Notch/ankyrin repeat

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Tandemly repeated module of about 33 amino acid residues origionally identified as a site anchoring ankyrin to tubulin. It is present in transmembrane receptors, cytoskeletal proteins & transcription factors. It mediates protein-protein interactions crucial for intercellular signalling (4).

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  1. Thompson CC, Brown TA, McKnight SL. Convergence of Ets- and notch-related structural motifs in a heteromeric DNA binding complex. Science. 1991 Aug 16;253(5021):762-8. PMID:
  2. LaMarco K, Thompson CC, Byers BP, Walton EM, McKnight SL. Identification of Ets- and notch-related subunits in GA binding protein. Science. 1991 Aug 16;253(5021):789-92. PMID:
  3. Hoffman M. New role found for a common protein "motif". Science. 1991 Aug 16;253(5021):742. PMID:
  4. Pawson T Protein modules and signalling networks Nature 373:573 1995 (Notch) PMID: