criteria for consideration of palliative care consult

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  1. Bailey FA Palliative Response
  2. Childers JW et al, Fast Fact an Concept #141: Prognosis in end-state COPD, Aug 2005, End-of-life Palliative Care Education Resource Center
  3. Fast Fact an Concept #144: Prognostication in Heart Failure, Oct 2005, End-of-life Palliative Care Education Resource Center
  4. Norton SA et al, Proactive palliative care in the medical intensive care unit: Effects of length of stay for selected high-risk patients. Crit Care Med 2007, 35:1530 PMID:
    Luce JM and White DB The pressure to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining therapy from critically ill patients in the United States. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007, 175:1104 PMID:
  5. National Hospice Organization. Medical guidelines for determining prognosis in selected non- cancer diseases. Hosp J 1996; 11:47