Figure: ECG ST segment elevation with reciprocal depression

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65 yrs     Female
PR:  213
QRS:  89      Sinus rhythm @ 57/min.
QT:  477      Borderline 1st degree AV block. P-wave > 210 mS. Age > 60. V rate 51-90.
QTc: 464      Consider left atrial enlargement.  P-wave < -0.10 mV in V1.
             Probable left ventricular hypertrophy with ST-T abnormalities.
             ST segment elevation in II, III, aVF.
P:     9      Reciprocal ST segment depression V1-V3.
QRS:  79      T-wave inversions I, aVL, V1-V3.
T:    99
Courtesy of Kerala Serio, M.D. UCSF Fresno.