chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
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Patients with COPD often fall into 1 of 2 classes: Emphysema (pink puffers) or chronic bronchitis (blue bloaters).[64]
- Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
- disease severity (ACP)[3]
- symptoms
- airflow obstruction on spirometry
- acute COPD exacerbations
- comorbidities
- heterogeneity
- chronic exposure to airway irritants
- smoking (cigarette smoke is the most important risk factor[3])
- environmental/occupational exposures[101]
- publishing
- mining
- office & administrative support
- transportation & material moving jobs (for women)
- biomass fuels (developing coutries, Haiti)
- air pollution[121]
- acute exacerbations (see COPD exacerbation)
* a healthy diet appears to mitigate risk of COPD[56]
- onset in midlife
- 12% of never-smokers > 40 years of age
- 4th leading cause of death in older patients[44]
- allelic variation at the Arg16Gly locus of the ADRB2 gene (beta2-adrenergic receptor) in blacks do not seem to affect response to long-acting beta agonists (LABA)[60]
- 62% false positive diagnosis; post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC not < 70%[104]
- residence above 4000 feet does not affect progression of COPD
- obstruction to airflow
- airway collapse during expiration
- increased intrathoracic airway pressure during expiration
- loss of elastic recoil of lungs
- leads to air trapping & hyperinflation
- bronchospasm
- increased bronchomotor tone in smooth muscles of airway
- mediators: vagus nerve, extrinsic allergens, cytokine release, external & physical chemical injury, airway hypothermia
- mucosal inflammation & edema
- neutrophil & CD8-mediated inflammation[79]
- mucus gland hypertrophy & mucus plugging
Clinical manifestations
- dyspnea[16]
- persistent & progressive
- generally worse with exercise
- described by patient 'increased effort to breathe' 'heaviness' 'air hunger' 'gasping'
- respiratory failure may occur
- fatigue
- chronic bronchitis
- chronic cough
- may be intermittent & non-productive[44]
- chronic sputum production[16]
- sputum may be increased with exacerbations
- chronic cough
- purse-lip breathing & other manifestations of emphysema
- does not fluctuate much over a period of several months*
- weight loss, muscle atrophy & weakness are common with severe COPD[3]
- patients with COPD are hypermetabolic likely due to increased work of breathing[130]
- smokers over 40 years of age may initially present with lower-respiratory tract symptoms[43]
- 15% of COPD patients have asthma overlap syndrome[65]
- wheezing
* distinguishing feature from asthma
- arterial blood gas (ABG) if FEV1 < 50% predicted
- hypercarbia over baseline
- pH < 7.30
- carboxyhemoglobin level to identify continued smoking
- serum alpha-1 antitrypsin all patients[3]
- eosinophil count[111]
Diagnostic procedures
- spirometry confirms diagnosis (NEJM)[128]
- obstructive pattern
- FEV1, FEV1/FVC & FEF[25-75], measures of expiratory airflow are diminished
- post bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 70% of predicted for diagnosis (ACP)[3][103]
- when FEV1/FVC is 65-70% of predicted, a single spirometry may not be enough for diagnosis[85]
- in these patients diagnostic reversal within 5 years in up to 27% with smoking cessation[85]
- post bronchodilator FEV1 < 80% of predicted (GOLD)
- when the FEV1 falls below 1 liter, 5 year survival is 50%
- response to bronchodilators is generally poor (in contrast to asthma)
- spirometry to confirm airway obstruction prior to treatment with bronchodilator[57]
- repeat spirometry to evaluate change in condition
- annual spirometry can provide objective measure of change in pulmonary function[3]
- USPSTF recommends against screening for COPD with spirometry
- obstructive pattern
- complete pulmonary function testing
- indications
- evaluation for lung reduction surgery
- evaluation for lung transplantation
- otherwise not cost effective & does not change management[3]
- increased total lung capacity suggests emphysema
- diminished DLCO suggests lung parenchymal changes consistent with emphysema
- indications
- echocardiogram: {pulmonary hypertension & cor pulmonale}
- COPD assessment test or
- Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale
- 6-minute walk[111]
- chest X-ray (r/o heart failure, tuberculosis ...)[16]
- computed tomography (CT) of thorax
- emphysema-like findings on CT associated with increased mortality, even in asymptomatic patients[55]
- not routinely recommended to monitor COPD[3]
- low dose lung CT for adults aged 55-80 with a 30-pack-year smoking history who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years[3]
