine clearance
- C spine collar clearance
- C-peptide in serum
- C-reactive protein in serum/plasma
- C-reactive protein in serum/plasma high-sensitivity
- C. difficile enterotoxin A, enzyme immunoassay
- C. difficile enterotoxin B, enzyme immunoassay
- c0ronary artery endarterectomy
- C1 esterase inhibitor assay
- C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum
- C1-esterase inhibitor assay
- CA 125 in serum
- CA 15-3 in serum
- CA 19-5 in serum
- CA 19-9 in serum
- CA 50 in serum
- CA 549 in serum
- CA 72-4 in serum
- ca p product
- Ca+2 x phosphate product
- ca+2-phosphate product
- ca+2-x phosphate
- Ca+2/Creatinine in 24 hour Urine
- cac testing
- CACNA1A gene CAG repeats
- CACNA1A gene CAG repeats in blood/tissue
- CACNA1S gene mutation
- cacna1s mutation
- caesarean section
- CAGE questions
- cage score
- CAHDetx
- calcitonin stimulation panel
- calcitonin stimulation test
- calcitriol in serum
- calcium (Ca+2) in serum/plasma
- calcium EDTA provocative chelation test
- calcium in 24 hour urine
- Calcium ionized in Blood
- calcium phosphate crystals in urine
- Calcium phosphate crystals [#/area] in Urine
- Calcium phosphate crystals [Presence] in Urine
- calcium phosphate product
- calcium phosphorus product
- calcium x phosphate product
- Calcium, ionized in Blood
- calcium-phosphate product
- Calcium.ionized in Blood
- Calcium.ionized [Moles/volume] in Blood
- calcium/Creatinine in 24 hour Urine
- calcium/creatinine in urine
- calcium/Creatinine [Mass ratio] in 24 hour Urine
- California encephalitis virus RNA
- California serogroup RNA
- California verbal learning test
- caloric testing
- caloric vestibular testing
- calorie restriction
- calprotectin in serum
- calprotectin in stool
- calr gene mutation
- CALR receptor gene mutation
- calreticulin (CALR) gene mutation
- calreticulin (CALR) receptor gene mutation
- calreticulin gene mutation
- calreticulin receptor gene mutation
- Campylobacter coli+jejuni+lari 16S rRNA
- Campylobacter coli+jejuni+lari fusA gene
- Campylobacter coli+jejuni+upsaliensis DNA
- Campylobacter-like organism (CLO) test
- canalith procedure
- canalith repositioning
- canalith repositioning procedure
- cANCA in body fluid
- cANCA in serum
- cancer antigen CA 15-3 in serum
- cancer antigen CA 19-5 in serum
- cancer antigen CA 19-9 in serum
- cancer antigen CA 50 in serum
- cancer antigen CA 549 in serum
- cancer antigen CA 72-4 in serum
- cancer chemotherapy
- cancer immunotherapy
- cancer prevention
- cancer rehabilitation
- cancer screening
- cancer staging
- cancer surgery
- cancer treatment
- cancer-sniffing dog
- CancerSEEK
- Candida albicans Ab
- Candida albicans Ab in CSF
- Candida albicans Ab in CSF
- Candida albicans Ab in Serum
- Candida albicans Ab in Serum
- Candida albicans Ab [Presence] in CSF
- Candida albicans Ab [Presence] in Serum
- Candida albicans Ag in Serum
- Candida albicans Ag in Serum
- Candida albicans Ag [Presence] in Serum
- Candida albicans antibody in body fluid
- Candida albicans antibody in CSF
- Candida albicans antibody in serum
- Candida albicans antigen in serum
- Candida albicans IgG Ab in serum
- Candida albicans IgG in Serum
- Candida albicans immune complex in serum
- Candida albicans skin testing
- Candida DNA in blood
- cannabinoid in urine
- Cannabinoids tested for in Urine
- Cannabinoids [Units/volume] in Urine
- canthopexy
- capillaroscopy
- capillary blood glucose
- capillary fragility test
- capillary nail refill test
- capillary p-tau217 from dried blood spot
- capillary p-tau217 from dried plasma spot
- capillary refill time
- capnography
- capnometry
- capsulorrhaphy
- captopril aldosterone stimulation test
- captopril aldosterone suppression test
- captopril challenge testing
- captopril scan
- captopril suppression test
- captopril test
- captopril-renin stimulation test
- carbamazepine free in plasma
- carbamazepine free in serum
- carbamazepine free in serum/plasma
- carbamazepine free [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma
- carbamazepine in serum/plasma
- carbapenemase in stool
- carbohydrate antigen 19-9 in serum
- carbohydrate growth hormone (GH) suppression test
- Carbon dioxide, total in Arterial blood
