diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin-dependent, juvenile)
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also see diabetes in the elderly
- genetic susceptibility
- environmental trigger
- cow's milk may contain environmental trigger[10]
- enterovirus infection[11]
- increased maternal gluten intake[56]
- autoimmune destruction of pancreatic islet beta-cells
- pregnancy[2]
- myocardial infarction[2]
- idiopathic
- 10% of elderly with newly diagnosed diabetes[3]
- among U.S. adults with type-1 diabetes, median age of onset 24 years[67]
- later for men than women 27 vs 22 years[67]
- peak onset at 12 years[67]
- late-skewed distribution with case occurring in elderly > 70 years[67]
- men at greater risk of complications diabetes complications than women[68]
- insulin deficiency
- hyperglycemia
- autoimmune disease results in pancreatic islet beta-cell dysfunction*
- serum autoantibodies to beta-cell antigens
- anti-insulin[6]
- anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase-2 (GAD2)
- anti-PTPRN, anti-PTPRN2
- after presenting episode of diabetic ketoacidosis, a 'honeymoon phase' may follow in which remaining functional pancreatic beta-cells regain ability to produce some insulin[2]
- high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) increases risk of any complication[13]
* also see Comparative biology (below)
- linked to certain HLA-DR & DQ loci
- 50% concordance in monozygotic twins
- susceptibility linked to CTLA4, HNF1A
- defects in VEGFA & SOD2 are a cause of susceptibility to microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus type 1
Clinical manifestations
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- polyphagia
- weight loss
- blurred vision
- peripheral neuropathy
- classic stocking-glove pattern
- foot paresthesias
- cranial nerve III palsy
- classic stocking-glove pattern
- stiff hand syndrome
- pruritus
- abdominal pain
- orthostasis
- delirium
- xanthomas
- signs of dehydration
- signs of autoimmune disease
- urinalysis
- urine glucose
- urine ketones
- urine protein
- urine albumin/creatinine ratio
- 5 years after initial diagnosis, annually thereafter[2]
- serum chemistries
- serum glucose
- seum urea nitrogen
- serum creatinine (eGFR)
- serum ketones
- serum C peptide (low)
- fasting lipid panel at diagnosis & annually thereafter[2]
- hemoglobin A1c
- every 6 months
- every 3 months if treatment is being adjusted to optimize glycemic control[2]
- avoiding hypoglycemia takes precedence over achieving HbA1c targets[41]
- target HgbA1c is < 7%, < 8% if history of clinically significant hypoglycemia[41]
- target of HgbA1c < 6.5% in newly-diagnosed diabetes, long life expectancy & no cardiovascular disease[41]
- target for pediatric patients is 7.5%[22]
- 1,5-anhydroglucitol in serum (GlycoMark) is used primarily to identify glycemic variability in patients with normal to near normal hemoglobin A1c
- serology (diabetes-associated autoantibodies)
- point of care testing: capillary blood glucose
- 3 AM capillary blood glucose for fluctuating AM capillary blood glucose
- see ARUP consult[19]
* recommended for initial confirmation of type 1 diabetes[2]
Diagnostic procedures
- ophthalmoscopy to screen for diabetic retinopathy
- 5 years after initial diagnosis, annually thereafter[2]
- 10 g monofilament exam, 128 Hz tuning fork & ankle reflexes
- 5 years after initial diagnosis, annually thereafter[2]
- also see diabetes mellitus complications
- diabetic ketoacidosis
- untreated, or inadequately treated type-1 diabetes[2]
- often a precipitating event: infection, pregnancy ...
- increased risk of epilepsy (5-fold)
- epilepsy increases risk of diabetic ketoacidosis[15]
- hypoglycemia
- treat with glucose &/or glucagon
- look for changes in insulin requirements (renal failure ...)