- persistent COPD exacerbations[121]
- symptoms out of proportion to airflow obstruction
- evidence of air trapping/hyperinflation[121]
- mucus plugs seen on chest CT in patients without evident symptoms associated with more-severe disease[131]
- pulmonary CT angiography for pulmonary embolism if acute dyspnea, cardiac disease & infection unlikely/ruled out regardless of Wells score
- radionuclide ventriculography {pulmonary hypertension}
see stages of COPD
- COPD exacerbation
- gabapentinoid use increases risk for severe COPD exacerbation[126]
- increased risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)[46]
- RR = 1.86 for non-amnestic MCI[46]
- comorbidities are commn
- increased postoperative complications
- 30 day mortality 6.7% vs 1.4%
- 30 day morbidity 25.8% vs 10.2% with increased risk for
- increased risk of lung cancer even in never smokers (RR=2.5)[107]
- disease interaction(s) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with myocardial infarction
- disease interaction(s) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with cardiovascular disease
- disease interaction(s) of COPD with asthma
Differential diagnosis
(other obstructive pulmonary diseases)
- asthma (fluctuating course)
- cystic fibrosis (early age of onset)
- bronchiectasis
- pulmonary &/or GI symptoms most common presentations in adults
- recurrent respiratory tract infections
- infertility[3]
- bronchiolitis obliterans
- current or former smokers
- may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis
- poorly responsive to bronchodilators
- may respond to smoking cessation & glucocorticoids[3]
- bronchiectasis
- may be associated with childhood pneumonia, foreign body, cystic fibrosis, immobile ciliary syndrome, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- large volume of sputum, purulent exacerbations, hemoptysis
- lung CT: airway diameter > accompanying blood vessel
- lack of distal airway tapering[3]
- tuberculosis[16]
- congestive heart failure[16]
- upper airway obstruction
- alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- manage acute exacerbations: (see COPD exacerbation)
- treatment determined by:[121]
- degree of airflow obstruction
- current symptoms
- history of moderate & severe exacerbations
- comorbidities[121]
long-term management of COPD
- smoking cessation* can slow decline in FEV1[3]
- stepwise approach[3][10]
- ensure patient receives training on proper inhaler technique[3]
- cognitive testing may be necessary to determine whether patient is able to maintain proper inhaler technique[122]
- find GOLD Patient Category with Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale
- LABA/LAMA combination
- GOLD Patient Category = group B
- GOLD Patient Category = group E
- >= 2 COPD exacerbations or 1 hospitalization due to COPD exacerbation
- addition of inhaled glucocorticoid if eosinophil count > 300/uL (GOLD)[90]
- bronchodilators are 1st line
- short-acting bronchodilator in symptomatic patients with FEV1 60-80% of predicted (stage 1, mild, GOLD Patient Category = group A))[3][27][44]
- LABA/LAMA combination indicated for moderate to severe COPD
- GOLD Patient Category = group B[3]
- FEV1 < 60% of predicted[3][31]
- >= 2 COPD exacerbations per year LABA/LAMA combination[44]
- bronchodilators act by different mechanisms
- short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist as needed
- long-acting inhaled beta2 agonist MDI (LABA)
- formoterol, salmeterol) if using albuterol on a regular basis[3]
- long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist may offer survival advantage in elderly[24]
- increased cardiovascular risk in the elderly
- highest risk 2-3 weeks after starting treatment[39]
- ipratropium (Atrovent) MDI, short-acting muscarininc antagonist
- muscarinic antagonists may increase risk of urinary retention in elderly men
- long-acting muscarininc antagonists MDI (LAMA)
- LAMA preferred vs LABA in patients with frequent exacerbations[88]
- tiotropium (Spiriva) MDI long-acting
- insufficient symptom control with a short-acting bronchodilator with Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale score = 1 (mild)
- attenuates symptoms in moderate COPD but does not slow progression
- effective in early-moderate COPD[17][86]
- tiotropium superior to salmeterol[22]
- initial use of tiotropium vs salmeterol results in higher mortality (14%)[26]
- increased cardiovascular risk in the elderly; highest risk 2-3 weeks after starting treatment[39]
- aclidinium does not worsen cardiovascular outcomes in COPD
- do not use long-acting & short-acting anticholinergic agents (ipratropium & tiotropium) in combination[3]
