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Life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection.[23]
The presence of various pus-forming & other pathogenic organisms or their toxins, in the blood or tissues. The same organism is often isolated in both the blood & the primary site of infection. Sepsis has features of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).
- gram negative organisms account for 2/3 of positive blood cultures
- gram positive cocci account for 10-20% of positive blood cultures
- fungi account for 5% of positive blood cultures
- in nursing home population, 50% gram positive orgamisms, 45% gram negative organisms & 5% fungal infection; 47% due to multidrug-resistant organisms[60]
- Rickettsia (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
- malaria
- in infants
- Escherichia coli most common cause, especially when associated with urinary tract infection[19]
- Listeria monocytogenes 2nd most common cause[19]
- PCV13 vaccines have reduced incidence of bacteremia in young children & shifted the most-commonly isolated pathogens from pneumococcus to E coli, S aureus, & Salmonella[31]
- lower respiratory tract infections (pneumonia), abdominal infections, urinary tract infections & soft tissue infections most common[43]
- risk factors[43]
- extremes of age < 10 years, > 70 years
- comorbidities (cirrhosis, alcoholism, diabetes, cardiopulmonary diseases, malignancy)
- immunosuppression
- major surgery, trauma, or burns
- invasive procedures (catherization & other intravascular devices, prosthetic devices, endotracheal tubes)
- previous antibiotic treatment
- prolonged hospitalization
- genetic susceptibility
- obstetric factors (childbirth, abortion)
- malnutrition
- most sepsis is community-acquired; however, healthcare exposure within 1 month of hospitalization with sepsis is common[55]
- incidence of sepsis & sepsis-related mortality has not changed in recent years[38]
- microbial invasion of the blood stream is not essential for the development of sepsis
- microbial endotoxins can lead to systemic symptoms
- myocardial depression due to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
- ventricular dilation
- reduced ventricular ejection fraction
- maintenance of stroke volume
- in early stages of sepsis, cardiac output is maintained or even increased[43]
- CASP12 implicated in susceptibility to severe sepsis
Clinical manifestations
- fever
- tachycardia
- tachypnea
- hypotension
- delirium
- early recognition of sepsis is based of signs of developing end organ failure[4]
- severe symptoms in septic shock
- cough, dyspnea & sputum production suggest pulmonary source
- ARDS (see complications)
- dysuria, frequency & flank pain suggest urosepsis
- nausea, vomiting & diarrhea suggest gastroenteritis
- petechiae or purpura associated with Neisseria meningitidis
- petechial lesions associated with Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- generalized erythroderma associated with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes
- ecthyma gangrenosum is a cutaneous ulceration associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Diagnostic criteria
(Clinical criteria)
- temp > 38 C or < 36 C
- heart rate > 90/min
- respiratory rate > 20/min or paCO2 < 32 torr
- WBC > 12,000 cells/mm3 or < 4000 cells/mm3 or > 10% bands
- documented infection
- serum lactate[15][42]
- persistently elevated despite fluid resuscitation in severe sepsis/septic shock
- predicts mortality about as well as MEDS score
- measure within 1 hour (part of 1 hour bundle)[42]
- > 2 mmol/L despite adequate hydration[43]
- remeasure with 2-4 hours if > 2 mmol/L
- normal serum lactate is one endpoint of resuscitation
- blood cultures prior to administration of antibiotics:
- sputum cultures
- urinalysis & urine cultures (all patients)[43]
- complete blood count (CBC)
- leukocytosis with predominance of neutrophils & band forms with bacteremia
- leukopenia may be present especially in elderly & immunocompromised
- thrombocytopenia with severe sepsis
- a normal WBC count does not rule out bacteremia[11]
- serum chemistries
- basic metabolic panel
- serum Na+ (hyponatremia), serum K+ (hyperkalemia)
- serum Cl- (calculation of anion gap)
- serum HCO3- may be low consistent with metabolic acidosis
- BUN, serum creatinine to assess oliguria
- serum glucose
- procalcitonin in serum only if probability of infection is low[4]
- basic metabolic panel
- remove & culture all indwelling catheters
- aspiration of joint if joint infection suspected
- gram stain & culture of wounds
- paracentesis of ascites fluid
- as indicated
- lumbar puncture if intracranial infection is suspected
- serum bilirubin > 4 mg/dL with severe sepsis
- serum ALT, serum AST
- serum amylase
- DIC panel (PT/PTT, plasma fibrinogen, D-dimer)
- arterial blood gas (ABG): PaO2/FiO2 < 300
- target central venous oxygen saturation > 70% in patients with central venous catheters[15]
- serum cortisol (adrenal insufficiency)
- cosyntropin stimulation test (see Management)
- repeat blood cultures for gram-negative sepsis most likely positive if patient is febrile[40]
- see ARUP consult[13]
Diagnostic procedures
- electrocardiogram:
