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- body mass index (BMI) > 30; normal BMI: < 25
- mild obesity: class 1
- >20% over ideal body weight
- BMI: 30-35
- moderate obesity: class 2
- >40% over ideal body weight
- BMI: 35-40
- morbid obesity: class 3
- >100% over ideal body weight
- BMI: > 40
* body roundness index may be measure of obesity that predicts mortality better than BMI[125]
- increased energy intake in excess of energy expenditure over a prolonged period of time
- idiopathic or essential obesity
- genetic factors*
- psychosocial factors
- cultural factors
- metabolic factors
- secondary causes of obesity
- endocrine disorders
- genetic disorders
- pharmaceutical agents
- viral infection - adenovirus-36
- other factors contributing to weight gain
- insulin therapy
- tricyclic antidepressant therapy
- smoking cessation
- sleep deprivation
- intestinal flora may play a role
- proton pump inhibitors, H2-receptor antagonists & antibiotics in 1st 2 years of life increase risk[106]
- exposure to artificial light at night[108]
- maternal intake of ultraprocessed foods increases risk for pediatric obesity, but not specifically during pregnancy[115]
- theories on the origins of obesity[126]
- energy balance model[126]
- ability of the brain to control food intake is overwelmed by the environment of ubiquitous, calorie-dense, ultraprocessed foods
- this results in increased energy intake despite internal signals from the body to the brain of energy sufficiency[126]
- carbohydrate-insulin model[126]
- the ability of the brain to control food intake remains intact
- food consumption increases & energy expenditure decreases in response to internal signals from the body to the brain of low energy availability[126]
- example: post-prandial hypoglycemia
- energy balance model[126]
* genetic factors may account for tendency for obesity despite high levels of exercise[124]
- nearly 40% of U.S. adults obese in 2015-2016[97]
- 24-25% of American males[20]
- 27-33% of non-pregnant American females[20]
- prevalence highest in adults 40-59 years of age[97]
- nearly 50% of Americans will be obese by 2030[109]
- in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, & West Virginia prevalence of obesity will be 58% by 2030
- in no state will prevelance of obesity 2030 be below 35%[109]
- obesity most common among Hispanic & black adults (47%), followed by whites (38%), Asians (13%)[97]
- black women with highest obesity prevalence (55%)
- 17% of children & adolescents[85]; 20%[97]
- 13% of children in U.S.[95]
- 29% of U.S. children in 1999-2000 overweight or obese[102]
- 35% of U.S. children in 2015-2016 overweight or obese[102]
- no increase in U.S. children between 2007-2008 & 2015-2016[103]
- > 50% of obesity begins after childhood
- prevalence is increasing[8];
- no significant increase in % of U.S. adults with obesity from 2013 to 2023[129]
- increase in obesity in U.S. adults between 2007-2008 & 2015-2016[103]
- 42% of Americans by 2030[32]
- 57% of children will be obese at age 35 years[98]
- sugar-sweetened soft drinks may contribute significantly to childhood & adolescent obesity[36]
- women may be less likely than men to suffer complications from the same degree of obesity
- worldwide prevalence of overweight & obesity increased by 28% for adults & 47% for children from 1980-2013
- prevalence of adults with BMI of >=25 increased from 29% to 37% for men & 30% to 38% for women from 1980-2013[53]
- in 2015 12% of adults & 5% of children worldwide[95]
- 36% of obese girls & 48% of obese boys do not admit or realize they are overweight[56]
- see proteins associated with obesity or lack of it
- ALL obese individuals have elevated, NOT depressed metabolic rates[6]
- Firmicutes (gut flora) may play role
- fat is stored predominantly in white adipocytes derived from adipose vasculature[26]
- excessive adipocyte-derived aldosterone secretion, independent of the classical renin-angiotensin-aldosterone cascade[127]
- healthy obesity is a myth[44]
- also see Etiology: genetic disorders (above)
- MC4R gene mutation (most common)
- leptin gene mutation (rare)
- ob (leptin) receptor gene mutation (rare)
- POMC deficiency
- up-regulation of PID1 in fat of obese subjects