- glycopyrrolate, long-acting
- LABA & LAMA with similar cardiovascular risk in elderly[82]
- risk of pneumonia may be lower with LAMA[82]
- LAMA preferred for patients with frequent exacerbations[83]
- new initiation of LABAs or LAMAs in patients with COPD is associated ~1.5-fold increased cardiovascular risk[89]
- LABA/LAMA combination treatment of choice regardless of cardiovascular risk
- all patients using long-acting bronchodilator should have short-acting bronchodilator as rescue medication[3]
- theophylline
- no benefit for preventing exacerbations[95]
- may be of benefit for nighttime symptoms
- do not use (MKSAP19)[3]
- glucocorticoids, inhaled steroids (MDI)
- not useful as monotherapy[3]
- LABA + LAMA + budesonide is triple therapy
- predominantly benefits patients with elevated blood eosinophil count (> 300 x 10E6/L) [111, 121]
- add at stage 3, see stages of COPD)[16]
- decrease in exacerbations offset by increase risk of pneumonia[11][110]
- patients with eosinophilia, chronic bronchitis or asthma/COPD overlap, seem to benefit most[90][121]
- patients with emphysema may not benefit[90]
- discontinuing inhaled glucocorticoids in patients with COPD lowers relative risk for pneumonia (37%)[62]
- glucocorticoids may increase risk of bone fractures[28][91]
- high-dose Advair may diminish exacerbation[11]
- Advair might improve survival relative to tiopropium, but no difference in exacerbations, & more pneumonia[11]
- use of fluticasone may increase mortality,
- budesonide may not increase mortality due to shorter 1/2life[16]
- budesonide 320 ug (high-dose) added to formoterol + glycopyrrolate (Breztri Aerosphere) may diminish mortality (1.3% vs 2.3%) with severe COPD[110]
- fluticasone contraindicated in combination with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors i.e. HIV1 protease inhibitors such as ritonavir, use budesonide instead (see drug interactions)
- fluticasone may be withdrawn safely in patients also taking tiotropium & salmeterol[51]
- in patients with < 2 COPD exacerbations in the past year without eosinophilia or comorbid asthma, inhaled glucocorticoid may be withdrawn from LABA/LAMA combination[93]
- avoid oral glucocorticoid except in case of COPD exacerbation[3]
- not useful as monotherapy[3]
- combination therapies
- combined use of LABA (formoterol) + LAMA (tiotropium)
- 1st line GOLD group E (2 COPD exacerbations or 1 requiring hospitalization)
- better than either agent alone[3][10]
- combination better than monotherapy in improving lung function & dyspnea & preventing COPD exacerbations[49][120]
- LABA + LAMA better than LABA + inhaled glucocorticoid[102][123]
- LABA + LAMA with improved symptom control & fewer adverse effects than LABA + LAMA + inhaled glucocorticoid (triple therapy)[117]
- umeclidinium/vilanterol (Anoro Ellipta) is once a day
- glycopyrrolate/indacaterol better than fluticasone/salmeterol for preventing COPD exacerbation[73]
- LABA/LAMA combination treatment of choice regardless of cardiovascular risk
- triple combination therapy reduces COPD exacerbations, hospital admissions & mortality in patients with moderate-severe COPD[32][84][87][115]
- inhaled glucocorticoid
- inhaled long-acting beta2 agonist
- inhaled anticholinergic agent
- no survival benefit relative to LABA/LAMA[96]
- may benefit patients with eosinphilia or COPD/asthma[108]
- increased risk for pneumonia relative to LABA/LAMA[96][108]
- withdraw glucocorticoid after 1 year with no COPD exacerbations[109]
- fluticasone/umeclidinium/vilanterol (Trelegy Ellipta) is once a day
- budesonide/formoterol/glycopyrrolate (Breztri Aerosphere) is twice a day
- Trelegy is a dry-powder more environmentally friendly than metered-dose inhaler Breztri & more effective in preventing COPD exacerbation[133]
- combined long-acting beta2 agonist (LABA) + inhaled glucocorticoid
- recommended for COPD-asthma overlap syndrome
- fluticasone + salmeterol is better than either agent alone[3][6] at cost of increased risk of pneumonia[18]
- combination associated with better outcomes than LABA alone in older adults[50]
- 5 year mortality or hospitalization 58% vs 61%
- outcomes better in patients with cormorbid asthma
- outcomes better in patients not taking inhaled anticholinergic agent[50]
- blacks using fluticasone + salmeterol are more likely than whites to suffer asthma-related deaths[61]
- fluticasone/vilanterol (Breo Ellipta) reduces risk of COPD exacerbations[78]
- budesonide 200 ug + formoterol 6 ug BID with additional budesonide 400 ug + formoterol 12 ug BID for 10 days at 1st sign of cold symptoms reduces risk of hospitalization for COPD exacerbation[92]
