B - diseases
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- b all
- b cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- b cell all
- b cell leukemia
- b cell lymphoblastic leukemia lymphoma
- b cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
- b cell lymphoblastic lymphoma leukemia
- b cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
- b cell malignancy
- b cell non hodgkin lymphoma
- b cell non hodgkin's lymphoma
- b cell non hodgkins lymphoma
- b lines
- b lymphoblastic leukemia
- b lymphoblastic lymphoma
- b lymphoid neoplasm
- B recurrentis
- B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- B-cell lymphoma
- B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
- B-symptoms
- b12-deficiency
- b12-nutritional deficiency
- baastrup disease
- Baastrup syndrome
- babesiosis
- babinski reflex
- babinski sign
- babinski's reflex
- Babinski's sign
- babinskis reflex
- babinskis sign
- bacillary angiomatosis
- bacillary dysentery
- bacillary peliosis
- back pain
- back stiffness
- back tenderness
- backache
- backpain
- backward fall
- bacteremia
- bacteremic
- bacterial conjunctivitis
- bacterial disease
- bacterial endocarditis
- bacterial gastroenteritis
- bacterial infection
- bacterial infection, transfusion-associated
- bacterial meningitis
- bacterial overgrowth of small intestine
- bacterial overgrowth syndrome
- bacterial peritonitis (BP)
- bacterial peritonitis associated with CAPD
- bacterial peritonitis associated with peritoneal dialysis
- bacterial pneumonia
- bacterial vaginitis
- bacterial vaginosis
- bacterial zoonosis
- bacteriuria
- bad breath
- bagassosis
- baillarger syndrome
- baillarger's syndrome
- baillargers syndrome
- Baker cyst
- balance disorder
- balance disturbance
- balance problem
- balanitis
- balding
- balkan endemic nephropathy
- Balkan nephropathy
- Ball's disease
- ballinger wallace syndrome
- ballooning
- balo concentric sclerosis
- Bamberger-Marie syndrome
- bamboo hair
- Bamforth-Lazarus syndrome
- band keratopathy
- band of ladd
- band shaped keratopathy
- bands of ladd
- banhart lesion
- Bankart lesion
- bankhart lesion
- bankokerend
- Bannayan-Zonana syndrome
- Bannister's disease
- Barbiturate And Similarly Acting Sedative Or Hypnotic Abuse
- Bard-Pic syndrome
- bardet biedl syndrome bbs6
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome type 6
- Bardet-Biedl syndrome/BBS6
- bare lymphocyte syndrome
- bare lymphocyte syndrome type-1
- bare lymphocyte syndrome type-2
- baroreflex
- Barraquer-Simons syndrome
- barret esophagitis
- barret esophagus
- barret's esophagitis
- barret's esophagus
- barrets esophagitis
- barrets esophagus
- barrett esophagitis
- Barrett esophagus
- barrett metaplasia
- barrett's esophagitis
- barrett's esophagus
- barrett's metaplasia
- barretts esophagitis
- barretts esophagus
- barretts metaplasia
- barrter syndrome
- barrters syndrome
- barrtter syndrome
- barrtters syndrome
- Bart-Pumphrey syndrome
- barter syndrome
- barters syndrome
- Barth syndrome
- bartholin cyst
- bartholin gland cyst
- Bartholin's cyst
- bartholin's gland cyst
- bartholins cyst
- bartholins gland cyst
- barton fracture
- Barton's fracture
- bartons fracture
- Bartter syndrome
- Bartter syndrome type 1
- Bartter syndrome type 2
- Bartter syndrome type 3 (classic Bartter syndrome)
- Bartter syndrome type 4 (infantile Bartter syndrome with sensorineural deafness)
- bartter's syndrome
- bartters syndrome
- basal cell carcinoma
- basal cell carcinoma, morpheaform or sclerosing
- basal cell carcinoma, nodular
- basal cell carcinoma, pigmented
- basal cell carcinoma, rodent-type
- basal cell carcinoma, superficial
- basal cell nevus
- basal cell nevus syndrome
- basal cell papilloma
- basaloid squamous cell carcinoma
- Basedow's disease
- basic calcium phosphate deposition
- basic calcium phosphate deposition disease
- basidiobolomycosis
- basilar (carpometacarpal) joint arthritis
- basilar artery occlusion
- basilar artery syndrome
- basilar artery thrombosis/occlusion
- basophilic leukemia
- Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
- bath salt abuse
- Batten-Mayou disease
- Battle sign
- Baumgarten syndrome
- Bazex syndrome
- BCC (basal cell carcinoma)
- beard ringworm
- Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome
- Beau's lines
- beaver fever
- Bechterew's disease
- beck triad
- Beck's triad
- Becker disease
