chronic pain
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- somatic pain
- visceral pain
- secondary factors perpetuating pain after resolution of a disease process
- damaged sensory nerves
- sympathetic efferent activity
- painful muscle contraction
- psychologic conditions can perpetuate or cause pain
- emotional trauma
- physical or sexual abuse
- substance abuse
- 1 in 4 adults
- 9% with pain severe enough to restrict activities of daily living[62]
- disproportionately affects the elderly, minorities, & those with socioeconomic disadvantages[39]
- chronic pain may be associated with neuroinflammation, microglial activation, & neurogeneration
- about the pain
- pain onset
- pain location
- pain quality & intensity
- relieving & exacerbating factors
- functional status
- effect of pain on functional status
- mental health
- depression
- anxiety
- somatization[4]
- substance abuse
- verbal, physical or sexual abuse
Clinical manifestations
- 6.3% meet diagnostic criteria for persistent depressive disorder, 7.5% for panic disorder, & 2.2% for social anxiety disorder[64]
- no specific role for diagnostic testing because abnormalities identified may not be related to the patient's pain[4]
- urine drug screen for monitoring use of controlled substances
- CSF markers
- patients with chronic pain have increased CSF total tau, CSF sTREM2 & CSF TNF-alpha
- CSF ptau181 increases with duration chronic pain, while CSF beta-amyloid 1-42 decreases with chronic pain[58]
- brain imaging should not be used to prove whether a patient has chronic pain[36]
- depression is common
- suicide risk (hazzard ratio 1.4-3.0)
- cancer pain[41]
- suicide risk for non cancer pain highest for
- migraine (RR=1.34)
- psychogenic pain (RR=1.58)
- undertreatment
- cognitive impairment, age > 95 years, black or Asian race less likely to receive opiate[9]
eliminate barriers to functional improvement
- behavioral, social or systems issues
- telephone-based pain management can improve symptoms in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain[21]
- mean pain score was 3.57 (out of 10) vs 4.59
- asking about pain tolerability has advantages over a 10 point scale[44]
- multimodal pain management strategy[4]
non-pharmaceutical measures
- multimodal pain management strategy[4]
- cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)[24][25][40]
- self management strategies that reduce pain[24]
- adaption for education level[39]
- group-based approach may provide benefit[40]
- CBT provides improvement in pain & quality of life without changing opioid use[48]
- physical therapy, massage, chiropractic manipulation
- ice & heat therapy
- aerobic exercise
- exercise may mitigate morbidity of chronic pain through enhancement of pain tolerance[56]
- transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS)[4]
- impantation of a spinal cord stimulator for intractable back or leg pain[43]
- acupuncture can help alleviate chronic pain, but much of the benefit can be explained by a placebo effect[10]
- not much better than sham procedure[19]
- treatment agreements for patients on long-term controlled substances[20]
- may diminish misuse & improve safety
- required by some state medical boards[20]
- nurse care manager[24]
- green eyeglasses may reduce anxiety & opiate use in patients with chronic pain[49]
- physician empathy associated with lesser pain intensity & less disability[60]
- emotional awareness & expression therapy (EAET) may outperform CBT[61]
pharmaceutical stategies for treating chronic pain
- protocol-driven analgesic therapy[24]
- multimodal strategy including acetaminophen, NSAID, gabapentenoid, antidepressant, opiate &/or possibly cannabis[4]
- acetaminophen: up to 1000 mg every 8 hours (3000 mg/day)
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- refs[2][11] do not exclude NDSAIDs in pain ladder for 85 yo with cancer pain
- antidepressants for neuropathic pain
- tricyclic antidepressants
- doxepin 75-400 mg/day
- amitriptyline 25-300 mg/day
- imipramine 75-400 mg/day
- nortriptyline 40-150 mg/day
- desipramine 50-300 mg/day
- irritable bowel syndrome, neuropathic pain, chronic tension headache (low-certainty evidence)[51]
- serotonin & norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
- venlafaxine
- duloxetine[4][5] only antidepressant effective for chronic pain[53]
- chronic back pain, postoperative pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain (moderate-certainty evidence)[51]
