von Hippel-Lindau disease

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VHL type molecular defect clinical manifestation
type 1 HIF1-alpha (u) hemangioblastomas, decreased risk of Pheo, RCC
type 2A HIF1-alpha (u) hemangioblastomas. Pheo. low risk of RCC
type 2B HIF1-alpha (u) hemangioblastomas, Pheo, high risk of RCC
type 2C IF1-alpha (d) Pheo only

HIF1-alpha (u): upregulation of HIF1-alpha

HIF1-alpha (d): retains ability for degrade HIF1-alpha

RCC: renal cell carcinoma

Pheo: pheochromcytoma


Clinical manifestations



  • varies according to the location & size of tumor(s) & associated cyst(s)
  • surgery or radiation for CNS tumor(s) when symptomatic
  • prognosis
    • depends on the location & complications of tumor(s)
    • prognosis is improved with early treatment
    • death is usually caused by complications of brain tumors or renal cell carcinoma
  • belzutifan (Welireg) FDA-approved to treat cancers associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease

More general terms

Additional terms


  1. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed. Fauci et al (eds), McGraw-Hill Inc. NY, 1998, pg 2399
  2. Kaelin WG. Molecular basis of the VHL hereditary cancer syndrome. Nature Reviews Cancer 2:673-82, 2002 PMID: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12209156
  3. Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program (MKSAP) 14, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia 2006
  4. Bankhead C FDA Approves First Drug for Von Hippel-Lindau-Associated Tumors. Objective response or stable disease in 100% of renal cell carcinomas. MedPage Today August 13, 2021 https://www.medpagetoday.com/hematologyoncology/renalcellcarcinoma/94034
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 NEJM Knowledge+
  6. NINDS Von Hippel-Lindau Disease (VHL) Information Page https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/Von-Hippel-Lindau-Disease-VHL-Information-Page

Patient information

von Hippel-Lindau disease patient information