- echocardiogram for all septic patients
- obtain transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)
- if TTE is negative, obtain transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)[4]
- chest X-ray (all patients)[43]
- ultrasound or CT of kidneys if complicated urosepsis suspected
- imaging of abdominal contents if indicated
- septic shock
- acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (18-38%)[43]
- usually within 12-48 hours of inciting event
- stroke (HR=6.0)[9]
- new-onset atrial fibrillation
- persistent cognitive impairment & functional disability in the elderly[20]
- increased risk of post-operative venous thrombosis & arterial thrombosis[21]
- delays in treatment of early sepsis are associated with higher mortality[4]
- increased mortality in elderly persists for at least 2 years[24]
- 74% of in-hospital mortality with sepsis on admission[47]
- 30-day hospital readmission for sepsis more common than readmission for any of the 4 CMS index conditions*, associated with longer length of stay after readmission, & is associated with higher cost[31]
- increased risk for seizures up to 8 years after hospital discharge (RR=5.0)[32]
- 47% of hospitalizations with sepsis from nursing homes are due to multidrug-resistant organisms[60]
* readmission used by CMS as quality markers for index conditions (heart failure, MI, pneumonia, COPD)[31]
Differential diagnosis
- anaphylaxis
- drug overdose
- pancreatitis
- burns
- adrenal insufficiency
- pulmonary embolism
- ruptured aortic aneurysm
- myocardial infarction
- hemorrhage
- cardiac tamponade
- drug withdrawal
- neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- systemic vasculitides
- exensive crush injury
- heatstroke
- dehydration
- systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
- monitor:
- temperature
- blood pressure:
- mean arterial BP > 65
- target systolic BP 120-140 mm Hg
- heart rate
- respiratory rate
- pulse oximetry
- urine output
- mental status
- NPO (nothing by mouth) until respiratory & mental status are stable
- oxygen to maintain SaO2 > 90%
- mechanical ventilation as indicated
- low tidal volume 6 mL/kg
- plateau pressures < 30 cm H2O
- one hour sepsis bundle
- hydration/volume
- lactated Ringer's preferred vs normal saline
- lactated Ringer's associated with lower 30-day mortality than saline[53]
- do not use synthetic colloid (hydroxyethyl starch)[14]
- initial bolus of 30 mL/kg[16] within 3 hours[61]
- fluid resuscitation with normal saline vs lactated Ringer's result in similar outcomes[62]
- keep central venous pressure 8-12 mm Hg[16]
- central venous pressure monitoring & targeting do not improve outcomes[54]
- central venous oxygen saturation > 70%
- urine output >= 0.5 mL/kg/hour[16]
- 30 mg/kg crystalloid for hypotension or serum lactate >= 4 mmol/L[44]
- time to completion of fluid bolus not associated within-hospital mortality[33]
- assessment of volume responsiveness after initial fluid bolus before initiating vasopressors[66]
- caution in patients with heart failure or renal failure
- aggressive fluid management associated with excess mortality in HIV-positive patients in Zambia[37]
- no benefit to fluid restriction in patients with septic shock[64]
- lactated Ringer's preferred vs normal saline
- antimicrobial therapy
- intravenous empiric antimicrobial therapy within 1 hour after specimens for blood culture & other appropriate cultures have been obtained[28][51] (severe sepsis or septic shock)[4][16][17]
- begin within 1 hour even if obtaining cultures is incomplete[4]
- continuous infusion of beta-lactam (especially Zosyn) improves outcomes[27]
- early antibiotics for severe sepsis associated with lesser progression to septic shock & lower mortality[30]
- rapid administration of antibiotics associated with lower in-hospital mortality
- prehospital antibiotics in the ambulance does not improve outcomes[41] (unclear whether blood cultures were obtained in ambulance prior to antibiotics)
- a 1 hour mandate lacks evidence of benefit & is achieved in only 29% of patients in the emergency department[52]
- no mortality benefit to antibiotics within 1 hour vs 1-3 hours after emergency department arrival in patients with sepsis or septic shock[56]
- adjust antibiotics according to culture & sensitivities
- discontinue antibiotics if cultures negative[4]
- duration of therapy: 7-10 days (3-6 weeks for S. aureus)
- intravenous vancomycin or daptomycin for 4-6 weeks if MRSA sepsis with prosthetic joint[66]
- 7 days of therapy adequate for gram-negative sepsis & neutropenia due to hematologic malignancy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation[67]
- 7 days of therapy adequate for uncomplicated bacteremia[73]
- monotherapy with third generation cephalosporin or carbapenam for community-acquired septic shock
- coverage for MRSA & an anti-pseudomonas beta-lactam & either a fluoroquinolone or an aminoglycoside for nosocomial infections, immunosuppression or recent antibiotic use
- cefepime, levofloxacin & vancomycin
- Zosyn & cefepime similarly likely to cause acute kidney injury[69]
- aztreonam, levofloxacin & vancomycin if penicillin allergy
- cefepime, levofloxacin & vancomycin
- addition of clindamycin to decrease toxin production for suspected toxic shock syndrome
