Tinetti gait & balance evaluation
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An assessment of gait & balance that gives a numerical score.
The components are:
- Tinetti balance evaluation (16 points)
- Tinetti gait evaluation (12 points)
A total of 28 points.
A score of < 20 generally associated with significant risk of falls.
Tinetti balance evaluation
The patient is seated in a hard, armless chair. The following maneuvers are tested.
- sitting balance [0 or 1 point]
- 0: leans or slides in chair
- 1: steady, safe
- arise [0-4 points]
- 0: unable without help
- 1: able, but uses arms to help
- 1: able, but requires more than 1 attempt
- 2: able without use of arms
- 2: able to arise with 1 attempt
- immediate standing balance (1st 5 seconds) [0-2 points]
- standing balance [0-2 points]
- nudge (subject stands with feet as close together as possible), examiner pushes lightly on patient's sternum with palm of hand 3 times [0-2 points]
- 0: begins to fall
- 1: staggers, grabs, but catches self
- 2: steady
- eyes closed (same position as in #6) [0 or 1 point]
- 0: unsteady
- 1: steady
- turn 360 degrees [0-2 points]
- 0: discontinuous steps
- 1: continuous
- 0: unsteady (grabs, staggers)
- 1: steady 1
- sit down [0-2 points]
- 0: unsafe, misjudged distance, falls into chair
- 1: uses arms or not a smooth motion
- 2: safe, smooth motion
Maximum of 16 points.
Tinetti gait evaluation
The patient stands with the examiner, walks down the hallway or across the room (about 25 feet) at his/her 'usual' pace, then back at a 'rapid but safe' pace.
- initiation of gait (immediately after told to 'go')
- step length & height
- right swing foot
- 0: does not pass left stance foot with step
- 1: passes left stance foot with step
- 0: right foot does not clear floor completely with step
- 1: right foot completely clears floor
- left swing foot
- 0: does not pass right stance foot with step
- 1: passes right stance foot with step
- 0: left foot does not clear floor completely with step
- 1: left foot completely clears floor
- right swing foot
- step symmetry
- 0: right & left step length unequal
- 1: right & left step length appear equal
- step continuity
- 0: stopping or discontinuity between steps
- 1: steps appear continuous
- path (observe excursion of 1 foot over about 10 feet)
- 0: marked deviation
- 1: mild/moderate deviation or uses walking aid
- 2: straight walking without walking aid
- trunk
- walk stance:
Maximum of 12 points.
More general terms
Additional terms
- ↑ Sepulveda GRECC guidelines