vitamin D

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Recommended daily allowance (RDA):

  • 400 IU (10 ug) infants[40]
    • older recommendation of 200 IU (5 ug)/day (infants)*[2]
  • 600 IU (15 ug) (children & adults) Institute of Medicine[40]
  • 1600 IU (40 ug) (elderly)[68]
    • 600 IU (15 ug) appears to be adequate for elderly white women[49]
  • 800-2000 (20-50 ug) IU (adults)[11][40]
*Breast milk does NOT contain sufficient vitamin D; supplementation recommended[2]; use children's multivitamin


* for most adults, diet does not provide adequate amounts of vitamin D[68]

* unless exposed to adequate sunlight (10-30 minutes of midday sunlight several times/week), adults should take supplemental vitamin D[68]

* studies on vitamin D, calcium, or both & health outcomes are inconsistent[30][31][71]




* ~ 1/5 of adults take >= 1000 IU/day, 3% take >= 4000 IU/day[94]

* increases in total serum 25-OH vitamin D with vitamin D supplementation is lower at higher in persons with higher BMI[138]

Adverse effects

Drug interactions


* GRS11 recommmends repeat DEXA scan every 5 years in women starting at age 65 years rather than initiation of vitamin D supplementation or measuring serum 25-OH vitamin D (seems that vitamin D supplementation is correct according to accompanying explanation)[68]

Mechanism of action


More general terms

More specific terms

Additional terms

Component of


  1. Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 28th ed, Ewald & McKenzie (eds), Little, Brown & Co, Boston, 1995, pg 472, 495-496
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  19. American Academy of Dermatology Position statement on vitamin D, 11/01/2008
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