- Carbon dioxide, total in Blood
- Carbon dioxide, total in Venous blood
- Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Arterial blood
- Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Blood
- Carbon dioxide, total [Moles/volume] in Venous blood
- carbon dioxide, transcutaneous
- Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
- carbon monoxide in blood
- carbon monoxide in breath
- Carbon monoxide, expired gas analysis
- carbon-labeled urea breath testing
- carbonate (HCO3-, CO3=) in blood
- carbonate in blood
- carbonate in serum/plasma
- carboxyhemoglobin in blood
- Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin in Arterial blood
- Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin in blood
- Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total in Arterial blood
- Carboxyhemoglobin/Hemoglobin.total in Venous blood
- carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in serum/plasma
- cardiac (ECG) monitor
- cardiac annuloplasty
- cardiac auscultation
- Cardiac blood pool imaging
- cardiac catherization
- cardiac catheterization
- cardiac computed tomography
- cardiac computed tomography angiography
- cardiac contrast ventriculography
- cardiac ct
- cardiac imaging panel SPECT
- cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
- cardiac output
- cardiac radioablation
- cardiac radiofrequency ablation
- cardiac rehabilitation
- cardiac resuscitation
- cardiac risk assessment
- cardiac risk calculator
- cardiac risk index
- cardiac risk indices
- cardiac stem cell infusion
- cardiac Stem Cell Therapy
- cardiac stenting
- cardiac stress testing
- cardiac surgery
- cardiac transplantation
- cardiac transplantation 20 mRNA expression analysis
- cardiac ultrasonography
- cardiac ultrasound
- cardiac valve repair
- cardiac valve replacement
- cardiac valvoplasty
- cardiac valvuloplasty
- cardiac ventriculography
- cardiomyoplasty
- cardiomyotomy
- cardiopulmonary bypass
- cardiopulmonary exercise testing
- cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- cardiothoracic surgery
- cardiotomy
- cardiovascular calculator
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score
- cardiovascular risk assessment
- cardiovascular risk calculator
- cardiovascular risk score
- cardioversion
- Carnitine esters in Plasma
- Carnitine esters in Serum
- Carnitine esters [Moles/volume] in Serum
- carnitine in serum/plasma
- carnitine profile
- Carnitine [Moles/volume] in Serum
- carnitines in plasma
- carnitines in serum
- carotene in serum
- carotene.alpha in serum
- Carotene.alpha [Mass/volume] in Serum
- carotid artery endarterectomy
- carotid artery revascularization
- carotid artery stenting
- carotid artery thrombectomy
- carotid artery ultrasound
- carotid doppler ultrasound
- carotid endarterectomy
- carotid intimal medial thickness
- carotid massage
- carotid revascularization
- carotid sinus massage
- carotid stenting
- carotid thrombectomy
- carotid ultrasound
- carotid/subclavian/innominate thrombectomy
- carpal compression test
- carpal tunnel compression test
- Carrier Screening for Genetic Disorders
- cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in synovial fluid
- CAS9
- casgevy
- cataract surgery
- cataracts surgery
- catecholamines free in plasma
- catecholamines free in plasma/urine
- catecholamines in 24 hour urine
- catecholamines in body fluid
- category test
- catheter ablation
- catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation
- cauterization
- cauterize
- cautery
- caval-mesenteric shunt
- CBir1 Ab in serum
- CBir1 Antibody in serum
- CCL11 in CSF
- CCND1 gene duplication
- CCND1 gene rearrangement
- CCR5 gene c.794-825del
- CCR5 gene mutation
- ccr5-mutation
- CD19 CAR T-cell therapy
- CD25 cells in blood
- CD34 cells in blood
- CD4 cells in blood
- CD4 cells in body fluid
- CD4 cells in specimen
- CD55 + CD59 erythrocytes in blood
- CDKN1B gene mutation
- Cefaly transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
- celiac plexus block
- celiac plexus neurolysis
- celiotomy
- cell count, CSF
- cell count, synovial fluid
- Cell-Free DNA Aneuploidy Screening
- cell-free DNA in plasma