- lowering insulin dose may restore sensitivity to hypoglycemia (awareness) as well as prevent further episodes of hypoglycemia
- several weeks may be required[2]
- heart failure: hazzard ratio = 4 for HgbA1c > 10.5% vs < 6.5%[14]
- cheiroarthropathy
- increased risk of cardiovascular mortality & all-cause mortality, even those with well-controlled glycated hemoglobin (HgbA1c < 7%)[25][27]
- life-expectancy shortened by 13 years[27]
- women with greater loss of life expectancy than men
- reduced life expectancy even among diabetics with preserved renal function[27]
- HgbA1c > 9.7% confers even higher mortality
- cardiovascular mortality & all-cause mortality higher in women than in men[28] (RR.1.37)
- earlier age at onset associated with increased risks for cardiovascular disease & mortality, especially among women[51]
- life-expectancy shortened by 13 years[27]
- poor glycemic control around conception is associated with increased risk for congenital heart disease[50]
- autoimmune diabetes associated with other autoimmune diseases
- gastroparesis
- frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, & Dupuytren contracture are common[66]
- also see diabetes mellitus complication
Differential diagnosis
- ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes may present with DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis)
delay of progression
- teplizumab (Tzield) an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody is FDA-approved to prevent progression of type-1 diabetes from stage 2 to stage 3, the irreversible stage when insulin-producing beta-cells lose ability to maintain normal glycemic control[60]
- verapamil 60-120 mg/day escalating every 2-4 weeks to 360 mg/day maximum (> 50 kg) partially preserves stimulated C-peptide secretion at 52 weeks[62]
- intensive glycemic control through automated insulin delivery does not affect the decline in pancreatic C-peptide secretion at 52 weeks[62]
- basal insulin QHS to account for 50% of daily insulin[2]
- premeal blood glucose target 80-130 mg/dL[26]
- short-acting insulin 5-15 minutes premeal
- regular insulin 30 minutes premeal[2]
- premeal blood glucose target 80-130 mg/dL[26]
- conventional (simple) SQ dosing:
- insulin 70/30 (70% NPH/30% regular) 2/3 in AM, 1/3 in PM
- lacks elegance, but may result in better compliance
- intensified SQ therapy
- regular insulin 1/4 of daily dose TID before meals
- NPH, Lente, or glargine 1/4 of daily dose QHS
- NPH may also be dosed BID
- mealtime dosage adjusted by patient using finger stick glucose according to algorithm
- rapid-acting inhaled insulin is noninferior to aspart insulin for HbA1c & less likely to cause hypoglycemia[41]
- adjustments of +/- 10% of mealtime & QHS insulin based on 3 day trends
- increase QHS insulin for elevated AM preprandial glucose
- fluctuating AM preprandial glucose may be associated with overnight hypoglycemia (measure 3 AM blood glucose)
- fluctuating mealtime glucose may be due to mismatch of short-acting insulin administration with meals[2]
- may reduce atherosclerosis (carotid stenosis)[5]
- may slow progression of renal impairment[17]
- may diminish long-term mortality (6% vs 9%) over span of 27 years[27]
- may slow loss of endogenous insulin secretion when implemented in early phases of type 1 diabetes[2]
- monitoring of glycemic control
- physiologic glycemic control can reduce microvascular complication by 34-76%[2]
- frequent glucose self- monitoring >= 6x/day with intensive insulin therapy[2][41]
- continuous glucose monitoring superior to conventional monitoring
- adults who need multiple insulin injections daily[36][41][58]
- insulin pump therapy[2]
- dosage requirements may diminish in the 'honeymoon phase' (see pathology)
- inpatients[2]
- critically ill patients require intravenous insulin with dosing based on a validated algorithm with point-of-care monitoring every 1-2 hours
- non critically ill patients require basal insulin in addition to prandial insulin
- sole use of insulin sliding scale is not recommended[2]
- avoid regimens that include insulin sliding scale
- correctional insulin is additional premeal insulin for preprandial glucose not at target[2]
- external insulin pump
- provides tighter glucose control in selected patients
- reduces fatal cardiovascular events (RR=0.58) & all-cause mortality (RR=0.73) relative to daily insulin injections[29]
