disopyramide (Norpace)

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Tradename: Norpace. Class Ia antiarrhythmic agent.


* useful anti-arrhythmic in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy



pregnancy category = c

safety in lactation = ?


100-300 mg PO TID/QID

Tabs: 100, 150 mg. Norpace CR: 200-300 mg PO BID. 100, 150 mg

Therapeutic range: 2-5 ug/mL. Dose adjustment for renal failure:

Creatinine clearance dose (maintenance) in divided doses
> 40 mL/min 400-800 mg/day (max 1.6 g/day)
30-40 mL/min 300 mg/day
15-30 mL/min 200 mg/day
<15 mL/min 100 mg/day


elimination via kidney 90 %

elimination via liver 10 %

1/2life = 4.4-8.2 hours

protein binding = 68 % 0.4 ug/mL

protein binding = 28 % 4 ug/mL

elimination by hemodialysis = -

Adverse effects

Drug interactions


Mechanism of action

More general terms

Additional terms


  1. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 9th ed. Gilman et al, eds. Permagon Press/McGraw Hill, 1996
  2. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th ed. Isselbacher et al (ed), Companion Handbook, McGraw Hill, NY, 1994
  3. Kaiser Permanente Northern California Regional Drug Formulary, 1998
  4. Drug Information & Medication Formulary, Veterans Affairs, Central California Health Care System, 1st ed., Ravnan et al eds, 1998 - not on National VA formulary
  5. Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 11, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 1998
  6. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, 3rd ed. Teitz ed., W.B. Saunders, 1995
  7. Prescriber's Letter 13(3): 2006 Cytochrome P450 drug interactions Detail-Document#: http://prescribersletter.com/(5bhgn1a4ni4cyp2tvybwfh55)/pl/ArticleDD.aspx?li=1&st=1&cs=&s=PRL&pt=3&fpt=25&dd=220233&pb=PRL (subscription needed) http://www.prescribersletter.com