- Becker muscular dystrophy
- becker nevus
- Becker's nevus
- beckers nevus
- becks triad
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
- bed bound
- bed ridden
- bed wetting
- bedridden
- bedsore
- beer potomania
- behavioral disorder
- behcet disease
- Behcet syndrome
- behcet's disease
- behcet's syndrome
- behcets disease
- behcets syndrome
- bejel
- belching
- Bell's palsy
- belly ache
- bendopnea
- Benedikt syndrome
- benedikt's
- benedikts
- benign essential tremor
- benign ethnic neutropenia
- benign familial infantile convulsions
- benign familial infantile epilepsy
- benign familial infantile seizures
- benign familial neonatal convulsions
- benign familial neonatal epilepsy
- benign familial neonatal seizures
- benign familial pemphigus
- benign fasciculation cramp syndrome
- benign fibrous histiocytoma
- benign focal amyotrophy
- benign Mediterranean macrothrombocytopenia
- benign migratory glossitis
- benign mixed tumor of salivary gland
- benign monoclonal gammopathy
- benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
- benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- benign paroxysmal vertigo
- benign positional vertigo
- benign prostate hyperplasia
- benign prostate hypertrophy
- benign prostatic hyperplasia
- benign prostatic hypertrophy
- benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
- benign recurrent lymphocytic meningitis
- benign recurrent vertigo
- benign senile forgetfulness
- benign symmetric lipomatosis
- bennett fracture
- Bennett's fracture
- bennetts fracture
- bent carrot
- bent nail syndrome
- bent penis
- benzodiazepine overdose
- benzodiazepine poisoning
- benzodiazepine toxicity
- Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy type 1
- Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy type 2
- Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy type 3
- bereavement
- Berger's disease
- bergman triad
- Bergman's triad
- bergmans triad
- beriberi
- Bernard-Horner's syndrome
- Bernard-Soulier disease
- berylliosis
- besnier prurigo
- besnier's prurigo
- besniers prurigo
- Best macular dystrophy
- bestrophinopathy
- beta hemolytic
- beta thalassemia
- beta thalassemia intermedia
- beta thalassemia major
- beta thalassemia minor
- beta thalassemia trait
- beta-hemolysis
- beta-hydroxyisobutyryl CoA deacylase (HIBCH) deficiency
- beta-sitosterolemia
- beta-ureidopropionase deficiency
- Bethlem myopathy
- Better Eye: Total Impairment; Lesser Eye: Total Impairment
- bible cyst
- biceps tendonitis
- bicipital rib
- bicipital tendonitis
- bicipital tenosynovitis
- bicornate uterus
- bicornuate uterus
- bicuspid aortic valve
- Bielschowsky-Jansky neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- Bier spot
- bier's spot
- biers spot
- Biett sign
- Biett's sign
- bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy
- bietti crystalline dystrophy
- bietti's crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy
- Bietti's crystalline dystrophy
- biettis crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy
- biettis crystalline dystrophy
- bifascicular heart block
- bifascicular block
- bifid pulse
- big heart
- bigeminy
- bilateral atrial enlargement
- bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria
- bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria
- bilateral striatal necrosis
- bile acid diarrhea
- bile duct cancer
- bile duct obstruction
- bilharziasis
- biliary atresia
- biliary cancer
- biliary carcinoma
- biliary cast syndrome
- biliary colic
- biliary crystals
- biliary cyst
- biliary infection
- biliary inflammation
- biliary obstruction
- biliary pancreatitis
- biliary peritonitis
- biliary sludge
- biliary spasm
- biliary tract cancer
- biliary tract colic
- biliary tract infection
- biliary tract inflammation
- biliary tract malignancy
- biliary tract obstruction
- biliary tract spasm
- biliary tree obstruction
- bilious emesis
- bilious vomiting
- bilirubin encephalopathy
- bilirubinemia
- bilirubinuria
- binge drinking
- binge eating disorder
- Binswanger's disease
- biotin deficiency
- biotinidase deficiency
- bipolar affective disorder
- bipolar depression
- bipolar disorder
- bipolar disorder-1
- bipolar disorder-2
- bipolar I disorder
- bipolar II disorder
- bipolar type 2 disorder
- bipolar type II disorder
- bipolar-1-disorder
- bipolar-2-disorder
- bird fancier's lung
- Bird flu