- cell-free DNA in plasma for colon cancer screening
- cell-free DNA in plasma for colorectal cancer screening
- cellophane tape prep
- cells in synovial fluid
- cells in the synovial fluid
- cellular function assay
- central venous pressure (CVP)
- centrifugal-flow cardiac pump
- centrifugal-flow circulatory pump
- centrifugal-flow pump
- centromere antibody in serum
- cephalogram
- cephalometric
- cephalometry
- Cepheid Xpert C. difficile/Epi assay
- cerclage
- cerebral angiography
- cerebral arteriography
- cerebral blood flow study
- cerebral contrast ventriculography
- cerebral hemispherectomy
- cerebral perfusion study
- cerebral spinal fluid beta-2 transferrin
- cerebral ventriculography
- cerebroside sulfatase in leukocytes
- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein electrophoresis
- cerebrospinal fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
- cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- cerebrospinal fluid beta-2 transferrin
- cerebrospinal fluid lactate
- cerebrospinal fluid pressure
- cerebrovascular artery stent
- cerebrovascular artery stenting
- cerebrovascular imaging
- ceruloplasmin in serum
- cerumen removal
- cervical biopsy
- cervical cancer, PCR/southern blot/in-situ hybridization
- cervical cerclage
- Cervical Chlamydia, Nuc. Acid Amp
- cervical conization
- cervical cytology
- Cervical Gonococcus, Nuc. Acid Amp
- cervical spine (C-spine) clearance
- cervical spine clearance
- Cervical spine collar clearance
- cervical/thoracic epidural glucocorticoid/anesthetic injection
- cervical/thoracic neurolysis
- cervicography
- cervicoplasty
- Cervix (Screening For Malignant Neoplasms)
- CES1 gene c.428G>A
- cesarean delivery
- cesarean section
- CFTR genotyping
- CFU-Baso
- CFU-Eo
- CFU-Meg
- CFU-MegE
- CH50 Assay (serum)
- chart documentation
- charting
- checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy
- checkpoint inhibitor therapy
- CHEK2 gene deletion+duplication+mutation analysis
- CHEK2 gene mutation
- chelation therapy
- Chem7
- chemexfoliation
- chemical cardioversion
- chemical peel
- chemical pleurodesis
- chemical restraint
- chemistry 14 panel
- chemistry 7 panel
- chemistry 8 panel
- chemistry 8 panel with ionized calcium
- chemodenervation
- chemonucleolysis
- chemoprophylaxis for breast cancer
- Chemoprophylaxis for breast cancer
- chemoprophylaxis for tuberculosis
- chemoradiation
- chemoradiation therapy
- chemoradiotherapy.
- chemotherapy
- chemotherapy for breast cancer
- chest compression
- chest expansion
- chest radiography
- chest tube
- chest ultrasound
- chest X-ray
- chiasmopexy
- child apperception test
- childhood immunization
- childhood spinal muscular atrophy genotyping
- childhood spinal muscular atrophy, PCR/southern blot
- children apperception test
- Children's Apperception Test
- childrens apperception test
- chimeric antigen-receptor T-cell therapy
- chin lift
- chitobioside antibody
- Chlamydia + gonorrhea point of care test
- chlamydia by naa
- Chlamydia DNA
- Chlamydia nucleic acid
- chlamydia pneumoniae dna
- chlamydia rapid test
- Chlamydia rRNA
- Chlamydia rRNA Probe w/Rflx
- Chlamydia trachomatis + Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in anus
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in blood
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in body fluid
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in cervix
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in conjunctiva
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in CSF
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in feces
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in genital specimen
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in nasopharynx
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in penis
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in stool
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in tissue
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in urethra
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in urine
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in urine sediment
- Chlamydia trachomatis Ag in vaginal fluid