- no benefit from the addition of moxifloxacin to meropenem for the management of the severe sepsis[12]
- 3 days of IV antibiotics prior to step-down oral therapy with fluoroquinolone or beta-lactam antibiotic for Streptococcal sepsis[57]
- for patients with gram-negative sepsis responding to IV antibiotics, switch to oral therapy after 3-5 days[70]
- intravenous empiric antimicrobial therapy within 1 hour after specimens for blood culture & other appropriate cultures have been obtained[28][51] (severe sepsis or septic shock)[4][16][17]
- catheter management
- central venous access as needed
- pulmonary artery catheterization not routinely indicated
- removal of indwelling catheter when not needed
- central venous access as needed
- prevention of septic shock (see septic & distributive shock)
- assessment of volume responsiveness after initial fluid bolus before initiating vasopressors[66]
- vasopressor added if hypotension persists despite volume resuscitation
- norepinephrine vasopressor of choice
- epinephrine added if adequate blood pressure cannot be maintained[16]
- circumstances may exist where epinephrine may be substituted for norepinephrine[16]
- norepinephrine vasopressor of choice
- initiate vaspressor via peripheral access, vs waiting for placement of central venous access[61]
- target mean arterial pressure > 65 mm Hg[16][42]
- phenylephrine not recommended except if
- norepinephrine is associated with serious arrhythmias
- cardiac output is high & blood pressure persistently low
- add dobutamine up to 20 ug/kg/minute if cardiac output low despite norepinephrine[16]
- intravenous glucocorticoid if ongoing vasopressor therapy[61]
- corticosteroid replacement
- of no benefit[6]
- hydrocortisone 50 mg bolus followed by 200 mg IV infusion daily does not prevent septic shock[25]
- no role in sepsis without septic shock[4]
- adrenocortical insufficiency[65]
- AVOID in the absence of refractory shock[16]
- other, older
- if serum cortisol is < 9 ug/dL after 250 ug cosyntropin stimulaton test
- hydrocortisone 15-240 mg IV every 12 hours
- low dose corticosteroid (< 300 mg cortisol QD equivalent) for 5-11 days may improve outcomes[5]
- grade 2C recommendation[7]
- thiamine, vitamin C (6 g IV QD), hydrocortisone (50 mg Q6h)
- may reduce mortality (9% vs 41% in a single-center study)[34]
- does not increase ventilator- & vasopressor-free days[58]
- vitamin C not recommended[61] - intravenous vitamin C associated with increased 28 day mortality[63]
- IV hydrocortisone (200 mg/day) suggested for patients who are hemodynamically unstable despite fluids & vasopressors[16]
- mortality is lower with 200 mg hydrocortisone QD at 28 days, but not at 90 days[46]
- of no benefit[6]
- blood transfusion
- after tissue hypoperfusion is corrected, RBC transfusion only when blood hemoglobin < 7.0 g/dL
- target blood hemoglobin of 7.0-9.0 g/dL in adults[16]
- after tissue hypoperfusion is corrected, RBC transfusion only when blood hemoglobin < 7.0 g/dL
- platelet transfusion indicated for patients with severe sepsis (possible DIC) when platelet count is < 10,000/mm3[43]
- sodium bicarbonate should not be used if arterial pH >= 7.15[16]
- stress ulcer prophylaxis - ranitidine 50 mg IV every 8 hours
- DVT prophylaxis - TEDs/SCD or subcutaneous heparin
- IV insulin for hyperglycemia after initial stabilization
- maintain plasma glucose < 180 mg/dL[4]
- see glycemic control
- recombinant human activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa) for severe sepsis & high risk of death if risk of bleeding is low[4][8]
- early broad-spectrum antibiotics & drotrecogin alfa independently associated with lower hospital mortality in ICU patients
- continued statin use associated may improve outcomes in ICU patients with sepsis[18]
- - no mortality benefit to early renal replacement therapy[45]
- early enteral nutrition if possible[4]
- New York has a mandate that all hospitals use evidence-based protocols for identification & management of sepsis & that they report data on protocol adherence & clinical outcomes to the state[33]
- more rapid completion of a 3-hour bundle of sepsis care associated with lower in hospital mortality[33]
- Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock Early Management Bundle (SEP-1) adherence 54%[36]
- sepsis-related mortality decreases with mandated bundled care & reporting[50]
- CMS Sepsis Performance Measure (SEP-1) has not improved outcomes[59]
More general terms
More specific terms
- gram-negative sepsis; gram-negative bacteremia
- Lemierre syndrome (septic thrombosis of the jugular vein)
- neonatal sepsis
- pyemia
- septic shock
- urosepsis
Additional terms
- distributive shock; vasodilatory shock (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome)
- mortality in emergency department sepsis (MEDS) score
- Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock Early Management Bundle (SEP-1)
- ↑
- ↑ Saunders Manual of Medical Practice, Rakel (ed), WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1996, pg 853-55
- ↑ Clinical Practice Statement for Adult Sepsis, The Permanente Medical Group, Nov. 1999
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