small kinetochore-associated protein; SKAP; kinetochore-localized astrin-binding protein; kinastrin; kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5-binding protein; TRAF4-associated factor 1 (KNSTRN, C15orf23, SKAP, TRAF4AF1, HSD11)
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- essential component of the mitotic spindle
- promotes the metaphase-to-anaphase transition
- required for chromosome alignment, normal timing of sister chromatid segregation, & maintenance of spindle pole architecture
- component of an astrin (SPAG5)-kinastrin (SKAP) complex
- promotes stable microtubule-kinetochore attachments
- interacts with SPAG5
- directly binds to microtubules, although at relatively low affinity
- interacts with CENPE interaction greatly favors microtubule-binding
- nucleus. chromosome, centromere, kinetochore
- cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, spindle pole
- colocalizes with microtubules around centrosomes in prophase & with the mitotic spindle at prometaphase & metaphase
- from late prometaphase to anaphase, is highly concentrated on kinetochores
Alternative splicing
named isoforms=3
- degraded at the end of mitosis
- down-regulated upon exposure to nitric oxide