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in anus
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in blood
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in body fluid
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in cervix
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in conjunctiva
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in CSF
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in feces
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in genital specimen
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in nasopharynx
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in penis
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in specimen
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in stool
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in tissue
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in urethra
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in urine
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in urine sediment
- Chlamydia trachomatis antigen in vaginal fluid
- Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA
- Chlamydia trachomatis+Neisseria gonorrhoeae point of care test
- Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA
- Chlamydia+gonorrhea point of care test
- Chlamydia, Nuc. Acid Amp
- chlamydia, PCR/southern blot
- Chlamydia, rRNA Probe
- Chlamydia/GC Amplification
- Chlamydia/GC Amplification (Chlamydia/Gonococcus, NAA)
- Chlamydia/Gonococcus, NAA
- Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA
- chloramphenicol in plasma
- chloramphenicol in serum/plasma
- chloride (Cl-) in body fluid
- chloride (Cl-) in sweat
- chloride in 24 hour urine
- chloride in body fluid
- chloride in serum/plasma
- chloride in sweat
- chloride in urine
- chlorinated hydrocarbons in blood
- ChoiceDM A1C Home Test
- cholangiopancreatography
- cholecystectomy
- cholecystectomy with cholangiography
- cholecystectomy with exploration of common bile duct
- cholecystoenterostomy
- cholecystoenterostomy with gastroenterostomy
- cholecystogram
- cholecystography
- cholecystojejunostomy
- cholecystokinin (CCK)/pancreozymin in plasma
- cholecystokinin stimulated cholescintigraphy
- cholecystostomy
- cholecystotomy
- choledocholithectomy
- choledochoscopy
- choledochostomy
- choledochotomy
- cholescintigraphy
- cholescintigraphy
- cholesterol efflux capacity
- cholesterol HDL in serum
- cholesterol in serum/plasma
- cholesterol LDL direct in serum
- cholesterol LDL in serum
- cholesterol, non-HDL in serum
- cholinesterase in serum/plasma
- Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test) in Urine
- Choriogonadotropin (pregnancy test) [Presence] in Urine
- choriogonadotropin hyperglycosylated in plasma
- choriogonadotropin hyperglycosylated in serum
- choriogonadotropin in serum/plasma
- choriogonadotropin in serum/plasma qualitative
- choriogonadotropin intact in plasma
- choriogonadotropin intact in serum
- choriogonadotropin intact in serum/plasma
- choriogonadotropin tumor marker in plasma
- choriogonadotropin tumor marker in serum
- Choriogonadotropin [Presence] in Urine
- Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit free in Plasma
- Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit free in Serum
- Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit free [Moles/volume] in Plasma
- Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit free [Moles/volume] in Serum
- Choriogonadotropin.intact [Units/volume] in Plasma
- Choriogonadotropin.intact [Units/volume] in Serum
- choriogonadotropin.tumor marker in plasma
- choriogonadotropin.tumor marker in serum
- choriogonadotropin.tumor marker in serum/plasma
- choriomammotropin in amniotic fluid
- choriomammotropin in serum
- choriomammotropin in serum/amniotic fluid
- Chorionic gonadotropin stimulation panel, estradiol response
- Chorionic gonadotropin stimulation panel,testosterone response
- chorionic villus sampling
- chromogenic substrate assay
- Chromogranin A in Plasma
- Chromogranin A in serum
- chromogranin A in serum/plasma
- Chromogranin A [Mass/volume] in Plasma
- Chromogranin A [Mass/volume] in serum
- chromosomal 5q12-35 deletion