- combined tiotropium (LAMA) + inhaled glucocorticoid not inferior to combined LABA + inhaled glucocorticoids in blacks[60]
- insufficient evidence to recommend when combination therapy should be chosen over monotherapy[27]
- continue albuterol inhaler for rescue with combination therapies
- combined use of LABA (formoterol) + LAMA (tiotropium)
- ensure proper use of MDI before changing medications[3][37][47]
- oxygen*
- severe hypoxemia at rest[27] (stage 3 or 4)
- room air SaO2 <= 88% or pO2 <= 55 mm Hg[3][38][94][114]
- pO2 55-60 mm Hg with signs of tissue hypoxia
- nocturnal SaO2 <= 88% (overnight pulse oximetry)
- exercise pO2 <= 55 mm Hg or SaO2 <= 88%[3][38] (6 minute walk)
- ambulatory oxygen therapy if exertional hypoxemia[114]
- portable liquid oxygen is best
- O2 reduces mortality in COPD patients with pO2 <= 55 mm Hg or SaO2 <= 88%[31]
- no mortality benefit or reduction in hospitalization for supplemental oxygen if SaO2 > 88%[80][119]
- no mortality benefit if oxygen desaturation with exercise between 80-89%[31]
- supplemental oxygen of no benefit for isolated nocturnal desaturation[113]
- room air (2 L/min by nasal cannula) or presumably blown on face via a fan relieves dyspnea in normoxemic patients with COPD[30]
- roflumilast (PDE-4 inhibitor, FDA-approved)
- add on therapy for severe COPD associated with chronic bronchitis with recurrent COPD exacerbations[3][111][121]
- reduces frequency of COPD exacerbations in patients on optimal therapy
- not useful for emphysema[3]
- not useful for acute bronchospasm[3]
- long-term azithromycin 250 mg/day may reduce risk of COPD exacerbation[29][77]
- indicated for non-smokers with severe COPD & frequent COPD exacerbations[3][121]
- N-acetylcysteine 600 mg PO BID improves airway reactivity & airway resistance
- mepolizumab (Nucala) may benefit COPD patients with peripheral eosinophilia[88]
- dupilumab injections every 2 weeks for patients with eosinophil count > 300/uL
- reduces COPD exacerbations, improves lung function, improves symptoms[124]
- doxycycline 100 mg QD may benefit patients with severe COPD or those with blood <A25665>eosinophil counts</A25665> of < 300/uL[125]
- beta-blockers not contradindicated (see comorbidities below)
- beta-blocker associated with reduced risk for hospitalization[97]
- metoprolol does not lower risk for COPD exacerbation without other indication for beta-blocker[105]
- cardioselective beta-blocker bisoprolol neither beneficial nor harmful[129]
- regular use of antitussives contraindicated in stable COPD[16]
- interventional bronchoscopy[83]
- surgery
- lung volume reduction (upper lobe emphysema)
- surgery for GERD
- lung transplantation
- acupuncture may improve dyspnea on exertion[34]
other considerations for patients with COPD
- pulmonary hypertension & cor pulmonale
- optimize bronchodilators
- provide oxygen therapy
- phlebotomy when hematocrit > 50% despite oxygen therapy in presence of CNS compromise
- diuretics are contraindicated; may preciptitate metabolic alkalosis 5e) vasodilators: not indicated
- rehabilitation
- exercise program, nutritional counseling
- pulmonary rehabilitation
- recommended for symptomatic patients with COPD & FEV1 < 50% of predicted & for patients hospitalized with COPD exacerbation[3][121]
- improves quality of life, but not survival[3]
- consider for symptomatic, exercise-limited patients regardless of FEV1[27]
- CPAP for COPD patients with chronic hypercapnia or sleep apnea
- vaccination
- yearly influenza vaccination reduces mortality[31]
- pneumococcal vaccine
- psychoactive drugs
- buspirone (anxiolytic usually well tolerated, but with delayed (several weeks) onset of action)
- doxepin 25-100 mg/day agent of choice for agitated depression (may have mild bronchodilator effect)
- protriptyline 20 mg QHS, non-sedating tricyclic antidepressant improves diurnal & nocturnal hypoxemia in patients with COPD
- alpha-1 antitrypsin inhibitor in patients with documented alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (< 11 um/L) FEV1 (30-60% of normal)
- treatments found to be of no benefit
- N-acetylcysteine 600 mg QD of no benefit (see BRONCUS study)
- self-management[33]
- comorbidities: (see common comorbidities in patients with COPD)
- depression (screen for depression)
- beta-blockers may reduce mortality & COPD exacerbations in patients with with COPD & cardiovascular disease[19][25]
- end stage disease:
- FEV1 < 30% of predicted, oxygen dependence, multiple hospitalizations for COPD exacerbations, comorbidities, weight loss, cachexia, decreased functional status, & increased dependence on others should trigger end-of-life discussions & referral to hospice as indicated[3]
