digoxin immune Fab (Digibind)

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Tradename: Digibind.



Injection: 38-40 mg/vial.

TBL: total body load of digoxin in mg

C: measured serum concentration in ng/mL

TBL = C x 5.6 x body weight (kg)/1000

Digibind dose (mg) = TBL x 76

Digibind dose (vials) = C (ng/mL) x weight (kg)/100


  • peak concentrations occur at the completion of infusion
  • free (unbound) glycoside concentrations decline within 15-30 minutes
  • measure serum concentrations of digoxin may increase 10-20 fold, but don't correlated with free dixogin
  • eliminated in the urine
  • elimination 1/2life is 12-20 hours

elimination via kidney

1/2life = 12-20 hours

Adverse effects

Drug interactions

Mechanism of action

More general terms


  1. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 9th ed. Gilman et al, eds. Permagon Press/McGraw Hill, 1996
  2. Drug Information & Medication Formulary, Veterans Affairs, Central California Health Care System, 1st ed., Ravnan et al eds, 1998
  3. Kaiser Permanente Northern California Regional Drug Formulary, 1998
  4. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA National Formulary