- chromosomal breakage in blood by diepoxybutane
- chromosomal deletion 5q12-35
- chromosomal deletion-13q14
- chromosomal deletion-5q12,35
- chromosomal translocation t(11;14)(q13.2;q32)(MYEOV,IGH) in blood/tissue
- chromosomal translocation t(15;17)(q24.1;q21.1)(PML,RARA) in blood/tissue/bone marrow
- chromosomal translocation t(15;17)(q24;q21)(PML,RARA) in blood/tissue
- chromosomal translocation t(2;5)(p23;q35.1)(ALK,NPM1) in blood/tissue
- chromosome 11q22.3 deletion
- chromosome 13q14 deletion
- chromosome 16p13.3.2 deletion
- chromosome 17p11.2 deletion
- chromosome 1q21 duplication
- chromosome 5q12-35 deletion
- chromosome 7 monosomy
- chromosome 8q23.3-24.13 deletion
- chromosome analysis panel
- chromosome enumeration probe 17
- chromosome region 1p36 deletion
- chromosome region 9q34 deletion
- chromosome-5q deletion
- chromotubation
- chronic myelogenous leukemia genotyping
- chronic myelogenous leukemia, PCR/southern blot/ISH
- chylomicron remnant cholesterol in serum
- Chymex (PABA, bentiromide)) test
- chymopapain disc injection therapy
- chymopapain disk injection therapy
- chymotrypsin in stool
- ciltacabtagene autoleucel
- cine esophagography
- cine esophagram
- cine esophagraphy
- circulating tumor cell count
- circumcision
- circumferential catheter-based ablation of pulmonary veins
- cisternography
- classical conditioning
- Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor
- clinical coagulation study
- clinical coagulation test
- clinical dementia rating - sum of boxes
- clinical dementia rating scale
- clinical dementia rating scale (CDR)
- Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes
- Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes score
- clinical dementia rating-sum of boxes
- clinical laboratory test
- clinical perfusion
- clinical procedure
- Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction of Balance
- Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction on Balance
- CLN3 gene exon 7+8 deletion
- CLN5 gene mutation
- CLN8 gene mutation
- CLO test
- clock drawing test
- clock test
- close contact
- Clostridium difficile DNA
- Clostridium difficile enterotoxin A in stool
- Clostridium difficile enterotoxin B in stool
- Clostridium difficile in Stool
- Clostridium difficile toxin gene in stool
- Clostridium difficile toxin genes in stool
- clot lysis time
- clot retraction time
- clot solubility in 5M urea
- Clotting inhibitors or anticoagulants, antithrombin III, activity
- Clotting inhibitors or anticoagulants, antithrombin III, antigen assay
- Clotting inhibitors or anticoagulants; antithrombin III, activity
- Clotting, factor VIII, VW factor antigen
- Clotting; factor VIII, VW factor antigen
- clunk sign
- CMV antibody IgG in serum
- CNGB3 gene mutation
- CNS magnetic resonance imaging
- coagulation factor assay
- coagulation factor II Ab
- coagulation factor II antibody
- coagulation factor II autoantibody
- coagulation factor II gene mutation (prothrombin G20210A)
- coagulation factor ii genotype
- coagulation factor ii genotyping
- coagulation factor V HR2 haplotype
- coagulation factor V Leiden mutation
- coagulation factor VIII inhibitor in plasma
- coagulation factor X inhibitor in plasma
- coagulation studies
- coagulation study
- coagulation testing
- cobas 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test
- COBAS AmpliPrep/ CMV test
- COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan CMV test
- COBAS TaqMan CMV test
- cocaine in urine
- cocci skin testing
- Coccidioides Ab in serum
- Coccidioides antibody in serum
- coccidioidin skin testing
- coccidioidomycosis skin testing
- coccidiomycosis skin testing
- coccygectomy
- Cockcroft-Gault estimate
- Cognetivity's Integrated Cognitive Assessment ()
- cognitive abilities screening instruments
- cognitive abilities screening instruments (CASI)
- cognitive assessment
- cognitive behavior rating scale
- cognitive behavior rating scale (CBRS)
- cognitive behavior therapy
- cognitive functional therapy
- cognitive processing therapy
- cognitive reappraisal
- cognitive refocusing therapy
- cognitive rehabilitation
- cognitive screening
- cognitive therapy
- cognitive-behavioral therapy