- Birk Barel syndrome
- Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
- biscuspid valve
- bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
- bitemporal hemianopia
- bitemporal hemianopsia
- bitot spot
- Bitot's spot
- bitots spot
- Bjoernstad syndrome
- black hairy tongue
- black heel
- black nail
- black stool
- black tongue
- blackwater fever
- bladder atony
- bladder calculus
- bladder cancer
- bladder carcinoma
- bladder exstrophy
- bladder extrophy
- bladder fermentation syndrome
- bladder incontinence
- bladder malignancy
- bladder neck contracture
- bladder neck hypermobility
- bladder prolapse
- bladder stone
- blanchable erythema
- blaschko lines
- Blaschko's lines
- blaschkos lines
- blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
- Blastomycosis
- Blau syndrome
- bleeding
- bleeding gums
- blepharedema
- blepharitis
- Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation)
- blepharochalasis
- blepharophimosis syndrome; blepharophimosis, ptosis, & epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES)
- blepharophimosis, ptosis, & epicanthus inversus syndrome
- blepharoptosis
- blepharospasm
- blind loop syndrome
- blindness; anopsia
- blister
- blistering dermatitis
- blistering disease
- Blizzard
- bloat
- bloating
- Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome
- blood coagulation disorder
- blood group-Lutheran inhibitor
- blood incompatibility
- blood platelet clump
- blood pressure (BP)
- blood pressure assessment
- blood pressure in the oldest old
- blood pressure in the very old
- blood pressure measurement
- blood transfusion reaction
- bloody diarrhea
- bloody stool
- bloody tears
- Bloom syndrome
- bloom's syndrome
- blooms syndrome
- blowout fracture
- blue bloater
- blue diaper syndrome
- blue finger tip
- blue fingertip
- blue nails
- blue nevus (dermal melanocytoma)
- blue rubber bleb nevus
- Blue Silk
- blue tinged finger
- blue toe syndrome
- bluish finger tip
- bluish fingertip
- blumer shelf
- Blumer's shelf
- blumers shelf
- blurry vision (decreased visual acuity, DVA)
- body cavity based lymphoma
- body cavity-based lymphoma
- body odor
- body temperature
- Boerhaave syndrome
- boerjeson forssman syndrome
- Bone and Cartilage Disorder
- bone break fever
- bone disease
- bone disorder
- bone fracture
- bone fracture sacrum
- bone fragility with contractures arterial rupture & deafness
- bone infection
- bone lesion
- bone lytic lesion
- bone marrow depression
- bone marrow failure
- bone marrow hypoplasia
- bone marrow suppression
- bone marrow transplant nephropathy
- bone metastases
- bone metastasis
- bone mets
- bone modeling defect of hands & feet
- bone neoplasm
- bone pain
- bone sclerosis
- bone tenderness
- bone tumor
- bone tumour
- bonnet syndrome
- bony metastases
- borderline personality disorder
- borjeson syndrome
- Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome
- Bornholm disease
- Borrelia recurrentis
- borreliosis
- Bosley-Salih-Alorainy syndrome
- Bothnia retinal dystrophy
- botryomycosis
- botulism
- botulism food poisoning
- Bourneville disease
- boutonneuse fever
- Boutonniere deformity
- boutonniere's deformity
- boutonnieres deformity
- bouveret syndrome
- bouveret's syndrome
- bouverets syndrome
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- bowel adhesion
- bowel bypass syndrome
- bowel cancer
- bowel incontinence
- bowel ischemia
- bowel obstruction
- bowel perforation
- Bowen's disease
- bowenoid papulosis
- boxer fracture
- boxer's fracture
- boxers fracture
- brachial plexopathy
- brachial plexus neuropathy
- brachiocephalic artery stenosis
- brachiocephalic artery thrombosis
- brachioradial pruritus
- brachydactylia
- brachydactyly
- brachydactyly a2
- brachydactyly b1
- brachydactyly c
- brachydactyly d
- brachydactyly e
- brachydactyly type A
- brachydactyly type A1
- brachydactyly type A2
- brachydactyly type B
- brachydactyly type b1
- brachydactyly type C
- brachydactyly type D
- brachydactyly type E
- brachydactyly-syndactyly syndrome
- Bradbury-Eggleston Syndrome
- bradyarrhythmia
- bradycardia
- bradykinesia
- bradyopsia
- brain abscess
- brain aneurysm
- brain fog
- brain freeze
- brain herniation
- brain injury
- brain lesion
- brain malformation
- brain mass
- brain metastases
- brain metastasis
- brain mets
- brain neoplasm
- brain small vessel disease with hemorrhage
- brain stem stroke
