oligoclonal banding in CSF (high-resolution CSF protein electrophoresis)

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The Paragon Protein (SPE II) Electrophoresis Kit is intended for the electrophoretic separation of proteins in human serum, cerebrospinal fluid, & urine. This kit produces a protein electrophoretic pattern of greater resolution than that of conventional agarose methodology.

Agarose gel electrophoresis has been used to separate human serum proteins into five generally distinct, well-resolved zones, which are composed of many individual proteins. By modifying the electrophoretic parameters, these fractions may be further resolved into a total of ten or more bands.

The principle of electrophoresis is based upon the fact that proteins, when placed in an electric field, will migrate toward one of the electrode poles.

The Paragon HRE Kit provides for the electrophoretic separation of proteins in a buffered agarose gel. After electrophoresis, the proteins in the gel are simultaneously immobilized in a fixative solution & the gel is dried to a film. The protein pattern is visualized by staining the film with a choice of 2 protein- specific stains. This pattern is visually interpreted. Application of this method in this laboratory is for CSF oligoclonal banding.


Biological fluid samples should be collected in the manner normally used for any laboratory test. Freshly drawn serum from a fasting individual is preferred, but samples may be stored at 2-8 degrees C for up to 72 hours may also be used. Samples showing evidence of hemolysis should not be used.

More general terms

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  1. Beckman High Resolution Paragon Electrophoresis Kit package insert
  2. Keren, Dr. David F. High Resolution Electrophoresis in the Detection of Monoclonal Gammopathies & Other Serum Protein Disorders, Beckman EP-6.
  3. Panel of 10 tests Laboratory Test Directory ARUP: http://www.aruplab.com/guides/ug/tests/0080440.jsp
  4. Oligoclonal Bands, CSF Laboratory Test Directory ARUP: http://www.aruplab.com/guides/ug/tests/0081135.jsp