- contraindications:
- automated closed-loop insulin delivery (artificial pancreas) is investigational (2011)[12]
- sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy[58]
- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
- cost-effective for patients unable to achieve adequate glycemic control with multiple daily insulin injections[2]
- large glycemic variability, hypoglycemia (esp unawareness)[2]
- switch to continuous glucose monitoring
- patient education & training in insulin delivery rather than choice between an insulin pump or injections may be key[38]
- insulin pumps should not be provided to adults with poor glycemic control until the effects of training on participants' level of engagement in intensive self management have been determined[38]
- young patients with type 1 diabetes may experience fewer complications (including hypoglycemia & diabetic ketoacidosis) with insulin pump than with insulin injections[42]
- continuous glucose monitoring with multiple insulin injections described as less expensive alternative to insulin pump[46]
- stem cell transplantation (investigational)
- transplant of chemically-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived islets under abdominal anterior rectus sheath[69] (first case)
other hypogylcemic agents
- metformin does not improve glycemic control in overweight/ obese adolescents with diabetes mellitus type 1[30]
- insulin plus liraglutide may improve glycemic control relative to insulin alone
- insulin plus liraglutide plus dapagliflozin lowers hemoglobin A1c but may increase risk for ketoacidosis[33]
- insulin plus dapagliflozin (5-10 mg QD) lowers hemoglobin A1c
- insulin plus sotagliflozin improves glycemic control. but is associated with excess risk of diabetic ketoacidosis[57]
- metabolic outcomes were more favorable with GLP-1 agonists (glutides) than with SGLT-2 inhibitors (flozins)[63]
- generally managed with oral glucose or other carbohydrate
- glucagon may be prescribed to high-risk patients for administration by family members, caregivers, or school personnel[41]
- patients with clinically significant hypoglycemia should raise their glycemic targets transiently for several weeks[41]
- switching from NPH to degludec, detemir or glargine may reduce frequent episodes of hypoglycemia & improve glycemia control[65]
- continuous glucose monitoring may reduce episodes of hypoglycemia[2]
- total calories 25 times desirable body weight in kg
- total fat < 30% of calories
- saturated fat < 10% of calories
- cholesterol < 300 mg/day
- distribution of calories
- a very low-carbohydrate diet may reduce HgbA1c by 1.4%[48]
- take a break from prolonged sitting every 30 minutes[35]
- regular aerobic exercise[37]
- at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week[35]
- all-types of exercise improve glycemic control[64]
- no more than 2 consecutive days without activity[35]
- 2-3 days/week of flexibility or balance training, such as tai chi or yoga for older adults with diabetes[35]
- precautions
- check fasting glucose prior to vigorous exercise
- rapidly absorbed carbohydrate prior to extended exercise if glucose is low
- reducing doses of mealtime insulin helpful for exercise-induced hypoglycemia[2]
- avoid exercise within 4 h of regular insulin
- avoid jogging/ running if neuropathy or peripheral vascular disease is present
- avoid resistance training if retinopathy is present due to risk of ocular hemorrhage
- exercise results in increases hepatic gluconeogenesis &/or glycogenolysis resulting in hyperglycemia[2][21]
- post exercise metabolism, however, can result in hypoglycemia
- >= 45 grams of complex carbohydrates at bedtime to prevent nocturnal hypoglycemia after evening exercise[2]
- limit or abstain from alcohol after exercise
- alcohol inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis[2]
- avoid evening exercise if fluctuating AM preprandial blood glucose (overnight hypoglycemia)
- also check 3 AM capillary blood glucose for Somogyi effect[2]
preventive medicine
- renal protection:
- ACE inhibitor/ARB not effective;[7]
- ARB may actually worsen albuminuria[7]
- neither ACE inhibitor or statin reduces albuminuria in adolescents[43]
- use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs not recommended for patients with normal blood pressure & urine albumin/creatinine < 30 mg/g & eGFR > 60 mL/min/1.73 m2[1]