- depression with comorbid chronic pain, knee osteoarthritis (low-certainty evidence)[51]
- tricyclic antidepressants
- anticonvulsants for neuropathic pain
- phenytoin (Dilantin) 300 mg QHS
- carbamazepine (Tegretol) 200-300 mg every 6 hours
- clonazepam (Klonopin)
- gabapentin (Neurontin):
- pregabalin
- mexiletine 150-300 mg every 6-12 hours
- opiates
- use in combination with other analgesics or not at all
- avoid use of opiates for chronic neuropathic pain[4]
- start short-acting opiate PRN
- titrate as needed
- extra precautions when prescribing at or above 50 morphine mg equivalents per day[26]
- switch to long-acting opiate when PRN dose is stable adverse effects are tolerable[8]
- oral opiates preferred; do not use intramuscular[4]
- sublingual or subcutaneous if oral route not feasible[4]
- prevention & treatment of constipation (all patients on chronic opioids)[4]
- stimulant laxative (senna, bisacodyl) with or without docusate
- osmotic agent (polyethylene glycol, sorbitol, lactulose)
- naldemedine, naloxegol, or naltrexone
- tolerance does NOT develop to constipating effects[4]
- prescribe doses of opiate > 80-120 mg/day morphine equivalent only for patients with meaningful pain & functional improvement with treatment, in consultation with a pain management specialist[22][26]
- discuss benefits & harms of continued opioid treatment with patients at least every 3 months
- little evidence of improved function, enhanced quality of life, or diminished pain[4][23]; overall functional status, quality of life, & pain actually worse with chronic opiates[4]
- 40% of deaths from unintentional drug overdose are caused by prescription opioids[7]
- opioid use increases risk of falls & fractures, hospitalization & doubles mortality[7]
- increased mortality (RR=1.64) relative to use of antidepressants or anticonvulsants[31]
- urine drug testing before initiation of opiates & yearly thereafter[26]
- avoid combination of opiates & benzodiazepines[26]
- coprescribing naloxone with opioids
- patients taking >= 50 morphine mg equivalents per day
- patients also taking benzodiazepine (if combination unavoidable)
- may diminish opioid-related emergency department visits[32]
- reduction or cessation of long-term opiate therapy may improve pain, function, & quality of life[35]
- opioids no better than nonopioid drugs for chronic back pain or chronic pain related to hip osteoarthritis or knee osteoarthritis[38]
- transdermal fentanyl safest opiate in renal failure & liver failure[4]
- start lower dose patch with liver failure
- use only in opioid-tolerant patients[4]
- hydromorphine reasonable choice if renal failure
- reduce dose with liver failure
- meperidine is not recommended due to increased risk for seizures
- tramadol has drug interactions with other serotoninergic agents
- methadone 1/2life averages 25 hours[52]
- use in combination with other analgesics or not at all
- buprenorphine, rather than a full agonist opioid, for chronic pain, given its lower risk for overdose or misuse
- medical marijuana when other options have failed[4][42]
- may result in a decrease in use of other analgesics[50]
- investigational
- cold analgesia can block pain signaling
- poor medication management most common reason for lawsuits against pain physicians[37]
- few payouts, no payouts for termination of opioid prescription
- systematic review assessing the effectiveness & harms of plant-based treatments for chronic pain[45]
- alternative medicine increasingly used for treatment of chronic pain[59]
- difficult chronic pain-related encounters associated with:
More general terms
More specific terms
- chronic abdominal pain
- chronic daily headache
- chronic musculoskeletal pain
- chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
- neuropathic pain
- wind-up pain
- ↑ Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed. Fauci et al (eds), McGraw-Hill Inc. NY, 1998, pg 56-58
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- ↑ Veterans Administration Memorandum Dec 24, 2009 Recent VHA Findings regarding chronic pain conditions and suicide risk
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- ↑ Prescriber's Letter 17(12): 2010 COMMENTARY: Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain CHART: Equianalgesic Dosing of Opioids for Pain Management Detail-Document#: (subscription needed)
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