mechanical ventilation (assisted ventilation)
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- acute respiratory failure
- respiratory fatigue in patients with obstructive lung disease
- respiratory rate > 35/min
- decreased ventilatory drive
- patients with neuromuscular disease
- vital capacity < 10 mL/kg
- maximum inspiratory pressure < 30 cm H2O
- neuromuscular blockade
- patients with neuromuscular disease
- inability to protect airway
- loss of consciousness
- neuromuscular blockade
- narrowed upper airway
- excessive secretions
- laboratory parameters
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation
- Controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV)
- breaths are delivered at a preset time interval or rate
- all breaths are supported[3]
- tidal volume is set by the operator
- patient cannot trigger or override the ventilator[1]
- patient may trigger additional supported breaths above the preset frequency[3]*
- breaths are delivered at a preset time interval or rate
- Assist-control ventilation (A/CV)
- tidal volume is set by the operator
- A/C rate is the minimum # of breaths patient will receive per minute
- patient can trigger ventilator by making an inspiratory effort, raising the ventilation rate above the set rate
- Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV)
- IMV rate is set
- tidal volume is set
- Between mandatory ventilations, patient may take additional breaths without ventilatory assistance or with pressure support from ventilator
- Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV)
- same as IMV except that mandatory ventilations are synchronized with spontaneous respirations
- without SIMV dyssynchrony may occur in which ventilator respirations do not match patient respirations contributing to lung injury*[3]
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
- CPAP is the pressure in the airway the ventilator attempts to maintain
- purpose is to increase lung volumes at end-expiration
- tidal volume is determined by patient effort without ventilatory assistance or with pressure support from ventilator
- NO backup ventilation
- Pressure supported ventilation (PSV)
- can be added to CPAP & non-mandatory ventilations of IMV
- level is pressure generated by ventilator to augment otherwise non-ventilator assisted breaths
- NO backup ventilation
- Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV)
- inspiration time is prolonged to the point that inhalation is longer than exhalation
- allows longer time for alveoli to open up
- generally used for ARDS
- contraindicated in patients with obstructive lung disease
- pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC)
- gaurantees a specified volume of air will be delivered
- pressure adjusted accordingly to maintain delivery of tidal volume
- allows for lowest pressure to deliver specified volume
* volume-controlled continuous mandatory ventilation is the initial mode of choice in patients with respiratory failure
- explanation in[3] is quite confusing; CMV seems to be confused with SIMV
- pressure-controlled ventilation more likely to be associated with lung injury than volume-controlled ventilation[3]
- limit initial tidal volume to 6 mL/kg
- limit plateau pressure to 30 cm H20 [3]
- Tidal volume (Vt)
- alveolar volume + dead space
- Vt(set) = Vt(delivered) + tubing expansion volume
- Vt(delivered) = 5-10 mL/kg(lean body weight)
- less with severe COPD, ARDS, or high PEEP
- excessive tidal volume &/or minute ventilation can
- result in auto-PEEP & high alveolar pressures
- result in barotrauma, respiratory alkalosis, decreased cardiac output
- a low tidal volume (Vt) may result in:
- hypercapnia (increased CO2)
- may be indicated in order to keep alveolar pressure low (permissive hypercapnia)
- hypoventilation, hypoxemia, atelectasis
- Vt of 600-800 mL is typical
- respiratory rate
- anticipated minute ventilation
- adjust based upon pH & pCO2, relative to patient's baseline
- target pH = 7.30-7.45
- generally 8-20/min (8-14/min[2])
- respiratory rate too high can result in respiratory alkalosis & auto-PEEP
- respiratory rate too low can result in
- hypoventilation
- respiratory acidosis
- hypoxemia
- patient discomfort
- fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2)
- flow rate: generally 40-100 L/min
- Alarms:
- low pressure - should detect air leaks
- disconnects
- ET tube cuff deflation
- high pressure (generally < 30 cm H2O)
- prevents excessive pressures
- when reached, undelivered portion of tidal volume is vented, not delivered
- signals worsened airway resistance or lung/chest wall compliance
- low pressure - should detect air leaks
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- Indications
- Mode of action
- opens up atelectic or fluid-filled alveoli
- decreases ventilation-perfusion mismatch
- improves oxygenation
- Goals
- decrease fiO2 to non-toxic level (<50%)
- maintain cardiac output (PEEP can reduce cardiac output by reducing preload)
- target PEEP to plateau pressure < 30 cm H2O*
- Complications: auto-PEEP
* if plateau pressure remains > 30 cm H2O, consider pneumothorax
- see other complications below
Ventilator Management
- Mean alveolar pressure
- reflected by mean airway pressure (MAP)
- increased by:
- increased minute ventilation
- increased PEEP
- alterations in the inspiratory flow pattern
- determines alveolar recruitment
- affects pulmonary blood flow
- Conventional ventilation
- tidal volumes about 10-12 mL/kg of ideal body weight
- Inspiration:Expiration period considerably < 1:1
- PEEP used to:
- recruit nonaerated alveoli
- prevent airway closure & collapse at end-expiration
- normalize pH & pCO2
- high airway pressures commonly result
- Ventilator manipulations to reduce peak airway pressure
- decrease tidal volume
- sedation or paralysis
- indications:
- high airway pressures
- asynchrony with the ventilator
- refractory hypoxia
- benefits:
- increased FRC
- ventilation:perfusion matching improved
- decreased O2 consumption & CO2 production
- indications:
- pressure control mode
- square pressure wave produces decelerating flow
- tidal volume vary with changes in resistance
- may improve gas exchange & work of breathing
- square pressure wave increases potential of shear force problems
- extended inspiratory time
- inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) is an extreme form
- greater tidal volume with lower peak pressure
- alveolar recruitment
- decreased dead space
- may be used with pressure control mode
- may be used with volume control mode
- decreased inspiratory flow
- may use inspiratory pause
- may use decelerating inspiratory flow pattern
- potential problems
- air-trapping causing auto-PEEP
- auto-PEEP reduces cardiac output
- need for heavy sedation or paralysis
- when pressure is limited, tidal volume may be reduced
- decrease arterial pCO2 for respiratory acidosis
- increase respiratory rate
- increase tidal volume
- in pressure-control mode, increase inspiratory pressure support
- increase arterial pCO2 for respiratory alkalosis
- bedside ultrasonography for acute respiratory failure in critically ill patients[3]
Pressure injury
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can be induced in experimental animals by moderately high peak airway pressure
- ARDS mechanics
- distribution patchy
- gravitationally-dependent areas affected first
- lung stiffness may be due to fewer functional alveoli
- increased airway resistance may reflect fewer functional airways
- remaining lung may receive entire volume delivered by ventilator, resulting in:
- higher airway pressures
- increased peak inspiratory pressure
- high fiO2
- high tidal volume for volume of lung aerated
- higher airway pressures
- bronchospasm, secretions in airway, endotracheal tube or ventilator tubing, mucus plug obstructing airway, agitation resulting in respiratory dyssynchrony with respirator[3]
- remaining lung may receive entire volume delivered by ventilator, resulting in:
Other complications of ventilation
- barotrauma (volutrauma is sometimes used)
- pneumomediastinum
- subcutaneous emphysema
- pneumothorax (even small pneumothorax may need treatment if fiO2 > 50%)
- needle decompression of affected side if hemodynamically unstable
- small-bore tube thoracostomy if hemodynamically stable[25]
- incidence
- 3.5% without PEEP
- 23% with PEEP
- 30% of asthmatics
- auto-PEEP[18]
- hypotension
- decreased venous return with positive pressure breathing
- increased pulmonary vascular resistance due to alveolar capillary compression
- respiratory acidosis, respiratory alkalosis
- oxygen toxicity
- confusion in volume status, especially with high PEEP
- complications resulting from the presence of endotracheal tube
- polyneuropathy & myopathy above & beyond deconditioning[5]
- reactivation of oropharyngeal herpes simplex virus
- no benefit of prophylactic acyclovir[19]
- respiratory acidosis
- decrease pCO2 (pCO2 is high)
- increase respiratory rate (avoid auto-PEEP)
- increase tidal volume
- in assist-control mode, directly increase volume
- in pressure support mode, increase inspiratory pressure to increase tidal volume
- permissive hypercapnia for ARDS rather than increase tidal volume > 6 mL/kg
- respiratory alkalosis
- increase pCO2 (pCO2 is low)
- decrease respiratory rate
- this will not work if patient is breathing faster than the ventilator setting
- decrease tidal volume
- identify & treat cause of respiratory alkalosis
- tissue hypoxia
General considerations
- H2-receptor agonist
- reduce risk of stress gastric ulceration
- elevation of head of bed to 30-45 degrees reduces risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia[3]
- tidal volume of 6 mg/kg IBW for patients with ARDS
- maintain plateau pressure < 30 cm of H2O
- sedation with dexmedetomidine or propofol probably better than continuous infusion of midazolam[20]
- light sedation vs heavy sedation reduces ICU-associated PTSD, time on ventilator & mortality[3]
- hold sedation & anesthesia in unresponsive patients rather than taper
- treat pain with interrupted opioid infusion[3]
- nebulization as indicated (on-demand) with acetylcysteine & salbutamol is noninferior to preventive nebulization in ventilator-free days in ICU patients[17]
- trial of spontaneous breathing once or twice daily[3]
- most efficient method of restoring independent ventilation & extubation
- prone positioning may help to aerate lung regions dependent in a supine position[11]
- selective decontamination of the GI tract may reduce mortality in ICU patients receiving mechanical ventilation[22]
- early mobilization during mechanical ventilation more harmful than beneficial[23]
- target oxygenation of SaO2 90%, 94% or 98% did not differ in ventilator-free days, death, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, stroke, or pneumothorax[24]
- low-calorie, low-protein enteral nutrition may reduce ICU stay in ventilated patients[26] (see intensive care unit)
- probiotics of no benefit[21]
Weaning from an endotracheal tube
- considerations
- patient alert, cooperative
- ability to clear secretions
- ability to protect airway
- reversal of condition for which patient was initially intubated
- no PEEP & reasonable arterial blood gas (ABG) for fi02 <40%
- pH & pCO2 at baseline for COPD patients
- daily interruption of continuous sedation until patient is either awake or clearly needs the sedation resumed decreases duration of mechanical ventilation[4]
- protocol-driven approaches to spontaneous breathing trials decreases duration of mechanical ventilation[3]
- volume status
- diuresis in patients with LV systolic dysfunction
- diuresis guided by serial serum BNP[9]
- parameters
- tidal volume > 5 mL/kg
- vital capacity >10 mL/kg or 1 liter
- minute ventilation < 10 L/min
- maximum voluntary ventilation > twice the minute ventilation
- peak inspiratory pressure < -20 cm H2O (NIF)
- SaO2 > 90%, fiO2 < 0.5%, PEEP < 5 cm H2O, arterial pH > 7.30[3]
- methods
- T-tube trial
- IMV, (avoid SIMV as a weaning mode, increases time to extubation)[3]
- pressure support
- Failures
- increased ventilatory demands
- increased CO2 production
- sepsis
- excess carbohydrates in diet
- increased dead space
- increased CO2 production
- inadequate ventilation
- continued use of sedatives
- weak or discoordinated muscles
- increased work of breathing
- chronic CO2 retainer who has been hyperventilated on ventilator
- metabolic alkalosis
- may be induced by loop diuretics
- reduces respiratory drive
- non-respiratory factors
- increased ventilatory demands
- evaluation:
- ability to clear secretions
- ability to protect airway
- non-invasive positive pressure ventilation shortly after extubation for 24-48 hours reduces need for reintubation in patients with heart failure, COPD, obesity, or hypercapnia[3][10][28]
- Tracheostomy for long-term mechanical ventilation reduces duration of mechanical ventilation & ICU days[6]
More general terms
More specific terms
- assist controlled ventilation (ACV)
- assist-control ventilation (A/CV)
- assisted mandatory ventilation (AMV)
- biphasic cuirass ventilation
- controlled mechanical ventilation; continuous mandatory ventilation (CMV)
- high frequency ventilation (HFV)
- high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
- independent lung ventilation (ILV)
- intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV)
- intermittent ventilation
- inverse ratio ventilation (IRV)
- lung protective ventilation; low tidal volume ventilation; permissive hypercapnia
- pressure supported ventilation (PSV, NIPSV)
- pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC)
- prolonged mechanical ventilation
Additional terms
- bag-mask ventilation
- benefits of mechanical ventilation
- mechanical ventilator
- ventilation weaning
- ventilator-associated pneumonia
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Jon D. Hirasuna, M.D. Clinical Professor of Medicine, UC Davis, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF, Sept 1997
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Contributions from Peter Baylor, MD, UCSF Fresno
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