hair follicle (folliculus pili)

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A tubelike invagination of the epidermis from which a hair develops. Hair follicles are lined by a cellular inner & outer root sheath of epidermal origin, a fibrous sheath is derived from the dermis. Sebaceous glands open into hair follicles.

The inner root sheath consists of 3 layers

Several cytokeratins are expressed specifically in layers of the inner root sheath.

The hair companion layer is a single layered band of flat & vertically oriented cells between the cuboidal outer root sheath cells & the inner root sheath that stretches from the lowermost bulb region to the isthmus of the follicle.

Several cytokeratins are expressed specifically in the hair companion laye.

More general terms

Additional terms


  1. Stedman's Medical Dictionary 27th ed, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1999