- brain trauma
- brain tumor-polyposis syndrome 1
- brainstem compression
- brainstem contusion
- brainstem encephalitis
- brainstem hemorrhage
- brainstem infarction
- branch retinal vein occlusion
- branched-chain ketoaciduria
- branchial cleft cyst
- branchiooculofacial syndrome
- branchiootic syndrome
- branchiootorenal syndrome
- brandy nose
- BRCA gene mutation positive
- BRCA1 gene mutation positive
- BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutation positive
- BRCA2 gene mutation positive
- breakthrough pain (BTP)
- breast abscess
- breast cancer
- Breast Cancer - Male
- breast cancer in men
- breast cancer in the elderly
- breast cyst
- breast ductal carcinoma
- breast ductal carcinoma in situ
- breast hypertrophy
- breast inflammation
- breast lobular carcinoma
- breast loular carcinoma in situ
- breast lump/mass
- breast mass
- breast milk jaundice
- breast pain
- breech birth
- breech presentation
- Brenner tumor
- brief psychotic disorder
- brief psychotic episode
- bright red blood per rectum
- Brill-Zinsser disease
- Briquet's syndrome
- brittle cornea syndrome
- brittle diabetes mellitus
- brittle diabetic
- broad beta disease
- Broca's aphasia
- brockenbrough sign
- Brockenbrough's sign
- brockenbroughs sign
- broken heart syndrome
- broken tooth
- bromhidrosis
- bromidrosiphobia
- bronchial carcinoid
- bronchial carcinoid tumor
- bronchial constriction
- bronchial edema
- bronchial spasm
- bronchiectasis
- bronchio otorenal syndrome
- bronchio-oto-renal syndrome
- bronchiolithiasis
- bronchiolitis
- bronchiolitis obliterans
- bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
- bronchitis
- bronchocentric granulomatosis
- bronchoedema
- bronchoesophageal fistula
- bronchogenic carcinoma
- bronchogenic cyst
- broncholithiasis
- bronchophony
- bronchopleural fistula
- bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- bronchopulmonary carcinoma
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- bronchopulmonary sequestration
- bronchorrhea
- bronchospasm
- bronchospastic disease
- Bronze-Schilders disease
- brooke spiegler syndrome
- brown lesion of the labia minora
- brown lesion of the labia minora
- brown lesion of the vulva
- brown macular lesion of the labia minora
- brown macular lesion of the labia minora
- brown nails
- brown urine
- brown wart
- Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome
- Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome type 1
- brucella infection
- brucellosis
- Bruck syndrome
- brudzinki sign
- Brudzinki's sign
- brudzinkis sign
- brudzinski sign
- brudzinski's sign
- brudzinskis sign
- brueghel syndrome
- brueghel's syndrome
- brueghels syndrome
- Brugada syndrome
- Brugada syndrome type 1
- Brugada syndrome type 3
- Brugada syndrome type 4
- Brugada syndrome type 8
- bruit
- Brunner syndrome
- bruton hypogammaglobulinemia
- Bruton type agammaglobulinemia
- bruton type x linked agammaglobulinemia
- bruton type x linked hypogammaglobulinemia
- bruton's agammaglobulinemia
- bruton's hypogammaglobulinemia
- brutons agammaglobulinemia
- brutons hypogammaglobulinemia
- bruxism
- bubonic plague
- buccal ulcer
- buccofacial apraxia
- buckling of the knee
- Budd-Chiari syndrome
- Buerger's disease
- bulbar palsy
- bulbar paralysis
- bulbocavernosus reflex
- bulimia nervosa
- bulla
- bullae
- bullosis diabeticorum
- bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma
- bullous dermatitis
- bullous dermatoses
- bullous dermatosis
- bullous diabeticorum
- bullous disease
- bullous epidermal necrolysis
- bullous erythroderma ichthyosiformis congenita of Brocq
- bullous impetigo
- bullous lesion
- bullous lung disease
- bullous myringitis
- bullous pemphigoid
- bullying
- bundle branch block
- bunion
- buphthalmia
- buphthalmos
- burkitt lymphoma
- burkitt tumor
- Burkitt's lymphoma
- burkitt's tumor
- burkitts lymphoma
- burkitts tumor
- burn
- burn of fhourth degree
- burn of first degree
- burn of second degree
- burn of third degree
- burn out
- burn to the eye
- Burnett syndrome
- burning mouth syndrome
- burnout
- burns
- bursitis
- burton line
- Burton's line
- burtons line
- Buruli ulcer
- buschke disease
- Buschke scleredema
- buschke's disease
- Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome
- buschkes disease
- buttock pain
- buttocks pain
- butyrylcholinesterase deficiency
- Byler disease
- byssinosis