case of advance directives

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A 69 yo man seen in clinic for routine followup. He is independent of all ADLs and iADLs. He continues to drive and reports no automobile accidents. Social history:


Diagnostic procedures


* The patient completes a living will requesting a 'do not resuscitate' code status, (no defibrillation) that life-sustaining procedures be withheld or withdrawn if he cannot be weaned from a ventilator, if he is permanently unconscious or if life-expectancy is < 6 months. He specifically requests no tracheostomy for long-term ventilatory support if he cannot be weaned from the ventilator and he requests no feeding tube if he is not longer able to eat normally. He designates his sister as his surrogate decision maker.


* Later that year, he presents to the ED with 2 day history of fever, dyspnea, & increased production greenish-yellow sputum. He is severely dyspneic, intubated in the ED and admitted to the ICU. After 12 days of mechanical ventilation, prognosis is poor. Delirium, high oxygen requirements and excess secretions have hampered efforts to wean him from the ventilator. He has shown no improvement within the past 12 days. Based upon the patient's clinical status and his advance directives, the medical team recommends extubation, and comfort care. His sister objects. She requests all life-support measures to be continued and asks about a tracheostomy for long-term ventilation and PEG for long-term nutrition.

A family meeting is scheduled.

More general terms

Additional terms