bladder retraining protocol

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urinary urge incontinence:

  • frequent voluntary voiding
  • retraining central & pelvic mechanism to inhibit detrusor contraction
  • stand still or sit when experiencing the urge to void
  • focus on making the urge diminish & pass
  • taking a deep breath & exhaling slowly may be of benefit
  • once in control of the urge, walk to the bathroom & void
  • combine with Kegel exercises (women)

remove indwelling catheter (not necessary to clamp catheter)

after removal of an indwelling urinary catheter:

  • monitor the patient's urine output every 8 hours for 1-2 days

initiate a toileting schedule

  • begin by taking the patient to the toilet
    • every 2 hours during the day & evening
    • QHS
    • every 4 hours at night
  • instruct the patient on

if the patient cannot void by the time the expected bladder volume is 800 mL (see Monitor ... above), or if the postvoid residual volume is > 400 mL, reinsert the catheter

if the postvoid residual volume is 100-400 mL, continue to monitor until they are consistently < 200 mL

record the resident's voiding & continence pattern with a bladder record that allows recording of:

  • frequency, timing & amount of incontinence episodes
  • fluid intake pattern
  • postvoid or intermittent catheter volume

if the patient is voiding frequently (more frequent than every 2 hours), encourage the patient to delay voiding as long as possible

encourage the patient to use pelvic muscle (Kegel) exercises & techniques to empty the bladder completely.

if the patient continues to have episodes of incontinence:

More general terms

Additional terms


  1. Ouslander & Schnelle, Ann Intern Med 122:438, 1995
  2. Geriatrics Review Syllabus, American Geriatrics Society, 5th edition, 2002-2004