- the FTO allele rs1421085 T-to-C single-nucleotide variant disrupts a conserved motif for the ARID5B repressor, leading to derepression of a preadipocyte enhancer & overexpression of IRX3 & IRX5 skewing development of adipocytes more toward white fat, which store energy as fat, & less toward brown fat, which burn energy via their mitochondria[70]
- genetic factors can exacerbate effect of poor diet[50]
- other implicated genes ARHGAP23, ADRB3, DRD2, PPARG, UCP2, UCP3, SLC27A4, POMC, SCG3
- intestinal Christensenellaceae under genetic control
- Christensenellaceae appear to protect against obesity[59]
- > 2000 specific bacteriophages infecting gut bacteria are associated human chronic diseases, particularly Parkinson disease & obesity[110]
- many of the viral sequences are integrated into human chromosomal DNA or in circular episomes[110]
Clinical manifestations
- shortness of breath
- failure to lose weight
- fatigue
- daytime sleepiness
- weakness
- joint pain
- waist circumference & waist/hip ratio identifies central_obesity
- waist/hip >1 in men & >0.8 in women indicates central obesity
- increases risk of cardiovascular complications
- waist circumference >= 102 cm (40 inches) in men & >= 88 cm (35 inches) in women increases risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease & mortality[3]
- waist/hip >1 in men & >0.8 in women indicates central obesity
- pedal edema
- varicose veins
- hypertension
- body mass index > 30 kg/m2
- signs of Cushing's disease
- signs of hypothyroidism
- none required for diagnosis
- baseline testing prior to initiating dietary therapy
- complete blood count (CBC)
- blood glucose (all)[3], hemoglobin A1c
- serum electrolytes
- serum calcium
- serum magnesium
- serum uric acid
- liver function tests
- thyroid function tests
- testing for Cushing's syndrome if indicated
- fasting lipid profile (all) for assessment of metabolic syndrome[3]
- urinalysis may show proteinuria due to glomerular hyperfiltration[118]
- arterial blood gas for suspecte obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Diagnostic procedures
- electrocardiogram: check QT interval (QTc)
- polysomnography for suspected sleep apnea
(health risks of obesity)
- cardiovascular
- hypertension
- risk of hypertension in children going from overweight to obese (RR=2-3)[76]
- coronary artery disease (CAD)
- fatty streaks occur in men age 15-34[7]
- congestive heart failure (CHF)
- atrial fibrillation[3]
- stroke[3]
- increased cardiovascular risk indicators in overweight & obese children[37]
- increased cardiovascular risk in obese adolescents even in those that are fit, albeit less than those that are unfit[73]
- fit obese adolescents at higher cardiovascular risk than unfit normal weight adolescents[73]
- hypertension
- pulmonary[13]
- endocrine[13]
- diabetes mellitus type-2, insulin resistance syndrome
- 4-fold risk for type 2 diabetes in obese children & adolecents[93]
- hyperlipidemia
- diabetes mellitus type-2, insulin resistance syndrome
- gastrointestinal
- renal/urinary
- nephrolithiasis[14]
- focal & segmental glomerulonephropathy
- chronic renal failure
- increased risk for end-stage renal disease[38]
- increased risk of stress urinary incontinence[118]
- malignancy[3][23][24][57]
- large increases
- smaller increases in
- hematologic malignancies
- colorectal carcinoma
- obesity in adolescent males increases risk for colorectal cancer later in life[67]
- cervical cancer
- ovarian cancer
- post-menopausal breast cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- thyroid cancer
- stomach cancer & esophageal cancer in never smokers
- lower risk of
- increased risk of meningioma (RR=1.5)[71]
- see obesity-related cancer
- increased risk for dermatologic conditions[74]
- other
- gout
- osteoarthritis
- varicose veins
- chronic venous insufficiency
- maternal obesity increases risk of preterm delivery[41] & birth defects[25]
- increased risk for cerebral palsy in offspring in women overweight or obese prior to pregnancy
- liver disease[3]
- increased mortality[22] (RR=1.9 for men 50-71, BMI= 35-40)
- no increase in mortality in the elderly[52][54]
- prognosis in Management: section below
- longevity diminished by ~6 years due to increased mortality from diabetes mellitus & cardiovascular disease[60]
- higher adiposity associated with higher mortality after adjustment for BMI[77]
- body roundness index may be measure of obesity that predicts mortality better than BMI[125]
- no increase in mortality in the elderly[52][54]