- cold agglutinin screen
- cold analgesia
- cold caloric testing
- cold calorics
- colectomy
- cologuard
- colon cancer genotyping
- colon cancer Oncotype DX
- colon cancer screening
- colon cancer, PCR/southern blot/northern blot
- colon surgery
- ColonCARE
- colonic lavage
- colonic polypectomy
- colonoscopy
- colonoscopy through stoma with cautery
- colonoscopy with cautery
- colonoscopy with colon polypectomy
- colonoscopy with intestinal polypectomy
- colonoscopy with polypectomy
- colony forming units-basophil (CFU-Baso)
- colony forming units-eosinophil (CFU-Eo)
- colony forming units-erythroid (CFU-E)
- colony forming units-granulocyte (CFU-G)
- colony forming units-granulocyte/monocyte (CFU-GM)
- colony forming units-megakaryocyte (CFU-Meg)
- colony forming units-megakaryocyte/erythroid (CFU-MegE)
- colony forming units-monocyte/macrophage (CFU-M)
- color of urine
- colorectal adenocarcinoma Oncotype DX
- colorectal cancer Oncotype DX
- colorectal carcinoma Oncotype DX
- colorectal surgery
- colosense
- colostomy
- colpectomy
- colpocentesis
- colpocleisis
- colpopexy
- colporrhaphy
- colposcopy
- colpotomy
- commissurotomy
- compartmental arthroplasty of knee
- complement C3 in serum
- complement C3d in erythrocytes
- complement C3d in RBC
- complement C4 in serum
- Complement total hemolytic CH50 in Plasma
- Complement total hemolytic CH50 in Serum
- Complement total hemolytic CH50 [Units/volume] in Plasma
- Complement total hemolytic CH50 [Units/volume] in Serum
- complete blood count (CBC)
- comprehensive metabolic panel
- comprehensive rehabilitation
- compression
- compression therapy
- computed tomographic angiography
- computed tomographic pulmonary angiography
- computed tomography
- computed tomography (CT) of chest
- computed tomography (CT) of head
- computed tomography (CT) of the chest
- computed tomography (CT) of the thorax
- computed tomography (CT) of thorax
- computed tomography angiography
- computed tomography enterography
- computed tomography of abdomen
- computed tomography of chest
- computed tomography of head
- computed tomography of the chest
- computed tomography of the thorax
- computed tomography of thorax
- computed tomography pulmonary angiography
- computer aided detection
- computer aided diagnosis
- computer assisted detection
- computer-assisted diagnosis
- computerized dynamic posturography
- computerized tomography (CT)
- computerized tomograpy neuroimaging
- conditioned stimulus
- cone biopsy
- conization
- conjugated bilirubin in serum
- conjunctivoplasty
- connexin-32-gene mutation
- connexin-32-genotyping
- conscious sedation
- consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer's disease
- consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer's disease (CERAD)
- consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer's disease word list
- consortium to establish a registry for Alzheimer's disease word list (CA-CWL)
- contact tracing
- continuous abdominal peritoneal dialysis
- continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
- continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration
- continuous blood pressure monitoring
- continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
- continuous mandatory ventilation
- continuous performance task
- continuous performance test
- continuous positive airway pressure
- continuous renal replacement therapy
- continuous venovenous hemofiltration
- contraception
- contrast cardiac ventriculography
- contrast cerebral ventriculography
- contrast enhanced
- contrast enhancement
- contrast sensitivity test
- Contrast Ventriculography of Brain
- Contrast Ventriculography of Heart
- Contrast Ventriculography of the Brain
- Contrast Ventriculography of the Heart
- control of bleeding during surgery
- control of hemorrhage during surgery
- controlled mechanical ventilation
- convection-enhanced delivery
- conversion chemotherapy
- conversion therapy
- Coomb's test
- COPD assessment test
- copeptin in plasma
- copeptin in serum
- copper in serum
- coproporphyrin in 24 hour urine
- coproporphyrin in urine
- core needle biopsy
- corneal specular photographic microscopy
