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A multifactorial state of decreased physiologic reserves & increased vulnerability to stress, including fragility, or weakness in physical or mental health, with decreased reserves in multiple organ systems.

The concept of frailty has extended to include social frailty[47]


* not all elderly are frail[32]

* frailty able to improve with good cognitive function[56]


  • 3-7% of individuals 65-75 years of age[4]
  • 20-40% of individuals > 80 years of age


* best predictor of disability, long-term nursing home placement, mortality


Physical examination

* frailty state likely to decline with poor physical function but able to improve with good cognitive function[56]

Clinical manifestations

* any 3 of criteria define frailty[7][16]

* different sources provide different criteria

* fatigue predicts low activity level[7]

* also see frailty score[16]

* no gold standard for screening for frailty in clinical practice[7]


* frailty state likely to decline with low serum albumin, high serum CRP but able to improve with good cognitive function[56]

Diagnostic procedures



Hospitalization & Surgery


  • whether or no it may be possible to reverse frailty, may depend on how frailty is assessed[60]
  • it may be possible to improve a severely frail state to a pre-frail or mildly frail stat[60]
  • frailty by itself is not considered a hospice diagnosis[63]


More general terms

More specific terms

Additional terms


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    Geriatric Review Syllabus, 11th edition (GRS11) Harper GM, Lyons WL, Potter JF (eds) American Geriatrics Society, 2022
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    Identifying Frail Patients in Practice
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