soft tissue sarcoma (STS)

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histologic grade (number of mitoses, degree of cellularity & nuclear atypia, presence of necrosis) reflects metastatic potential more accurately than specific cell type

Microscopic pathology



  • amplification of MDM2



TNM classification/grading

  • primary tumor (T)
    • TX: primary tumor cannot be assessed
    • T0: no evidence of primary tumor
    • T1: tumor ~ 5cm in greatest dimension
      • T1a: superficial tumor
      • T1b: deep tumor
    • T2: tumor > 5cm in greatest dimension
      • T2a: superficial tumor
      • T2b: deep tumor
  • regional lymph nodes (N)

* regional lymph nodes metastasis is rare and cases NX can be considered N0

histopathologic grading (G)

GX: grade cannot be assessed

G1: well differentiated

G2: moderately differentiated

G3: poorly differentiated

G4: poorly differentiated or undifferentiated

stage T N M G G Risk
stage I T1a,1b,2a,2b N0 M0 G1-2 G1 low
stage II T1a,1b,2a N0 M0 G3-4 G2-3 high
stage III T2b N0 M0 G3-4 G2-3 high
stage IV T_ N1 M0 G_ G_ low or high
T_ N0 M1 G_ G_ low or high


More general terms

More specific terms


  1. WHO Classification Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone Fletcher, Unni & Mertens Eds. IARC Press 2002
  2. AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 6th ed. Springer 2002
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Von Mehren M, Randall RL, Benjamin RS, et al. Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Version 2.2018, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2018 May;16(5):536-563. <PubMed> PMID: <Internet>
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 Casali PG, Abecassis N, Bauer S, et al. Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. May 28, 2018. PMID:
  5. National Cancer Institure Soft Tissue Sarcoma - Health Professional version

Patient information

soft tissue sarcoma patient information