- corneal transplantation
- Cornell depression scale
- cornell scale
- coronary angiography
- coronary arterial thrombectomy
- coronary arteriography
- coronary artery bypass graft
- coronary artery bypass grafting
- coronary artery ca+2
- coronary artery calcium
- coronary artery calcium score
- coronary artery catheterization
- coronary artery revascularization
- coronary artery stent
- coronary brachytherapy
- coronary ca+2
- coronary calcium
- Coronary Disease Risk Score
- coronary flow reserve
- coronary revascularization
- coronary stent
- coronary stenting
- corpectomy
- corticosteroid binding globulin in serum
- corticosteroid-binding globulin in serum
- corticosterone in serum
- corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test
- cortisol (free), 24 hour urine
- cortisol binding globulin in serum
- cortisol in serum
- cosmetic surgery
- costotransversectomy
- cosyntropin stimulation test
- cotinine in serum/plasma
- cotinine in urine
- cotinine inplasma
- Cotinine [Mass/volume] in serum
- Cotinine [Mass/volume] in Urine
- counseling
- counseling for behavioral change
- counterimmunoelectrophoresis
- counterpulsation
- counterstimulation
- coupler device
- COVID-19 RNA in specimen
- COVID-SeroKlir
- CovidNudge test
- coxsackievirus RNA
- coxsackievirus, RT-PCR/in-situ hybridization
- CPR class 1 intervention
- CPR class 2 intervention
- CPR class 2a intervention
- CPR class 2b intervention
- CPT1A gene c.1436C>T
- CPT1A gene mutation
- CPT2 gene mutation
- cpt2-mutation
- craniectomy
- cranioplasty
- craniotomy
- cranitotomy for removal of electrode
- creatine kinase (CK) in serum
- creatine kinase MB (CKMB) in serum
- creatine kinase MM from heel stick
- creatine kinase MM in blood
- creatinine clearance
- creatinine in 24 hour urine
- creatinine in body fluid
- creatinine in serum/plasma
- creatinine in urine
- CRH stimulation test
- cricopharyngeal myotomy
- cricothyroidotomy
- cricothyrotomy
- crispr cas9
- crispr/cas9
- cross matched
- cross matching
- cross-arm test
- cross-linked N-telopeptide in urine
- crosslinked N-telopeptide in urine
- crossmatch
- crossmatched
- crossmatching
- cryoablation
- cryoglobulin in plasma
- cryoglobulin in serum
- cryoglobulins in plasma
- cryoglobulins in serum/plasma
- cryoglobulins in serum/plasma qualitative
- cryoglobulins in serum/plasma quantitative
- cryosurgery
- cryosurgery, anus
- cryosurgery, penis
- cryotherapy
- Cryptococcus Ab in CSF
- Cryptococcus Ab in serum
- Cryptococcus antibody in body fluid
- Cryptococcus antibody in CSF
- Cryptococcus antibody in serum
- Cryptococcus antibody in serum/CSF
- cryptococcus DNA
- Cryptococcus neoformans Ab in serum
- Cryptococcus neoformans Ag in CSF
- Cryptococcus neoformans Ag in serum
- Cryptococcus neoformans Ag in specimen
- Cryptococcus neoformans Ag in tissue
- Cryptococcus neoformans antibody in body fluid
- Cryptococcus neoformans antibody in serum
- Cryptococcus neoformans antibody in serum/CSF
- Cryptococcus neoformans antigen in CSF
- Cryptococcus neoformans antigen in serum
- Cryptococcus neoformans antigen in specimen
- Cryptococcus neoformans antigen in tissue
- cryptococcus, PCR/southern blot
- Cryptosporidium Ag in stool
- Cryptosporidium antigen in stool
- Cryptosporidium parvum Ag in stool
- Cryptosporidium parvum antigen in stool
- Cryptosporidium parvum in Stool
- Cryptosporidium parvum [Presence] in Stool
- Cryptosporidium sp in Stool
- Cryptosporidium sp [Presence] in Stool
- crystalline lens capsulotomy
- crystals in synovial fluid
- CSF Abeta [1-38]
- CSF Abeta [1-42]
- CSF alpha synuclein aggregates
- CSF amyloid-beta 1-42/total tau ratio
- CSF analysis
- CSF beta-2 microglobulin
- csf bilirubin
- CSF cell count
- CSF culture
- csf d serine
- csf electrolytes
- CSF for beta amyloid 1-42 & tau
- CSF glucose
- CSF heparin-binding protein
- csf iga
- csf igm
- CSF immunoelectrophoresis
- csf immunoglobulin a
- csf immunoglobulin m
- csf lactate
- CSF microtuble-associated protein tau
- CSF myelin basic protein
- CSF neurofilament light chain
- CSF opening pressure
- CSF p-tau 181
- CSF p-tau 217
- csf pressure
- CSF protein
- CSF protein electrophoresis
