4 AT score (4AT)
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- alertness
- Abbreviated Mental Test - 4 (AMT4)
- age, date of birth, location (where are you?), current year.
- scoring
- no mistakes = 0
- 1 mistake = 1
- 2 or more mistakes or untestable = 2
- attention
- acute change or fluctuating
- change or fluctuation in: alertness, cognition, other cognitive function (paranoia, hallucinations) arising over the last 2 weeks, still evident in last 24hrs
- scoring
- no = 0
- yes = 4
- score >= 4: possible delirium +/- cognitive impairment
- score 1-3: possible cognitive impairment
- score = 0: delirium or severe cognitive impairment unlikely
- delirium still possible if information incomplete