chymopapain disk injection therapy

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Clinical significance

  • minimizes invasiveness of surgery
  • reduces intervertebral disc size by partially dissolving the herniation
  • reduces pressure on the torn annulus & creates space necessary for retropulsion whenever circular fibres of the annulus regain a minimum capacity to contain the disc under tension
  • a small change in volume produces large change in pressure

More general terms


  1. Andreula C, Muto M, Leonardi M. Interventional spinal procedures. Eur J Radiol. 2004 May;50(2):112-9. PMID:
  2. Fraser RD Chymopapain for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation. A preliminary report of a double-blind study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 1982 Nov-Dec;7(6):608-12. PMID:
  3. Gomori JM and Floman Y Chymopapain disk-injection therapy. Modified lumbar approach. Radiology, 151, 245-246. 1984