- children who are overweight or obese, then became nonobese as adults have similar risks as those who were never obese[31]
- effect of increased incidence of obesity has not increased overall disability & mortality[95]
- obesity & overweight implicated in 7% of deaths from any cause, mostly cardiovascular[95]
- increased risk of mental health disorder[3]
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with asthma
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with HFpEF
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with heart failure
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with chronic hypertension
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with prediabetes
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with diabetes mellitus type 2
- disease interaction(s) of obesity with gesational diabetes
- disease interaction(s) of multiple sclerosis with obesity
- disease interaction(s) of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with obesity
- behavioral interventions first line (USPSTF)[101]
- for patients with a BMI of 30 or higher, clinicians should provide intensive, multicomponent behavioral interventions or refer patients to such a program[35]
- avoid activities associated with overeating, i.e. watching televison
- keeping a record of eating may be helpful
- meal planning is advisable
- require patient to get up & get food for himself/herself
- don't bring food to (serve) the patient
- keep food in another room
- getting up to get food includes second helpings
- behavioral interventions focused on food intake & physical activity, with or without orlistat, are effective in slowing weight regain[55]
- structured behavioral interventions for obese children[66]
- a 30-second intervention with obese patients during primary care] visits proved effective in promoting weight loss[90]
- advice on advantages of losing weight
- enrollment in a behavioral support group
- total weight loss of 10% is a reasonable initial goal[3]
- diet therapy
- primary mode of therapy
- begin with 1200 kcal/day
- very low calorie diet
- diet alone without restricted access to food is unlikely to produce sustained weight reduction
- most men lose weight on < 1300 kcal/day
- most women lose weight on < 1000 kcal/day
- a negative energy balance of 500 kCals/day is associated with weight reduction of 0.7 kg (1.1 pound) per week[2]
- limit dietary sugars to < 5% of total energy intake[64]
- stop high-fructose corn syrup-containing carbonated beverages[12]
- industry-funded research is 5x more likely to report no relation between sugar-sweetened beverages & obesity than industry-independent work[63]
- diet & excercise better than either alone[28]
- weight gain associated with potatoes, sugar-sweetened beverages & meat[29]
- weight reduction associated with vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, yogurt[29]
- fruits & vegetables without reduction in calorie intake is not associated with weight reduction[39]
- no specific diet has proven superior to others in achieving long-term weight loss[3]
- isocaloric substitution of sucrose with starch leads to short-term (10-day) improvements in metabolic markers in obese children (serum glucose, mean arterial pressure, serum insulin, body mass index)[72]
- low fat weight loss diet may reduce premature all cause mortality[99]
- DASH diet decreases BMI in individuals at high genetic risk for obesity[100]
- exercise
- regular exercise program is an important part of weight-reduction program
- brisk walking (moderate-intensity aerobic exercise) >= 30 minutes 5 days/week (minimum recommended activity for older adults)[2][88]
- benefits of aerobic exercise
- increases lean body mass
- increases glucose tolerance
- decreases blood pressure
- decreases risk of cardiovascular disease
- utilizes calories
- home exercise equipment may facilitate weight reduction[2]
- non-exercise activity thermogenesis more closely[15] associated with body weight than vigorous exercise
- exercise has health benefits independent of weight reduction[39]
- regular exercise program is an important part of weight-reduction program
- evidence for benefit of diet plus exercise (but not diet alone) in the elderly[52]
- combination of diet & exercise yield better effects on pain & function than either diet or exercise alone[52]