- home non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) may benefit COPD patients with hypercarbia[106]
- a face mask may exacerbate distress, interfere with communication
- low-dose opiates reduce breathlessness & alleviate distress[42][63][112]
- oral morphine (nebulized morphine of no benefit)[3]
- low-dose, extended-release morphine does not reduce breathlessness among persons with COPD & severe chronic breathlessness[118]
- codeine 30-60 mg every 6 hours[2]
- handheld fan can reduce dyspnea[3]
- prognosis for COPD:
- risk factors for recurrent COPD exacerbations
- >= 2 COPD exacerbations in the past year
- ever been hospitalized for COPD exacerbation
- FEV1 < 50% of predicted
- see BODE index
- risk factors for recurrent COPD exacerbations
- patients with COPD are hypermetabolic & spend more calories than other elderly likely due to increased work of breathing[130]
- recommend dietary changes: increased calories with decreased carbohydrates
- nutritionist support helpful
- referral to pulmonologist[3]
- diagnosis of COPD <= 40 years of age
- >= 2 exacerbations/year despite adequate treatment
- rapid disease progression
- FEV1 < 50% of predicted despite optimal treatment
- need for oxygen therapy
- onset of comorbidity, especially cardiovascular event
- diagnostic uncertainty (COPD vs or +/- asthma)
- symptoms disproportinate to FEV1
- confirmed or suspected alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
- patient request for a 2nd opinion
- potential candidate for lung volume reduction surgery or lung transplantation
- severe COPD in a patient who requires elective surgery that may impair respiratory function
- patient education
- action plan consisting of
- patients receiving prescriptions for short courses of
- patient taught to recognize symptoms that should prompt initiation of prednisone & antibiotics
- action plans can cut hospitalization in 1/2[21]
- health coaching can reduce hospital readmission[81]
- self-management plan offers no benefit over usual care[36]
- telemonitoring offers no benefit over usual care[41]
- action plan consisting of
- screening for COPD in asymptomatic persons not recommended (USPSTF)[3]
* smoking cessation & oxygen have been shown to increase survival; triple combination therapy may also reduce mortality
More general terms
More specific terms
Additional terms
- BODE index & prognosis for COPD
- common comorbidities in patients with COPD
- features of chronic bronchitis vs pulmonary emphysema
- Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD)
- risk factors for COPD
- screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- stages of COPD
- ↑ Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 28th ed, Ewald & McKenzie (eds), Little, Brown & Co, Boston, 1995, pg 242
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Information & Medication Formulary, Veterans Affairs, Central California Health Care System, 1st ed., Ravnan et al eds, 1998
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Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 19 Board Basics. An Enhancement to MKSAP19. American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2022
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- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Prescriber's Letter 14(4): 2007 High-dose Advair for COPD Detail-Document#: (subscription needed)
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- ↑ Part I: Diagnosis and Management of Stable COPD Part II: Diagnosis and Management of Acute Exacerbations
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- ↑ US Preventive Services Task Force Screening for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease using spirometry: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Apr 1;148(7):529-34. Epub 2008 Mar 3. <PubMed> PMID: <Internet>
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- ↑ Jump up to: 28.0 28.1 Prescriber's Letter 18(8): 2011 Spiriva (Tiotropium) vs Long-Acting Beta-2 Agonists for COPD Detail-Document#: (subscription needed)
- ↑ Jump up to: 29.0 29.1 Prescriber's Letter 18(10): 2011 Azithromycin to Prevent COPD Exacerbations Detail-Document#: (subscription needed)
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CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD): DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE EXACERBATIONS Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Singapore Ministry of Health (SMOH) Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense (VA/DoD)
Patient information
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient information