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Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disease with variable clinical manifestations & an unpredictable course. 2/3 of patients who present with sarcoidosis will show clinical or radiographic evidence of improvement over a period of several years. Chronic disease develops in only a minority of patients.



  • common disorder
  • slight predilection for females
  • in the US, sarcoidosis affects mostly blacks 10-17:1 over whites
  • in Europe, sarcoidosis affects mostly whites
  • disease rare among Canadian Indians & Southeast Asians
  • onset of disease at any age, most commonly age 20-40
  • sarcoidosis occurs more frequently in non-smokers



Clinical manifestations

Diagnostic criteria


Diagnostic procedures


* image[27]


  • based on chest X-ray findings which roughly, but not necessarily, parallel clinical disease severity.
  • no evidence that disease progresses from one phase to the next
  • 1: > 90% with spontaneous resolution*
  • 2 or 3: ~20% with spontaneous improvement*

* without treatment[4]


Differential diagnosis


More general terms

More specific terms


  1. Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 28th ed, Ewald & McKenzie (eds), Little, Brown & Co, Boston, 1995. page 255
  2. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed. Fauci et al (eds), McGraw-Hill Inc. NY, 1998, pg 1922-1928
  3. Mayo Internal Medicine Board Review, 1998-99, Prakash UBS (ed) Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1998, pg 752-753
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    Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 19 Board Basics. An Enhancement to MKSAP19. American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2022
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  32. Sarcoidosis

Patient information

sarcoidosis patient information