- calorie restriction associated with loss of muscle mass in obese elderly[52]; also loss of adipose tissue; outcomes not considered
- weight loss plus combined aerobic exercise & resistance exercise is the most effective in improving functional status of obese older adults[95]
- pharmaceutical agents (also see weight reduction)
- indications
- at least 5% weight loss should be achieved after 3 months, otherwise agent should be discontinued[61]
- American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) recommends
- semaglutide, liraglutide[3][116]
- drug of choice, despite no diabetes + irritable bowel syndrome IBS-D[120]
- tirzepatide (Mounjaro) 15 mg SC once weekly[114]
- reduces blood pressure & weight within 9 months[122]
- phentermine/topiramate extended-release (Qsymia)
- phentermine/topiramate (15 mg/92 mg) for 1 year lowers BMI 10%[113] - contraindications: hypertension, nephrolithiasis[120]
- sustained-release naltrexone/bupropion ER[79][116]
- insomnia is an adverse effect, thus relative contraindication[120]
- semaglutide, liraglutide[3][116]
- orlistat (Xenical) only FDA-approved agent for adolescents
- nutritional considerations[128]
- others not receiving AGA endorsement for adults
- sibutramine (Meridia)
- rimonabant
- metformin may contribute to weight reduction even in nondiabetic children, but clinical significance unknown[48]
- incretin mimetic or glysouric agent should be considered as an adjunct to metformin[61]
- other agents not recommended due to dependence potential & high incidence of adverse effects
- bariatric surgery
- indications:[3]
- BMI > 40
- BMI > 35 with serious obesity-related comorbidities
- gastric banding vs gastroplasty[11]
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass[4]
- intestinal bypass is no longer performed due to high incidence of complications
- bariatric surgery produces best long-term results[21]
- reduces blood pressure & weight[123]
- most effective strategy for adolescents[42]
- not recommended for children[66]
- avoid intragastric balloon system
- indications:[3]
- vagal nerve blockade
- benefit to risk ratio unfavorable[58]
- follow-up
- majority of patients regain lost weight
- non-compliance with diet & exercise programs are common
- prognosis
- obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) associated with diminished life-expectancy of 6-7 years[9][10]
- even a modest weight reduction (5-15%) may lead to significant improvement in medical problems in the elderly
- no evidence that weight reduction will improve mortality[52][111]
- few obese adults will achieve a normal weight[69]
- failure of resting metabolic rate to rise with body weight, after weight reduction makes regaining weight easier & losing weight harder[84]
- patients with weight loss after bariatric surgery do not appear to suffer this failure[84]
- prevention
- breast-feeding should be encouraged[68]
- limit television & screen time[68]
- limit to 2 hours a day in children >= 2years
- none for infants & children < 2 years of age
- televisions should be restricted from children's bedrooms & the kitchen[68]
- children & adolescents whose mothers follow a healthy lifestyle are less likely to become obese[104]
- structured behavioral interventions for prevention of obesity in children not indicated[66]
- removal of sweet drinks & addition of easily accessible water in schools may help mitigate the obesity epidemic[75]
- early bedtime for preschool children may reduce adolescent obesity[87]
Comparative biology
- nanoparticles containing either rosiglitazone or a PGE2 analogue adhere selectively to endothelium within white fat of obese mice, stimulate angiogenesis, transforming white fat into brown fat, inhibiting weight gain, & improving plasma cholesterol, plasma triglycerides, & plasma insulin[86]
- ref[62] presents patient's perspective on obesity & weight reduction counseling
More general terms
More specific terms
Additional terms
- bariatric surgery
- body mass index (BMI)
- ideal body weight (IBW)
- management of obesity: ACP clinical guidelines, 2005
- obesity syndrome; disorders associated with obesity
- obesity-related cancer
- proteins associated with obesity or lack of it
- weight reduction; intentional weight loss; excess weight reduction
- ↑ Saunders Manual of Medical Practice, Rakel (ed), WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996, pg 693-95
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