- avoid flozins (not FDA-approved for type 1 diabetes)
- diabetic retinopathy:
- screening within 5 years of diagnosis or at puberty[45]
- ACE inhibitor/ARB may benefit 2/3 of patients[7]
- aspirin 81 mg QD (75-162 mg)
- men > 50 & women > 60 years with additional cardiac risk factors & not at risk for bleeding[2][8][9]
- optional for older patients without additional cardiac risk factors[9]
- younger patients at high risk
- aspirin reduces risk of serious vascular events (RR=0.88) but increases risk of major bleeding (RR=1.3)[53]
- fasting lipid panel annually
- treat dyslipidemia
- LDL cholesterol target < 70 mg/dL (2023 ADA)[61][2] or < 55 mg/dL if high cardiovascular risk
- lower total cholesterol < 135 mg/dL regardless of LDL cholesterol[2]
- statin of benefit in patients > 40 years of age & at least 1 additional cardiovascular risk factor[2]
- statin treatment based on individual risk rather than LDL cholesterol[26]
- high-intensity statin therapy (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin)
- known cardiovascular disease (secondary prevention)
- LDL cholesterol > 190 mg/dL
- 10 year risk of cardiovascular event > 7.5%[2]
- atorvastatin, rosuvastatin & simvastatin best statins for lowering non-HDL cholesterol in patients with diabetes mellitus[59]
- other (moderate intensity) statins for patients >= 40 years of age with 10 year risk of cardiovascular event < 7.5%[2]
- serum triglycerides target < 150 mg/dL
- use of fibrates[2] weakly (at best) supported by results of the Field study
- do not use niacin (hyperglycemic effect)
- metformin of no benefit in mitigating atherosclerosis[39]
- no benefit in omega-3 fatty acids for cardiovascular disease[54]
- exercise stress testing if
- age > 50 years
- abnormal ECG
- additional cardiovascular risk factor[2]
- blood pressure (BP)
- eye exam
- ophthalmologic evaluation after 3-5 year of disease or at puberty
- funduscopic examination annually[2]
- foot care
- inspect feet for deformity, ulceration, vascular insufficiency every 6 months
- deep tendon reflex at ankles
- vibratory & light pressure thresholds in feet
- foot inspection each visit[2]
- peripheral neuropathy:
- gabapentin, carbamazpeine, TCA, capsaicin
- gastroparesis
- small feedings, metoclopramide, bethanechol
- erectile dysfunction: phosphodiesterase inhibitor
- vaccinations:
patient education
- insulin injection technique
- finger stick capillary glucose technique
- factors influencing blood sugar
- signs & symptoms of hypoglycemia*
- glucagon IM if found unresponsive (friends & family)
- foot care
- group sessions ineffective[18]
- patient training program used in REPOSE trial[39]
- assessment of disease progression
- hemoglobin A1c every 3-4 months[2]
- target A1c < 7%
- urinary albumin/creatinine ratio annually
- hemoglobin A1c every 3-4 months[2]
- preservation of beta-cell function
- pancreatic islet cell transplantation
- generally in association with renal transplantation
- human pluripotent stem cells may be induced to form glucose-responsive, insulin-secreting beta cells
- the process is reported to be scalable to produce large quantities of such cells[24]
- anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody IV for 2 weeks preserved insulin secretion in patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes[4]
- two doses of BCG vaccine may improve glycemic control[49]
- HgbA1c 6.2% vs 7.1% after 3 years
- prevention
- oral insulin not useful in high-risk persons[44]
* beta blockers may mask signs & symptoms of hypoglycemia
Comparative biology
- in vitro beta cell production in combination with a delivery system consisting of beta cells encased in cages of nonreactive alginate restored glycemic control in mice with induced type 1 diabetes & maintained it for 6 months[32]
- the alginate cages protected the beta cells from the mice's immunologic responses (apparently cell-mediated) & themselves did not evoke a foreign body response
More general terms
More specific terms
- brittle diabetes mellitus
- diabetes in the elderly
- genetic form of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- neonatal diabetes mellitus
Additional terms
- blood pressure & hypertension in diabetes
- diabetes mellitus complication
- diabetics who become pregnant
- glycemic control
- hyperglycemia
- immune dysfunction in diabetes mellitus
- insulin pump
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