- CSF proteomic analysis of Alzheimer's disease subtypes
- CSF real time quaking-induced conversion assay
- csf s100-beta
- CSF seed amplification assay of alpha-synuclein
- CSF Tau/Abeta42
- CSF total tau, phosphorylated tau & amyloid-beta 1-42
- CSF Treponema pallidum Ab
- CSF Treponema pallidum antibody
- ct angiogram
- CT angiography
- ct angiography
- CT colonoscopy
- CT enterography
- CT for placement of radiation therapy fields
- ct neuroimaging
- CT of abdomen
- ct of brain
- CT of chest, abdomen & pelvis
- CT of chest; CT of thorax
- CT of head
- CT of heart
- CT of kidney
- CT of orbit, sella, posterior fossa, or ear
- CT of thoracic aorta
- ct scan
- CT scan (chest, abdomen & pelvis)
- ct urogram
- ct urography
- Ctl019
- cube drawing test
- cube test
- culdocentesis
- culdoscopy
- culture & sensitivity (C&S)
- culture of body fluid
- culture of bronchial or transtracheal aspirate/lavage
- culture of cerebrospinal fluid
- culture of genital fluid
- culture of nares (nasal)
- culture of normally sterile site
- culture of sputum
- culture of stool for Aeromonas & Plesiomonas
- culture of stool for enteric pathogens
- culture of stool for Yersinia
- culture of wound
- culture, anaerobic
- culture, bacteria
- culture, blood
- culture, fungus
- culture, fungus/Mycobacterium
- culture, Legionella
- culture, Mycobacterium
- culture, throat
- culture, urine
- culture, viral
- curettage
- cutaneous biopsy
- cutaneous flap
- cyanide in blood
- cyanide in plasma
- cyanide in serum/plasma
- cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab in serum
- cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody in serum
- cyclic citrullinated peptide IgG Ab in serum/plasma
- cycling
- cyclosporin A in blood
- cyclosporin A in serum/plasma
- CYFRA 21-1 in serum
- cyp genotyping
- cyp panel
- CYP21 genotyping
- CYP21A2 gene mutation
- cyp21a2-mutation
- CYP2C19 genotyping
- cyp2c19-allele testing
- CYP2C9 & VKORC1 genotyping
- CYP2C9 allele
- CYP2C9 allele 2
- CYP2C9 allele 3
- cyp2c9-genotype
- cyp2c9-genotyping
- cyp2c9-variant
- CYP2D6 & CYP2C19 genotyping
- CYP2D6 gene & CYP2C19 gene mutation analysis panel
- CYP2D6 gene and CYP2C19 gene mutation analysis panel
- CYP2D6 genotyping
- CYP4F2 enzyme activity
- cystatin C in serum/plasma
- cystatin C in urine
- cystectomy
- cystic fibrosis genotyping
- cystic fibrosis, PCR/southern blot
- cystine presence in urine
- cystogram
- cystography
- cystometrogram
- cystometry
- cystorrhaphy
- cystoscopic
- cystoscopy
- cystourethrography
- cystourethroscopy
- cytapheresis
- cytochrome P450 2C19 genotype
- cytochrome P450 2C19 genotyping
- cytochrome P450 2D6 & cytochrome P450 2C19 genotyping panel
- cytochrome P450 2D6 and cytochrome P450 2C19 genotyping panel
- cytochrome P450 genotyping
- cytogenetic abnormalities in ALL
- cytogenetics
- cytokeratin 19 fragment in serum
- cytolethal distending toxin B Ab in serum
- cytolethal distending toxin B gene
- cytolethal distending toxin B+vinculin Ab in serum
- cytolethal distending toxin gene
- cytomegalovirus (CMV), PCR/southern blot/in-situ hybridization
- cytomegalovirus DNA
- Cytomegalovirus DNA (viral load) in Plasma
- Cytomegalovirus DNA (viral load) in Serum
- Cytomegalovirus DNA in Blood
- Cytomegalovirus DNA in Plasma
- Cytomegalovirus DNA in Serum
- Cytomegalovirus DNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Plasma
- Cytomegalovirus DNA [#/volume] (viral load) in Serum
- Cytomegalovirus DNA [#/volume] in Plasma
- Cytomegalovirus DNA [#/volume] in Serum
- Cytomegalovirus DNA [Presence] in Blood
- cytomegalovirus IgG in serum
- cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies
- cytomegalovirus, PCR
- cytoplasmic 5' nucleotidase 1A Ab
- cytoplasmic 5' nucleotidase 1A Ab in serum
- cytoplasmic 5' nucleotidase 1A antibody in serum
- cytoplasmic 5'-nucleotidase 1A Ab in serum
- cytoplasmic 5'-nucleotidase 1A antibody in serum
- cytoreductive surgery
- cytosol aminopeptidase in serum/plasma
- cytosolic 5' nucleotidase 1A Ab
- cytosolic 5' nucleotidase 1A Ab in serum
- cytosolic 5' nucleotidase 1A antibody in serum
- cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A Ab in serum
- cytotoxic antibody screen