Wisconsin card sort test

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Assesses the ability to discern a strategy & shift the response. The subject must sort 64 cards on the basis of 4 stimulus cards containing geometric forms of different numbers, colors & shapes*. The subject must deduce the sorting principle from the examiner's response to each placement, that is, right or wrong. After 10 consecutive cards have been sorted correctly, the examiner shifts the principle of sorting & the subject must shift his/her sorting strategy.

Patients with frontal lobe lesions achieve fewer categories & make more perseveration errors than patients with lesions in other parts of the brain.

* 1,2,3 or 4 objects

  • circle, triangle, cross, star
  • red, blue, yellow, green

More general terms


  1. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, Osterweil et al eds, McGraw Hill, New York, 2000, pg 107